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Everything posted by Veriemas

  1. You might wanna post what items your looking for to make it easier xD
  2. I agree scanning the accounts would not hurt. It could possibly give us a better idea of just what happened if said bug does exist.
  3. Nice work, a lot of players are very confused about what drops where so I think they really need this. Some get discouraged easily when they don't understand the event. +rep
  4. Quick question, where is the proof of the lost wedding dress?? I see proof that you have one but no proof of a ???? item which is the condition that we do rollbacks for. Also if it did go POOF, we need PROOF.
  5. I made my Google+ add me if you like username is Veriemas as usual xD https://plus.google.com/?hl=en-US
  6. Post the picture, Use TinyPic or Photobucket and upload it to there. Then just take the image code and post that here.
  7. I'm back and ready to roll people...also I have a strange video on my Profile....:D

  8. Ok man, take care of yourself xD
  9. Veriemas


    UpDaTEd: Added 2 Admins/Leaders and links on how to contact them JaneHoe RudyS
  10. Thats true but personally I don't approve of someone saying "please leave this room" with a comment like that. If the guy just does it once because hes angry I'm not worried though. Everyone has their bad days. If he repeatedly does this and offends people then it needs to be reported because then that player is not just raging. He is disturbing the community
  11. I believe it is refered to as a class B ranger oran withill, (forgot the others). Basically you just need to put it on a Class B ranger before it hits lvl 50 to get twins as the third pb.
  12. Hey everyone, probably not going to be on much this week. My younger brother is going into the military so I have been hanging out with him before he goes off to the Air Force. I will still be getting on forums and checking things but I won't really have time to play As for FlowKings keep doing what you have been doing vince
  13. I'm excited to see how the seabed looks xD
  14. Whats up Jewfro, glad to have you here at Ultima. If you ever need help with anything or don't know something feel free to ask Also if your ever looking for a team FlowKings would be glad to have you xD See you in game~Freedert
  15. What character are you using for c-mode and is that char maxed on hp mats outside of c-mode?? O.o
  16. Veriemas


    kk, btw if you ever need help lvling I can help sometime
  17. A queda é sempre 1 / 317, a taxa de abandono não muda se você matar mais inimigos. Apenas o mais inimigos você mata a melhor chance que você tem de conseguir esse item.
  18. Yeah I plan on getting space marine, the demo was epic especially when you have the jump pack.
  19. I play PSOBB (Ultime ftw), League of Legends, Warhammer 40k Chaos Rising, Warhammer 40 Dawn of war-Soulstorm, Portal 2, Minecraft, CrimeCraft: Bleedout, Starcraft 2, Soon to have Warhammer SD, waiting for PSO 2 I think thats it...there might be more lol
  20. Yup Ultimate sorry forgot to add that xD
  21. Dragon scale: Episode 4 normal mode Point of desaster, any ID works Kondrieu Lame: Best way is Withill EP4 Point of desaster, Kondrieu
  22. Veriemas


    I'm still in RevX actually, I just wanted to make my own team as well ^^
  23. Veriemas


    I thought about it but then I would get almost no new members xD
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