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Everything posted by TripleR

  1. @Aleej from one of the in progress tellusis mags? @Solo_guy Pm'd with how much I'd like for it
  2. I may take you up on that lemon but for now I want to see if any new player may want to do this as it is a way for them to get some easy pds regardless of how strong they might be
  3. Selling some mags, more to come as well Striker unit 13pds 5/20/30/140 with twins (mind increases effectiveness of special) Set of 200 mind 200 pow dreamcast mags, no pb obviously 40 pds for set Pink Soniti 5/141/54/0 14 pds with twins *3x invinviblity at 50% activation rate* Currently in the works: Tellusis 1/169/30/0 with twins 20 pds
  4. I want to be a good player in every class, make every mag(including all non-rare evolutions), get every item, essentially, going for 100% completion. This is what I aim for in most games I play, and will probably never be achieved in this game. I've put in over ten years trying to do it in other games. This is a very complex game so I find it is often becoming new to me again when I experiment and play around. Which is why I really enjoy playing the different classes, the different section ids, and seeing what is possible with mags. The reason I chose to get into this was because there is a great community here, however if I didn't like the game as well then it wouldn't be enough to keep me, online communities come and go. It is sad because you make friends with people and then one day they are gone but it is also just the nature of this sort of thing. We all have real lives outside of this that are more important, even if you are like me and pretty much ignore it.
  5. Guildcard 42169998 slot 3 about an hour ago Making 0 def mag, had a dc, game back mag had gained 1 def point before picture share after post a picture If some super nice gm could fix that would be great
  6. B> 30-50 hit suppressed gun

  7. Missing 3 PPP babys from bank. Would some brave souls help me PPP later? I know the quest very well and really need the help today

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shisui


      ive done it i think 1 or 2 time before ^~^ i think we will rock ppp ;)

    3. TripleR


      Sweet thanks :) once we have two more I'll stop mag feeding and we can hammer a couple of these out

    4. Shisui


      sure! i think howi also should be in c:

  8. Not sure if this is where I should post it because I could also see it going in the trade section? maybe? oh well here goes So to anyone who has mags ordered from me I will be finishing them up this weekend, sorry it is taking so long but combination of 5x exp which I need right now, and well as some other isp stuff it's been pretty slow going. Thank you for your patience. That said. I will no longer be taking orders for mags unless they are very specific. I am going to be working on max stat plan mags for many different classes, to sell only after they are all finished and I am also open to suggestion on this if anyone has anything that isn't commonly seen that they think would be helpful to have around. I am really not that great with the different max stat mags for forces to telling me what is good would be really helpful here. The mags I will be taking on, will be very specific ones with uncommon stats or pbs as that is what I prefer making, or possibly 1 def mags, or even 0 def mags if I feel it is worth my time(chances are it is not). Thank you
  9. Riders with me be wired up and they ridin' with me 'till the tires bust

  10. S> PANZER TAIL 5/165/30/0 twin leila pilla 15pds. Tellusis 1/169/30/0 twins leila pilla, offer. PM me

    1. anthonyplays


      Im interested in panzer tail, but your pm's are full

    2. Death


      :v I want tellusis

  11. Is what it is, post or pm Buying force stuff: high level grants gizonde amp rambling may typeme/mech if the price isn't foolish v502
  12. Well, I guess that zens right, seeing as this is redria ep2 Failing that... suppressed gun? hahaha
  13. Is what it is, post or pm Buying force stuff: high level grants high level megid high level zalure gizonde amp rambling may typeme/mech v801 v502 If the name of this could be changed to buying force stuff that would be nice please and thank you
  14. guildcard# 42171197 slot 3 Well while raising some 0 def mags, attemping to go straight to tellusis I disconnected when trying to take my first break setting myself to just run circles in pioneer 2 mags were both well clear of getting a def point because of using antipara after hitting 10, however, when I log back in they have gained said point. Documented it fairly well, also the dc did not seem to be an issue on my end, the standard dc where I have to restart client again or I continuously get the No916 server full issue. The mags: image post image online and after getting back image hosting site I have more pictures if a super nice gm would like to see them, of the dc and attempt to get back in with no916 message but it shows more of my desktop with some private stuff on there so I am not inclined to post here but could in pm. It would be really nice if I could have these fixed. Thank you for reading, guess I'll go mow the lawn or something haha
  15. I'll take those cells of mag 213, both. I can meet after HH
  16. Then I yelled "Thug Life!".... and emptied the clip

    1. McLaughlin86


      Why am I dying to live if I'm just living to die?

    2. TripleR



  17. Then I yelled "Thug Life!".... and emptied the clip

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