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OscuridaD last won the day on July 2 2022

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About OscuridaD

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    TaigaLove(200) x12
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  1. Ultimate 4 PINKAL Crater Dorphon Eclair Bomb-Chu
  2. Ultimate 4 PINKAL Desert Goran Detonator ** NO EVENT DROP ** Ultimate 4 PINKAL Desert Yowie ** NO EVENT DROP **
  3. Ultimate 4 PINKAL Desert Merissa A Zelda Magazine Ultimate 4 PINKAL Desert Merissa AA ** NO EVENT DROP ** Ultimate 4 PINKAL Desert Goran ** NO EVENT DROP ** Ultimate 4 PINKAL Desert Pyro Goran ** NO EVENT DROP **
  4. Ultimate 1 PINKAL Forest Tollaw Centurion/Power Ultimate 1 PINKAL Forest Gulgus ** NO EVENT DROP ** Ultimate 1 PINKAL Caves Ob Lily ** NO EVENT DROP ** Ultimate 1 PINKAL Caves Pouilly Slime ** NO EVENT DROP ** Ultimate 1 PINKAL Caves Vulmer ** NO EVENT DROP ** Ultimate 1 PINKAL Caves Govulmer ** NO EVENT DROP ** Ultimate 1 PINKAL Mines Canabin ** NO EVENT DROP ** Ultimate 1 PINKAL Mines Gilchich ** NO EVENT DROP ** Ultimate 1 PINKAL Mines Baranz ** NO EVENT DROP ** Ultimate 1 PINKAL Ruins Claw ** NO EVENT DROP ** Ultimate 2 PINKAL Temple Ob Lily ** NO EVENT DROP ** Ultimate 2 PINKAL Temple Hildetorr ** NO EVENT DROP **
  5. buy: Yasminkov 9000M [0/0/0/80] 15 PDs Panzer Faust [60/0/0/40] 15 PDs Panzer Faust [70/30/0/0] 15 PDs nick TaigaLove
  6. habra mini evento para este año o seguimos durmiendo xD
  7. Ultimate 4 Crater Pinkal Dorphon **NON EVENT DROP**
  8. Ultimate 4 Crater Pinkal Astark **NON EVENT DROP** Ultimate 4 Desert Pinkal Goran Centurion/TP
  9. Rico's Glasses [DEF: 0/EVP: 0] *2 5 PDs // 0.6 DT
  10. Ultimate 4 Desert Pinkal Merissa AA **NON EVENT DROP** Ultimate 4 Desert Pinkal Goran Detonator **NON EVENT DROP** Normal 1 Forest Pinkal Al Rappy **NON EVENT DROP** Normal 1 Forest Pinkal Gigobooma ZANBACON Hard 1 Forest Pinkal Gobooma ZANBACON VeryHard 1 Forest Pinkal Booma ZANBACON VeryHard 1 Forest Pinkal Gigobooma **NON EVENT DROP** VeryHard 1 Forest Pinkal Al Rappy **NON EVENT DROP**
  11. Ultimate 2 Temple Pinkal Mil Lily **NON EVENT DROP** Ultimate 2 Temple Pinkal Hildetorr **NON EVENT DROP** Ultimate 2 Temple Pinkal Barbay Ray **NON EVENT DROP** Ultimate 4 Crater Pinkal Del Rappy **NON EVENT DROP**
  12. Ultimate 1 Forest Pinkal Pal Rappy **NON EVENT DROP** Ultimate 1 Mine Pinkal Canabin **NON EVENT DROP** Ultimate 1 Ruins Pinkal Indi Belra **NON EVENT DROP** Ultimate 1 Ruins Pinkal Bulk Zanbacon Ultimate 1 Ruins Pinkal Merlan **NON EVENT DROP**
  13. Ultimate 1 Forest Pinkal Hildetorr **NON EVENT DROP** Ultimate 1 Forest Pinkal Sil Dragon **NON EVENT DROP** Ultimate 1 Caves Pinkal Ob Lily **NON EVENT DROP** Ultimate 1 Caves Pinkal Mil Lily **NON EVENT DROP** Ultimate 1 Caves Pinkal Nano Dragon Centurion/Technique Ultimate 1 Caves Pinkal Pouilly **NON EVENT DROP** Ultimate 1 Mine Pinkal Baranz Trap Search
  14. Excalibur [0/0/0/35|0] -15pd Red Sword [0/0/0/80|0] -7pd Bloody Art +3 [0/0/0/0|30] -5pd
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