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Everything posted by Ragtag26

  1. I have an idea for dark and other overly priced items that might lower their price. Why don't you guys just give away pgf and other overly priced weapons and armor during Christmas? I'm not talking about event, I'm talking about the actual day. Like start a random giveaway to all the players who donated and work hard to keep the server running(in addition to the hard work of the GM's and ceo) you give away pgf, t- j sword, type weapons with hit and special, wedding dress, things like that. Like give it away to one per person(not character and not account to be fair) so that way everyone can at least has a chance to obtain one. So as a way to say f you to all the greedy scrooge McDucks and greatly undercutting shady(or misinformed) business deals. This in my opinion would greatly lower the price especially during Christmas event and even more so when word gets out that GM's, soly, and our ceo shows up to give us free pgf for being good little players. Think about it, how can prices go up if there is an abundance of said item flowing around and no one needs a pgf anymore....well most people. This combined with the fact that pgf could be farmed on our server and a more balance of drop rates and hard to get items would do major to put the economy back on track. My other opinion would be to make weapons that rival that of dark weapons, so it gives players alternatives to a "unique" custom play style other than to abuse said weapons all the time. That would help immensely and even out the playing field. What do u guys think? I'm more than willing to offer ideas for blue prints for weapons.....come on use me man! I wanna be helpful
  2. However I will say this. I am more than willing to lending a helping hand to ending this nightmare for good. If any of you guys really want to put a group together so we can organize this mess and set up a system that benefits all players, I am more than willing to try. I have free time after work.
  3. Thats what I was talking about. That's why I'm saying that the server leader should take authority and set a limit to prices. Because the community can not be trusted to do that. It's foolish(imo) to let the community decide when most players don't even know how a economy works. It is this very same reason why we are in this mess to begin with. An authority figure needs to take charge(I.e. server leader. The one with the most authority and the one who sets the rules here) before things escalate too far and we have a collaspe. There needs to be order, something this server needs desperately
  4. All it takes is big boss to put his foot down and take control before this situation leads to major issues. Im starting to think the reason he doesn't interfere is because he benefits the most when it comes to this chaos. All he has to do is put a set price on pgf and it's variations and not leave it to the community. I'm going to be real and say this but this server does a lot of backwards things.
  5. as u wish. my apologies.
  6. i kno w u want one really bad but u have to think long term effects of what u are doing here. peope are going to think that is how much its worth. this kinda thing is wha screws our economy over
  7. How much is any of the left over yask and how much is crush cannon?
  8. Ragtag26

    S>Little stuff

    can I get shifta zalure jellen resta deband 15 and can I get deband 20?
  9. awwww this has to be the sweetest and most mature post ive read in a long time(and on the internet for god's sake!) he(or she) should be proud to have a friend like you. especially one that took the time to say a thoughtful goodbye. I may not know this person but I wish them well in there new pso adventure. have fun and HAPPY HUNTING!
  10. thanks but I just received a fotb and tellius mag sorry @Patrick Bell
  11. can I buy fury of the beast from you? the 25dts one lol oh shoot lol didn't read my bad pm you right now
  12. Hello everyone! Here is a list of items I'm looking to buy. Pm me with offers or we can make a trade. I'm flexible. Here goes: Fury of the beast with decent stats or untekked with decent stats - offer/ huge want Master sword with decent stats or untekked with decent stats. - offer 79 power mats 35 luck mats - I'm willing to trade for this 11 mind mats - if I buy a ppp mag or 6 mind mats - if I buy a standard mag 0/147/53/0 ppp mag - 30 PDs or 5dts Or 5/142/53/0 standard mag - 17pds spirit garment magic rock heart key Centurion arms Last swan or charged/ hell suppressed gun Adept also 53 hp mats 120 tp mats lvl 20 techs preferably resta, anti, shifta, deband, jellen and zalure Thank you guys
  13. there is something really wrong with him lol. but yah lets get back on subject
  14. #lightheartedandcomedic
  15. my point was not to provoke u at....all. ur getting really defensive and overly upset. i just assumed from ur earlier response, probably a bad day or something?....anyways i was telling u there was a better way to react and that said person wasnt trying to ruffle ur feathers and just provide information. its clear now u have personal issues u need to work out....so im going to drop this as i have no need to entertain this pointless squabble.
  16. well whatever ur issue is i pray u get over it. but please dont go an attack innocent users especially when they did nothing to u to provoke a rude response
  17. u ok? need some milk n cookies or a hug? cause u went 0 to 100 real quick. dude didnt do anything to provoke u
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