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Everything posted by KarmaTheFoney

  1. I might have some basic stuff for you but not sure. If there's anything you're missing or want, feel free to shoot me a PM or find me in game and I'll see what I can do (: Great to have you on the server by the way!
  2. Well I think this is the first where he's asking just for this one. The others were for sets or other items along with it
  3. Somebody should really sell Koopy these things. She's been searching relentlessly lol
  4. Trade List Is Updated! Also S>Min RR

  5. My Shop Is Updated!

  6. Might have stuff to trade for a meh DM

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Starlord


      Selah with the trollsist. The trolls win the ultima bowl..

    3. SelahIsASpot


      this is 2016, anything is possible.

    4. Starlord


      Good karma.. Not you but you know karma the bitch that can make your life or ruin it.

  7. As much as I want you to find one for 5 PDs, most Bringer's usually go for 12-15 just so you know. Best of luck though!
  8. Will do Jerkman Also probably shouldn't have sold everything of value prior to posting this
  9. Offer because I have no idea on prices. Prices if listed very negotiable PM probably best way to reach me Weapons: Frames: Shields: Units: Techs: Cells/Misc: Wants:
  10. S> FTD/Baranz | B> Hit SN/AN

  11. Somebody better sell Mud a Hylian or I'll steal all your Varistas
  12. So I've been thinking about whether or not I should spend my PDs/DTs on an SN or not, and I decided that I probably should because it'd help most. So I'm looking for a high (preferably 45+) hit SN now, and have around 130 PDs and 10-15 DTs to offer for one. Only issue is finding a seller, because who wants to sell an SN like that? A.b/D %s are also very welcome, but that's just pushing my luck even further. Anyways, PM me or find me in game if you have one! Edit: I also have a PoST that I could use for trade if somebody offers a good enough AN. Didn't really think of that until now..
  13. Hey! I'd love to get 80 pow mats! I'll be online soon, just lemme know how much (I'd expect 9-10 based on your other prices).
  14. S> FTD/Hell Raygun/A ton of Mag Cells

    1. tru


      Hit on hell raygun? If 50 or more then pm me.

  15. Hey, do you still have a lot? I need 80 or so Edit: Actually nevermind, someone on team conveniently has 80 for sale o.o
  16. I tried skipping text slower and also unbound my rafoie from where it would have normally casted (probably did nothing, but just in case) and that worked just fine. Thank you everyone!
  17. Whenever I start the quest, it loads fine and the dialogue is fine, but when I get into the Tower I get an error that says, "The use of techniques is disallowed on Pioneer 2" and then it quits the game. Changed my ID almost solely for items that drop in ROCT (WD/Pwand) and it's pretty annoying that I can't even play the quest. Anybody know any details on how to fix it? Or does anybody else have the problem?
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