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Everything posted by KarmaTheFoney

  1. These prices go crazy O_O Buy buy buy people
  2. 1 of 1 weapon from the olden days. Story goes 5 people donated and got their own choice at a weapon to receive (or something like that). Pretty sure Gh0st owns it still? Other 4 weapons: Captain Combat STARS Spread Frosty Icicle Shooter Rainbow Petrik @Sergio2kx I actually don't think this is true at all lol. Shit is long gone and nobody will ever get it
  3. Are we back?














    we're not back

    1. KarmaTheFoney


      @Notawakejake You cant just react and not say anything where tf are you

  4. Lil groovy one for yall


  5. Bring me back SogeKing, Kickass and Yashiro. Where are you bbs

    1. nnorton44


      KICK-ASS wya boi

    2. mudkipzjm


      i'm gay for soge

    3. radezz


      Ah yes... The classics ❤️ I love me some Sogebro

  6. I mean I'll keep the offer to tort but if he doesn't want it i'll hit you up lol
  7. Man this guy is quick...Ty hidden
  8. I can trade now if you wanna hop on now
  9. Your inbox is full so responding here. Prices still 5:1? 20-23 for the lot? Lemme know when you can trade
  10. I'll sell you one for ~60pd Edit: Sergio reacting with sad makes me think my price is either too high or too low. Not sure lol
  11. Need ~2 smartlinks and these mats: x30 Power x85 Mind x35 Luck That's about all, got PDs and DTs. Also meh stuff from shop if you want
  12. This is a really cool thread, hopefully gets more traction. Thanks for sharin my dude 👍
  13. All these poor SNs just waiting for a PoST to feel whole :"L
  14. somebody please make this man an offer on his DF
  15. B> 0/75/125/0 mag. Pref invinc procs, pref sato, but I'll take anything



  16. Don't have too much for ya but a buddy of mine got his vinyl from a local shop and he was very unsure about it. Ended up great and he only had a slowish installation because he learning along the way. His still looks great years later imo He said don't skimp out on the knife and squeegee and get cheap ones, but that's probably obvious. Better tools = smoother process and they're relatively inexpensive tools anyway. Hopefully someone else has real personal experience and can help ya out more

    Just rewatched this for the first time in a while and it's such an amazing set, maybe the best set. Sick commentary too. Someone hit me with more sets I need to rewatch

    1. Kotta


      Leffen Is so great of a character, he even became a playable cameo In the latest Mortal Kombat game :o 


      [Jk, but first 15 seconds of the video, It's just hilarious the semblance :onion-head65:]

    2. mudkipzjm


      i was gonna link sets that @McLaughlin86was in but the fucker must've deleted his youtube.

    3. KarmaTheFoney
  18. ty for info I'd do 5 why not
  19. I'll sell you one for 10 DT. Not sure exactly what it's worth

    This shit slaps

  21. Why is Melee the best game of all time? Fight me if you disagree

    1. Kotta


      Melee as In Super Smash Bros Melee? :onion-head49: 

      [I can barely complain about many Game Cube games being the best of all times :onion-head70::onion-head65:]

  22. 20 is a very normal price for c/b you're crazy o-o def not way higher than 25 after event either xD
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