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Everything posted by Lopedo45

  1. I didnt realize but its been 10 years of ultima.


    1. Lopedo45


      i didnt have a personal forum account until 2 years after my start on the server

    2. Kotta


      I'm gonna assume you mean you In Ultima PSOBB, cuz otherwise, Ultima PSOBB Is gonna be 15 years old next Anniversary event :onion-head65: 

    3. Lopedo45


      yeah i meant me in ultima haha

  2. made this one loopable this time
    cool new theme from PSO2 ngs!

  3. @Stark 1 @Lone Ranger @mudkipzjm @McLaughlin86 @Anmastey @Soly @cloor I know I don't really play blue burst or don't rly talk to some of y'all anymore but i appreciate the kinda interactions/help i got from some of you individuals also @chuk I hope everything's going well for you, literally the first ever person to pick me and my brother up the moment we were butt fresh into ultima YEARS ago lmao.
  4. these are pretty cool bananas

  5. any tower of fantasy players on here

  6. if there are still some cmode creeps out there I would reinstall on my new pc just to do runs, I still remember a majority of some routes but I might need some refreshers on the little things.

    1. Lopedo45


      same goes for pso2 classic runs. I love doing cm1 and cm3

  7. Merry Christmas ya bum!

    1. Soly


      Merry Christmas!


    1. Lopedo45


      Loud because of the way it embeded im so sorry

  9. Yo thats neat to hear. Honestly I'm sure the playerbase got smaller and smaller only cause of the fact that almost anyone playing had good gear and unless it was a HH to grind some newer thing in the game, there wasn't too much reason to get on. So if it's healing then that's really cool. Seems to be a lot of new players then for what I would like to assume. (Or more, good content)
  10. Don't think I'll be playing on the servers, but I kinda wanna try hopping around the forums more again. It's neat seeing a lot of the casuals still hanging around here. I don't know how long I'll stick around but I wouldn't mind peeping around once or twice again. Kinda left cause didn't really play PSO anymore- slowly lost contact to those I used to hang out with too. I have been playing more PSO2, especially with the NA release bringing light to it again, but there are still days where I miss playing old PSO with literal runescape level graphics lol. It's got that nostalgic charm to it. Dunno if I was missed or if a lot of the old names that remember me really care, but it's still cool seeing faces I recognize again. How have things been on the server in the last year or two? Also where's my yellow name :L funny joke xD so many people used to ask about yellow names on forums over and over
  11. Nice to see more oldies coming back 😄 welcome back.

    1. Kotta


      inochi no tabe tou? =o


      [Also, assuming by the random animation, It's gotta be an AMV, right? xD]

    2. Lopedo45


      Yeah (to the title) and also, kinda no to the AMV, it isn't random animation. Each scenario actually has significance to Eve's own jump Manga he's running with a few artists. This was one of the songs he released before his debut of his jump. Also even if it's a little odd in its order, most of the events on that MV are in chronological order, with technically a split in the middle of it to show previous events before present time.

      He has a bunch of other MVs that actually tie into the whole entire overarching story of this monster-infested side of Tokyo. Forgot it's name since it isn't fully translated, but dude puts in a lot of effort and if you nitpick a lot of his MVs and older MVs, there's a lot of figurative and little things you can grab out of it that each have their own meanings. Actually really interesting to digest in a film standpoint. "Camera" angles, what's in the background, what's in the foreground, what the meaning of each of them mean, difference in scenario from one place to another- there's actually a lot in it.

      As example, in this song in particular, blood is depicted as ambrosia-like food (food that helps you heal, but is really bad if you have too much of it.) with the blood, food, and almost anything requiring color being filled in with a yellow-ish ORANGE, which is actually depicted as the color of Gluttony. Just from that title alone, and from some of the animation hinting that he's eating himself alive, you can tell that the title DEFINITELY fits in such a song.

      Absolutely phenomenal and very much enjoyable lol.

      Edit: There are certain points in the song where blood is red, which each of those times are actually important in themselves as either doubt, or second-guessing what's actually going on, with a partial sense of realism in his thoughts.

  13. Finally, some good f*k'ng food.
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