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Status Updates posted by TheJoker25

  1. He is the Batman to my Joker, if Batman had head trauma, and a crippling bipolar disorder...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheJoker25


      I live by the lake so I leave lines out all the time. Don't worry about what I catch. I just kill whatever I don't need.

    3. Starlord


      poor little fish. have to suffer your sadistic ways. when will they be free? WHEN?!!

    4. Virec


      hahahaha neverending

  2. Trash Panda > All of you.

    1. AdamFrost901


      But we are YOUR trash panda right?

    2. Starlord


      trash panda.. reminds me of panda express D:

  3. When you were pouring the bisquick did you mean to make pancakes? It's dirtier than first appears :)

  4. Bought weed, can't find grinder. FML.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. makaveli


      LOL got weed and no grinder xD OMG. just use your fingers.

    3. zaykho


      Haha joker, haha ! You are the best bro. =)

    4. TheJoker25


      Nooo, maka that ruins it. The oil gets all over my fingers...

  5. They're only as good as the PSO world they exist in allows them to be. I'll show you. When the events begin and the red boxes drop, these...these chilled out and laid back people, they'll RQ and report each other. See, I'm not a monster. I'm just better than all of you.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Starlord


      Yes sadly it was a sarcastic joke. Kind of like your role playing you do here all in all jokes.. I can only hope XD

    3. TheJoker25


      Starlord is the Scarecrow to my Joker.

    4. Zoomcat7


      it's ok, I still love you, starlord :D thank you for overexplaining the obvious~

  6. Doge you confuse me greatly with your 'Urban Speak'.

    1. Malxerz


      such speak very urban so grammer wow

  7. Who? Who is but the form following the function of what and what I am is a man in a mask.

  8. Ape is love.

    1. Shoutgu


      whats an ape

    2. zaykho


      It depends, they are some Apes here that have a really bad taste in mouth.... =)

  9. If I have 5 Gold Stars I'm not being myself. I refuse to kiss peoples ass like this popularity shit matters. Just give me the items I want, and fuck right off? K, thx, bai.

    1. Starlord


      The joke of the day.. Joker having 5 stars :D you are such a jokester you

  10. "I'm 50 percent more influential than MC Hammer, Apostle Judas Iscariot, the KIA Sorrento"

    1. Zoomcat7


      also like MC Hammer's bank account...can't touch this

  11. ultrajerky likes to

    to PSO Drama.
    1. Ziedrich


      he likes to Michael Jackson?

    2. Ziedrich
    3. HHawk4
  12. The best feeling in the world is seeing a banner for Glide v.00 just as you're about to start fighting Vol Opt. #NoChanceInHell

    1. ultrajerky



  13. Sometimes when posting pictures I accidentally type [iNG= instead of [img= and I question the decisions I've made in life.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. griffeni


      no i dont mean the bbc code tab i mean at the top above it where is says forums members shoutbox and donate if you click the shoutbox one its literaly a click the button and paste the url because that page is set up like replying to a forum post

    3. Malxerz


      it makes a doge pic instead of your img

    4. Misombre


      Doge pics are worst than doge itself. Cause it's a physical proof that doges exist =/

  14. If Carol tells you to look at the flowers....don't do it!

  15. Whether Sockpuppets are fully cognizant or not doesn't change the fact they love being fisted.

  16. It's a beautiful day outside. Time to go play:

  17. A good magician doesn't realize he's a magician, and that's the wonder of magic.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Voodoo Kitty

      Voodoo Kitty

      Magic is just math...

    3. Misombre


      I could not agree more with that. Though it lose a lot of wonder said like that =/

    4. Voodoo Kitty

      Voodoo Kitty

      True. Suspension of Disbelief and all that.

  18. When I'm really high I feel like I should be doing something normal. Cause like I start staring at shit too long, and catch myself thinking "Wow...I should breathe".

  19. "I can't believe that Timothy Dalton is talking to me, this often. He must have nothing to do."

  20. Sorry God but I've got to upstage you bro. Life's a bitch, so bend it over and make it yours xD I win best status!

    1. McLaughlin86


      Gotta give credit where it's due, nice one.

  21. B>Virus Armor: Lafuteria

    1. Mr Noob

      Mr Noob

      good luck bro O_O

  22. 8 hours down 136 hours left. Hoping this internship is easier than my Glide v.00 hunts.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. TheJoker25


      Lets hunt anyways man. I've seen and heard a lot of heavy shit today. I need to unwind for a bit.

    3. Starlord


      Sure logging in soon. Give me 10mins

    4. TheJoker25


      I'm getting high before you get on then.

  23. Thanks Larva, all these meseta drops from the bosses really helping me find Glide v.00.

    1. Mr Noob

      Mr Noob

      and monomates!

  24. If you listen carefully at 0:00, you can hear the sound of the song starting.

    1. Misombre


      I never thought about that. Mind blowing o.o

    2. Zoomcat7


      I have the super-human ability to stop time, wanna see? *press pause

    3. TheJoker25


      You've never once made me laugh Zoomcat7. You're not clever or funny. #SorryNotSorry

  25. This guy knows how to take shit and still laugh. He'd make a great best friend:

    1. Misombre


      Strangely, he was not afraid of the blowing. Either he knew he was going to get splash, or he never used that kind of explosive ^^

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