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Status Updates posted by ultrajerky

  1. Happy day of new, to every

    1. Sylph777


      Happy holiday sir with devastating imagination :P

    2. Misombre


      Thank you for being such a nice human being. I shall praise your unholy wisdom every once in a decade if I still remember it.

    3. ultrajerky


      Stop misombre


  2. Im sorry for failing you my lord Slyph 77420... but i told your fascinating origin story to make up for the lack of videos from yours truly!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sylph777


      pls i'm no lord or anything high, but i forgive you for failing me ( of what ? i dunno ) and dw i'll give more videos if you are sweet enough.

    3. Starlord


      Send me the drugs you are on. Thats a different type of trip I must experience XD

    4. Misombre


      @ultrajerky Time to add more sugar in your anti aging cream =/

  3. I put a boogie dollar down

  4. Dip me in ya Monday milk

  5. Yall mind if i hit that yeet?2j4r2fo.jpg


    1. MadOrNah


      I demand you delete this status now

    2. ultrajerky
    3. MadOrNah
  6. Hit that yeet before 201x ends.

    1. Auli'i


      The year is 20XX

      The memes are danker than ever before

      The Man is Jerkier than ever before

    2. ultrajerky
  7. Happy birthday ShotGoo!

    1. MadOrNah


      Birthday Happy Gushout

  8. S> 35 hit ultima Reaper 20 dt's

    1. Auli'i


      Oh no...  

      "If it doesn't sell for 25, I'll give you 50 for it"

    2. ultrajerky


      silly auli, you musnt worry!

  9. S> 35 hit ultima reaper for 25 dt's

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ultrajerky


      OWLEEEEEE <3

    3. lildavid07


      S> UR 0/50/0/90/90 24 dts :^^^^^)



      Best of luck Jarki!

    4. Auli'i


      S> Lessons on how to respect someone else's S> status and not post on it (^:

  10. S> 35 hit ultima reaper 25 dorito tickets

    1. Misombre


      I have doritos but I don't know how to turn it into tickets, how do I do ?

    2. ultrajerky


      You just have to believe

  11. S> 35 Hit Ultima Reaper 30 doritos

  12. Auli! Auuuliiiiiiiiiii!!! OWLEEEEEEE! :onion86:

    1. Auli'i


      Jerky! Jeeeeeeeerkyyyyyyy! JURRRRRRKEEEEEEEEEEEE! :onion86:

  13. You little waxy assholes, i love you all <6

  14. Ty for tidings of birthday joy cute fools! but now i must go, my planet needs me! <33333333333444444444555555566622222<<<<<<4

  15. Spote is a silly shit, stop being silly.. you shit :\/)

    1. KarmaTheFoney


      A silly shit like Spote cannot simply stop being a silly shit, you silly shit

    2. ultrajerky


      Gosh if a shit sure as silly as you can say this shit, it must mean this silly shit sure must be silly.

  16. Happy Bday makaroni

  17. Starlerd are you a mutha fuckin starboy?

    1. Starlord


      *Jean Claude vandame voice* 

      Do not challenge me punk.

    2. McLaughlin86
  18. Happy Burpday my favorite badmens soiluh

  19. Away with your adorable wiggly ear avatar. stop making me look at it... away with you child

    1. SelahIsASpot
    2. ultrajerky


      you better listen here fella....

  20. S>Hitless reapers 15 pds :3

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ipolyr


      I appreciate that. How do I give you a thumbs up or w/e, as well?

    3. ultrajerky


      oh you dont have to lel, but you just click the green up arrow

    4. R-78


      omg I clicked

  21. S>Post 10 dt's

    1. Zoomcat7


      poof o sanic tem, i actually wouldn't mind buying this but I'm broke :(

    2. ultrajerky
    3. rafelulas


      still have it?, how much is in pds?

  22. S> Poof of sonic 10 Dt's S> hitless Reapers 15 pds each

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