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Everything posted by Ardh2005

  1. Ardh2005

    Enemy Counts

    Someone else might might want to confirm this, but I've counted 52 Merlans in quest 4-2...
  2. TTF ultima?? How is it different from TTF?
  3. You have to use a magic stone: Irista on a slicer-type weapon... I think. Someone else can tell you about the Rambling May.
  4. Go for it... I'll check back here every few minutes... Thanks a bunch.
  5. Problem is, I have plans for all day tomorrow, and everyone else who's shown an interest in the contest has been entered already...
  6. Well... I guess this means I'm out... good luck in the contest, everyone.
  7. With the exception of lunch plans, I'll be free all day tomorrow.
  8. Cool! Happy to hear that the server's been upgraded. I'm not on as much as I used to be, (school's been kicking my butt) but I'm looking forward to playing during breaks and on the weekends!
  9. I probably won't win, as my method isn't the fastest, but I don't own any dw's, so I'll give this a try.
  10. I'm up for joining a group and giving this a try.
  11. How do I pull a memory dump? I'd be happy to do it for you...
  12. Thank you for the corrections, r-78. I had heard that 40 was a common stopping point...
  13. I've downloaded the new launcher twice, but my computer has crashed both times about a week after downloading it... I've gone a couple of weeks without downloading the new launcher, with no problems... any insight?
  14. The only weapons that you can add hit to in game are enemy weapons. After clearing 9-8, go to Claire's Shop, and talk to Dr. Montegue. You can then use Photon Crystals to try and add hit to your enemy weapons. It caps out at 50, but most people stop at 40 because of the success rate.
  15. I started playing back in September, and I didn't really experience the struggle you're describing... I used my experience from my GC days and started with a Greenill RAmar and got a Justy as quickly as possible. The relatively massive HP of enemies is a lot less daunting when you're halving it with every hit. You actually got more help than I did, as I was only given a Red Scorpio for starting out... Also, hit and run tactics are very useful if you're having trouble surviving Ultimate (which I still have to do at times.) If you're having trouble with Baranz, (and yes, they are a giant pain the the rear), try hunting something that you can kill more safely... Then go back to the Baranz when you feel more confident. (Besides, I think that the Iron Faust is practically endgame level gear on this server.)
  16. That's how I felt at the end of the Valentine's event...
  17. I'd probably play it... might be fun to do it with other random players, lol.
  18. Any other stats on that Cannon Rouge?
  19. B> Photon crystals... getting ticked off at the drop rate.

    1. radezz


      wait till rares are on ;)

    2. Ardh2005


      That's not really the problem... I usually get 14 rare monsters doing a MA4DMD run... but I'm at 6 PC's out of 54 rare monsters (not counting Del Rappies)... Drop rate is supposed to be 5/16...

  20. It's on until Monday.
  21. Pretty much any melee weapon works, Ultima Reaper is a favorite because of extended range and unreduced Hell special. I generally use Heaven Striker and its dp special... but it isn't fast by any standard.
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