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Harvest last won the day on June 3 2021

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About Harvest

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  1. I mean, barring it being available for HUcasts, it's exactly what I wanted. I never wanted it to be broken and OP, like the SS. I wanted it to be a weapon of choice, that people could pick or choose to use instead of it being necessary for someone's kit. People in this server in the past have shown that what they want is stupidly broken OP weapons when they voted for SS to keep rifle range and on HUcast. I bet if you asked people if they wanted an "I Win" button, half of the server would want it implemented tomorrow.
  2. You farmed something, and suggested other people farm the same, when you had no idea what the reward was going to be.
  3. Probably sell for about 20pd each
  4. Yeah, I can hop on now for a few
  5. I do indeed. I'd say 5pds each? No idea how much they're really worth.
  6. Black King Bar was always my favourite weapon when I played on GameCube. L&K38 is probably the coolest looking weapon, though. Edit: Here it is really poorly reskinned in black
  7. Ever considered a balance patch? Something to bring some overlooked weapons up to par, nerf some OP ones, etc? It'd give people more choice in what they go after instead of only having one or two items from each holiday being actually useful.
  8. Oh boy, my favourite event! Can't wait to farm more L&K38 Combats!
  9. Thank you for the timestamps and the condescending dismissal of the idea.
  10. Do you have a timestamp for the video? Not interested in watching ten minutes of it. Whilst it may come up in TA, I've not seen anyone use it in normal gameplay in all the time I've been playing PSO. When locked, it's outclassed by almost any other long range weapon. I'd also point out my idea was using a combo item on an L&K, meaning the original would still be in the game to use however you wanted. It honestly annoys me that most of the arguments people make were addressed in the numerous posts I've made about the item. People just look at it as "hurr durr unlock the L&K because it'd be awesome LOLOL".
  11. The idea had been to have it's ATP nerfed into the ground, either 0 or more likely 1, as weapons don't tend to play nice at 0ATP for some reason. The idea would that it'd be less powerful than say, Psycho Ravens, but allow for long-range disposal of flowers for the female cast classes and a couple of others. This would give them a slight edge over the HUcast in that they could stay safer at range and not have to get close to the insta-kill shots. The piss-poor aim it has (if the target moves, it can't lock on to them for some reason) means that it wouldn't become the new meta gun to have, but simply slot into a hunter's toolkit for a niche purpose.
  12. If memory serves, he actually took it personally and refused to do anything about it, instead of doing the mature thing and actually, y'know, delegating shit he doesn't want to do in the first place. But yes, the outcome was about the same. Honestly, yes. It's why I don't really play any more because why would I put effort into a server that's going nowhere? I stick around for the community, even though I still enjoy the game. It's too demoralising playing and investing in a steadily sinking ship. This, I disagree with. I don't think anyone should have to put up with slurs and abuse from someone with those issues, whereas it'd be completely unacceptable from someone without the same issues. A community shouldn't have to suffer because of one person's issues. It's not fair on them. I agree.
  13. Didn't realise it was against server rules to "offend a staff member". Maybe people in a position of responsibility need thicker skins? "'I find that offensive. ' It has no meaning; it has no purpose; it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. 'I am offended by that. ' Well, so fucking what." - Stephen Fry Difficult when he inserts himself into any conversation, even ones that don't concern him. a) he denied the Holocaust, which is at least enough to get you arrested in Germany. Additionally, the internet is not a safe space to spew racist and sexist bile, and websites reserve the right to ban you if they find what you're saying to be against their values. https://xkcd.com/1357/ No staff member gets paid, this is a non-issue and doesn't need to be brought up. He volunteered for the position knowing it's unpaid, you can't whine about how hard done by he is because he isn't getting money. I would love some citation for this, because I just don't believe it. At all. What's actually changed because of him? We have generally less players, no new items that he's had a hand in designing... what does he do? There's like four different public servers going for this game. It's not like this is the last bastion of PSO standing against the darkness. "Let's not discuss or suggest changes to improve it, just like it or lump it." Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  14. Clear and concise, like "you guys won't get any rewards unless enough people submit times"?
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