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Everything posted by Misombre

  1. B>Sword/Gigush/Breaker/Claymore/Calibur with 90+ Hit. Paying in DTs.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sylph777


      yeah but well mimi, be realistic xD

    3. Misombre


      Well I am, I know it's not going to fall from the sky just because I want it. That's why I also said that I was hunting it. And if I never get it, then so be it =) am not a difficult man, though I have my exigences of course.

    4. Starlord


      Still keeping the dream alive huh XD :cr-bad-luck:

  2. Who is talking about Psycho Bridge ? You're being off topic :| Also I was not denying Force usefulness or versatility. But this is also another story.
  3. @Fyrewolf5 I agree with you that Dark Bridge and Psycho Bridge are good. Now can you say that Dark Flow or Dark Meteor are "good" ? The truth is that they're OP. Which is slightly completely over good. The benefice of Dark Bridge are kinda like the benefice of having Mercurius Rod instead of Caduceus : it's barely better. Don't Force already have a ton of stuff with zalure boost ? Am quite ignorant when it comes to Force, but am certain to regularly see notes about this. The only good thing about Dark Bridge that I can see is the TP reduction and the Grant bonus (if it were a bit stronger). That's why I think that R-78 idea is very nice. It would not even be OP and it even doubt that people would make more Dark Bridge because of that, to my humble opinion. Anyway, unless some major change (double casting ftw) are done to Dark Bridge, it will never worth a Dark Flow or Dark Meteor. That was a hunewearl talking. Don't listen to hunewearls, I heard they're a bit airhead on the edge D:
  4. B>Sword/Gigush/Breaker/Claymore/Calibur with 90+ Hit. Paying in DTs.

  5. B>Sword/Gigush/Breaker/Claymore/Calibur with 90+ Hit Paying in DTs.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Misombre


      Well it does exist. So why not.

    3. Sylph777


      yeah it does exist ( extremely rare i think ) but i'm not sure that someone would ever sell it lol, you can still try, good luck mimi..

    4. Misombre


      Am so full of hopes, you can't imagine :|

      Also I'll try to find it myself, which will slightly raise my chance to obtain one. Oh and it's free this way ^^

  6. B>Sword/Gigush/Breaker/Claymore/Calibur with 90+ Hit Paying in DTs.

  7. Internet was gone. Took care of something, came back, internet was back... and so was the forum... But without the css of course :| (the js was loaded just fine though, since the chat and alerts was still working)
  8. @Fyrewolf5 Yes I was not there so I have no idea how bad it was, but I can perfectly imagine =/ But don't get me wrong, I never said I wanted anything to get on donation list. That'd be among the worst idea out there. That's why I said that Hunting was part of PSO, not Donating. But perhaps you were talking to Ricardo for that one. Of course you can play with other items, of course you don't need dark weapons in order to play. But when you got everything else you wanted, and assuming this is the last thing remaining for you to do : you will eventually want to hunt one.
  9. @Ricardo Gomes I agree with most of that, except perhaps something that it seems you took by the wrong end. You tell me. You say that PGF was event only from the beginning and the economy got wrong because PGF was taken out of donation list. You're right of course. But donation list is not part of the game. Hunting is. Even if it wasn't meant this way, having PGF on donation list was sorta of a fix for PGF not being all year around. The fix has been removed, while the real issue is still going on : here you got your broken market. Also we are the only server I know who does thing this way, it has never be a PSO thing. It is a Ultima thing only. We could live with a 1/5xx drop rate for PGF if it was all year around. That would not even be a stupid rate since we have happy hours (which is another part of Ultima many issues). Now, despite all I have said, don't get me wrong. We are still hunting. A few numbers have not discouraged us (my teammate and me at least). At the end of the day, a drop can only happen if you play, no matter the number .____. The following content has been labeled "drama" by people who like to see drama everywhere in order to invalid arguments they do not like :
  10. What's funny is to assume that there will be a "next time", in the first place :| What's also funny is to assume that you will have it the next time. The next time can be a nice sweet vicious circle leading to another next time. Do you think you will have more luck because you try it two years ? Three years ? Four years ? And how many years do you plan to play PSO already ? 2 - 3 weeks (small period of time) of a 1/341 on Olga (hard drop rate) during christmas time (people are busy) is just the perfect combo for some people to never have it. Of course, the more you will try it, the more you will have a chance to get it. Of course too, your chance will never raise, it will just be rolling extra times. I know it's hard for some people to admit they are wrong, to cast aside their enormous ego (ME lucky ! ME willing ! ME gonna hunt for years if needed ! YOU weak, go home kid !). But please, if you can't, it would be better that you just stop posting here. Keep your words for yourself, repeat them again and over again under your thick skull until you actually believe in it. Just give us a rest, please ; we already know that nothing will be done anyway, you already "won".
  11. We're not getting a saber, we're getting a pgf. Our life will be enlighten and changed forever after that. How can us, mortals, not understand that pgf is a almighty unreachable superior reality ? When your pixels go from "green light on a stick", to "big sword with yellow borders ", then only you will achieve... nothing \_(ツ)_/ Also most people here are not even concerned by the drop rate, but by the time limit. Aka : not being all year around. When I read "Larva seemed to be upset when he heard how much STA was going for last event" or something like that, I cannot help but wonder if Larva did actually understood why the price were going nuts. Why here on Ultima ? What's different ? So though I don't doubt that Larva has not interest into getting money out of it, and though am sure he want the economy to get better... It will not happen with this event only items system. Am certainly not an expert, just a passing player in this pso community, but am convinced that it all comes down to the way events are done.
  12. I just mean that, we are just playing a game, not questing for the Saint Graal out there. People are making tons out of it. There is no glory or achievement ; there is contentement and ephemeral joy though. And that's one of the reasons some people are playing games. 1/341 with a normal life (work, family, friends, etc.) is exactly the kind of drop rate that could never happen to you. When I mean never, I mean, year after year, you can perfectly keep missing it. Now, yeah, what if we miss it ? Nothing, we'll just do like we used to do. But don't dare come at people with elitism. Plus in a game... that's even more nonsense.
  13. What's funny if you look at it under another angle is this other kind of "crying" that some of those all mighty people who "already get it" ignore : the famous "Man in my time it was sooo hard ! Why would you not hunt it like I did ? You'll see, that's the shit, do it like a man, that's the only good way." Those people are crying because they fear that everyone also got it. They fear to not be the most powerful pixel bunch on this old geezer that pso is. This label "best weapon", "ultimate accomplishment" and so on. What is it finally ? A freaking loto ; that's it. The run leading to this loto, we know how to do it, we've become expert in doing it. Some people may even dream about it. And this run leads to a loto. What is great in getting lucky by wasting your time ? I like a good game to be hard. Very hard. Very very hard if you want. Am sorry but RNG is not what I call hard. It is luck. So quit it with your pride, that's pitiful really.
  14. Naaah guys, this drop rate is just barely over the top, nothing serious. For a all year around drop that is kinda fine. Oh wait, it... it's not ? Nine days left only ? My bad then... I remember last year when I just shrug nonchalantly and said something like "Well, we'll see that next year." with my usual optimism. I was only there since a few months though. Not sure I'll be that optimistic this time ; we'll see. tl ;dr Ok. Anyone up for a good beer or a sweet kvass ?
  15. This topic has been a bit too serious lately...
  16. Misombre

    Twins Icon

    @Lemon Don't worry the files uploaded are just samples. You can have the size and extension you want =) Also "rogers that" for the colors, she'll reworked it so that you got the proper lines of color.
  17. Misombre

    Mémoire of Cyane

    Did I miss the funeral ?
  18. Happy birthday to all those people who are borne a few decades ago ! Including the handsome [insert your name], the awesome [insert a friend's name] and the sexy [insert your cat/dog/snake's name].


  19. Am sorry, you should stop using toto123 as password =/ Next time I expect something harder to crack. Some tips : more than 12 characters, use special characters, letters, numbers. Don't use any word that match a name, surname or known word. Don't write your password down, don't store it in a .txt file on your computer. Use a proxy and better firewall while surfing. Don't store cookies. Etc. Now it will take me exactly more than several thousand lifetimes to crack your password.
  20. A > Megid lv 1, perfect state, never used, still in the original box

  21. @ryukin I have had those bugs too, in only happened in multiplayer as far as I've experienced it. I thought it was because I was running temple 1 alone before someone joined and before launching 8-3. I may be completely wrong though. In our case, I see 1/2 the wave normally, but my mate sees all the wave at once in the room ! Sometime, the other 1/2, I do too. I never noticed lower seabed being bugged, it seems to be mainly/only upper seabed. Also in the last room of upper seabed, we do have the 4 purple dolmoml, but as soon as we kill them, the door is open and my mate thought I already killed the Sinow while... they were still jumping at me D:
  22. This would require that users write name correctly, which they never do in general. Also I don't think it's possible with the current forum, but I might be wrong.
  23. Welcome Ultima Have a nice bloody day ; may your blade remains sharp and cruel
  24. Sorry Shiva, but I cannot be the on that gave you that idea ; I don't even know who Axel is D: That said, it is a beautiful weapon and a nice work you did there, so I'll praise you for that today =) I would request "Venus Gospel" skin (last weapon of Cid in FFVII) for Yunchang or Vjaya. Now you can have a reason to mention me
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