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Status Updates posted by radezz

  1. I will have 5 christmas presents by the end of his event.

    1. ryukin


      was trying to make a joke to annoy someone, but didnt seem to be nice, at least someone got it lol

    2. radezz


      Joke? I am dead serious. I am on my fourth christmas present already ;3 this bad luck is savage af

    3. JanenbaDMS


      S>present 10000DTs

  2. T>a few things for PGF pm me

  3. Its always greener on the other pso id.

    1. JanenbaDMS


      Except for greenil :3

    2. radezz


      Except for greenil

    3. Fyrewolf5


      bluefull greener than greenil

  4. B>df shield

    1. Terrybriggs711


      Super easy drop on my id i either ha e an extra or we can do a few ttf and get u 1 free ha

    2. radezz


      awesome! I have all except yellow XD

  5. S>Banana Cannon 0/0/45/40/0 pm me

  6. B>Christmas Presents, pm me

    1. lildavid07


      Merry crimah

    2. radezz


      Thank you bro, to you as well <3

  7. banana cannon auction:


  8. Thank you for my Silver hat woof <3

    1. Shiva


      yw woof :3

    2. MadOrNah


      That's pretty cool :"L

    3. radezz


      Yeah man. I asked for a hat and got something so original :3 

  9. auctioning banana cannon


  10. This is a hate status:

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. radezz


      the hate is strong.

    3. JanenbaDMS
    4. Starlord


      I feel uncomfortable  around you guys. *asks pso airlines to Please eject you out of the plane*✈️✈️

  11. B>Ametie's Memo 3pds each. pm me

  12. The day has come. S>Ultima's Engine 50dts

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. radezz


      no use resisting the change, Chris. embrace it.

    3. Starlord


      B> dark weapons and sta 120dts each. Be the change you want to be.

    4. radezz


      @Starlord gets it. I am also buying overpriced sov at 5dts. 

  13. such baaaaad luck that is unfair. no sta, meanwhile some get 2 or 3. yeah ummm I think ill take a break.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. radezz


      Every person that has gotten more than 1 sta has been hunting 10+ hrs a day? A bit too much for me to believe it. But doesnt really matter. Its bad luck anyways cause someone gets sta on first run and another does 250+ runs and doesnt get it. Im just tired of wasting my time :/

    3. TripleR


      Some people are just driven in a way that you aren't, it's not a problem on either end. It's just a game man you don't NEED this armor. Not to mention some of those people have only gotten multiple banners because they are hunting on individual and those went to other players in the party. I've probably put in 10+ a day and still haven't got one so.....

    4. radezz


      im not saying its a problem. I'm just saying I'm having bad luck. chill

  14. S>red satos 5/145/45/0 12pds B>Glide Divine

  15. S>Max DM for 6,000pds don't pm or post.

    1. Starlord


      You shut your whore mouth ;)

      i would give you my DM for free if I had one.

    2. radezz


      HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA I temporarily LOVE you for this awesome comment <3 XD

  16. S>pow satos 12pds B>Glide Divine

    1. leezy


      This all power sato?

    2. radezz


      All i have is power. I guess i should lower to 10pds? they are not selling :(

  17. S>pow satos 12pds B>Glide Divine

  18. S>pow satos 12pds B>Glide Divine

  19. S>pow satos B>Glide Divine B>Psycho Wand B>Hylian Shield

  20. S>pow satos B>Glide Divine B>Psycho Wand B>Hylian Shield

    1. JL3


       i have psycho wand and hyliand shield

  21. S>pow satos B>Glide Divine

  22. S>pow satos B>Glide Divine

  23. S>pow satos B>Glide Divine B>Psycho Wand B>Zalure Shot 

  24. S>pow satos B>Glide Divine B>Zalure Shot 

  25. S>pow satos B>Zalure Shot 

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