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Everything posted by Tro

  1. Having a clearout taking offers on everything. Will update with more as I find it :-) Charge laser 50/50/0/0/30 Demon laser 50/0/0/50 Demon laser 0/50/0/50 Hell laser 40/0/0/0 Charge vulcan 0/50/0/0/40 Charge arms 10/0/0/0/45 Spread needle +40 0/0/0/40 Red Scorpio 50/0/0/0/25 Ophelie seize 0/0/0/40/45 Assorted Vivienne no hit Heavenly arms x4 50def mats 40evade mats Heart of opa opa Heart of Chao Magic rock moola Star amplifier Pioneer parts Rappy beak Custom frame very. 00 4slot Sacred cloth 4slot Foie 20 Barta 20 Zone 20 x2 Shifta 20 Resta 20 Gizonde 25 Gizonde 26 Deband 26 Shifta 26 Resta 26 Rabat 26 Gibarta 26 Zalure 26 Shifta 27 x2 Deband 27 Foie 27 Jellen 27 Jellen 28 Zonde 28 Gibarta 28 Jellen 28 Barta 29 x2 Foie 29 Resta 29 Gibarta 29 Amplifier of rafoie
  2. Tro

    B> Spread Needle

    Spread + 40 0/0/0/40 for sale if your interested
  3. Someone has had a 40hit one for sale in their thread at 10pds for ages and no one has offered / bought yet. If you want me to start the ball rolling I will offer 5pd ;-)
  4. Summit Moon 1pd please ;-)
  5. Tro

    R-78 Trade List

    How much for Summit Moon? Are they all the same price?
  6. Hey! Im from UK too, tend to play 19:00-12:00 Tuesday, Thursday and random times at weekend. Relatively new to ultima so don't have great gear but my ranger is now 190 and i'm in the process of leveling a force (75) / hunter (100). Wouldn't mind hunting for stuff if you want a third.
  7. Tro

    B> Gear for dts

    List updated, buying in pd/dts now. Hylian Adept RR Srank needle Post / Arrest needle Heavens punisher
  8. Tro

    Skynub's Wares

    Any other stats on baranz, could be interested
  9. Err if its an auction il start it off with 3pd ;-) lets get the ball rolling lol
  10. Sent you a PM, ready when you are.
  11. Whats the current price for adding hit to a weapon? Is it still 30dts for 30hit? O has that changed now?
  12. Just sent you a pm :-)
  13. Thats so obvious I feel dumb for asking lol. Id like the 45/35/0/50 but will let Ray have first opportunity to purchase, if he doesnt want that one I will take it.
  14. Sorry, I'm newish here still... what does the x mean in x/0/0/50?
  15. Only one worth buying imo, you clearly said you wanted one first so please go ahead
  16. Should have specified I wanted the AS lol. I will save up and get a better one next time lol
  17. What does the 3% mean on the following item: Asteron striker 3% 10pds 45/35/0/50 Also does the special give you divine punishment when its available and then u-nreduced Hell when its not?
  18. Tro

    R-78 Trade List

    How much each for: RAGE DE FEU (35/35/45/0|0) RAGE DE FEU (0/0/0/40|0) SPREAD NEEDLE (0/30/20/40|0) SPREAD NEEDLE (50/0/0/50|0)
  19. Normally I would see it as just double the exp, however, we have 2x exp anyway so why list it at all? Then I got thinking, what if he meant exp is double the normal rate for this server which would be 4x standard PSO exp? Get what I'm saying? Now i'm back to my original thought of it just being 2x standard PSO exp lol.
  20. Does 2x exp mean just 2x or does it mean 2x whatever the standard server amount is?
  21. After a cheap heavens punisher, any % Pm or reply here if you have one for sale ;-)
  22. Hello, Roughly how much do Heavens punisher go for assuming your making Mille Marteaux and so dont need any %?
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