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Everything posted by Soly

  1. Soly

    Kom's Trade List

    Hey Kom!! ...i may have some of your wants hit me up when you can on vent
  2. A long time ago (not that much) Ultima was dying but then, three heros arised from the ashes, they didn't work toghether but Ultima needed them, so they pacted to save Ultima from the evil hands of the Powerful and almighty DDoS!!! They used the power of the three great teams PRO - MASS ULTIMA - AVION And went to UK to kick DDoS!!! butt It was a fierce fight but after that everything seemed lost... they brought Ultima back online and everybody could sign up/login and play in peace!!!
  3. Again!! PRO Team on the loose! Check these pics!!! First of all!! The summoning of the power of the Mighty Sword!! After killing falz!! And the PRO Team taking out the lobbies!!!
  4. Soly

    Lost Items

    Thank you very much!!
  5. Ok these are the details GC: 42111642 Slot: 1 Name: Soly Lost hit on Bringer's Rifle 50% hit
  6. Larva!! entonces no hay manera de recuperar los datos de ese host??
  7. Creo que highbass estaba haciendo unos skins!! ...podrías preguntarle a el! Yo con mucho gusto lo intentaría pero creo que no soy muy bueno en esa área (aun así voy a pensarlo )
  8. Opposed to both of you!! i've only played a bit on GC and then here on Ultima since december!! But i like this game a lot!!! Hope to see you around!! Welcome to ultima!!
  9. I got the same problem (i was messing with an "own" server), then i realized that it was the unitxt.prs so i made a backup!! If you want, throw this file in the data folder (be sure to backup the file you're replacing) and then check the names!! Unitxt.prs If that doesn't work... just reinstall pso!! Of course better do what chuk tells you!!
  10. I guess you aren't there... so if that's true, i'll give you the money for the international call!!!
  11. That never existed... just joking!! Parasitic Gene Flow...??
  12. Soly

    S> things

    v101 ...all i have is 4pds, hell arms (0/50/0/50|30) and some grinders
  13. Haha!! yw ...btw, just checked and there is another easy drop from skyly
  14. Hey welcome!! ...i didn't played too much GC so, i don't know that feel bro!! But here you can get to 110 and more!!! If you need help don't hesitate to ask!!
  15. What do you say if i give you 1 angel cell, 3 devil cell and 2 pds for the hell Raygun?? Edit: Thanks for the trade!!
  16. Look what we got for valentine's day!! i know isn't the best angle, but... who cares It is a BIG fat LOVE RAPPY (look at me with those charge vulcans )
  17. Extendido a través de Domingo, 23 de febrero. Esta vez, estamos haciendo un minievento para agregar especiales. A diferencia de los últimos minieventos, no se necesitan photon drops. De esta manera los nuevos usuarios seran capaces de participar. Hay monstruos raros, así que debería ser super fácil "cultivar/farm" los photon crystals necesarios para el evento. Hay tres nuevas armas disponibles para agregar especial. Estas fueron escogidas basados en sus votos Aquí. Las nuevas armas son: Ano Bazooka Clio Valkyrie Amore Rose Para el viernes y sábado (Febrero 14 y 15), dame 50 photon crystals y una de estas tres armas. Yo le agregare un especial al arma y la haré 50 hit. Esta es la primera vez que cualquiera de estas armas tendrá especial, y también obtendrás hit gratis al agregar el especial. Posibles especiales para agregar: FAQ: Disfruten!
  18. The only thing you'd like to save is the custom skins if you have some!!
  19. And is empty (w/o food also :c )
  20. Just check the shoutbox ...there are always people caring/helping with almost everything. And in the case that you end losing something you can ask for a rollback if the case applies (be sure that you have proof of your valuated/appreciated items)
  21. Well... unless you sign your drawings as Neon... man, i'm not that "Great" but i consider myself an artist and what you did is very disappointing!! Please respect us! At least give credit!
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