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Everything posted by Lobotomy

  1. Ok ok ok ok. That explains everything. You're the best ❤️
  2. :0. I didn't know that. Does this mean that if I want to assign a more accurate probability to getting some item when farming solo, for example, I should substract the 4p DAR reduction from the rates? P.S. Nevermind. I just saw that if you put your mouse on the rate the assumed DAR appears, apologies :C
  3. Yeah. But we have no idea whether he plays on solo or multi. So, since the poor guy is already using transalte, it's probably better not to make things even more complicated. Was just trying to explain why 1/1137 doesn't mean each 1137 kills u get 1 drop (even assuming 100% DAR).
  4. There are 3 main different conceptions of probability in the literature. One that I don't find very intuitive but that is widely used to explain this type of case is the Popperian one. According to this view, 1/1137 means that when you push the occurrences of something into infinity, on average, event X happens that many times (a more typical example is that when u flip a coin an infinite amount of times, tails/heads p = 0.5/0.5) PSO doesn't have a pity system, that is, you're not guaranteed to get an item after you kill n amount of monsters. As such, you may get the item sooner or later. 1/1137 is just what should typically happen. But what should typically happen doesn't always happen. TL;DR 1/1137 does not mean you are getting an item after killing a monster 1137 times. You may get it later or sooner. It's a bit unfortunate that you didn't get it yet but it is what it is.
  5. I can dig you in a FS and a TB if u want.
  6. How many PDs u looking for sweetie?
  7. My dreamcast died a few years ago. The controllers' slots got burnt and never worked again. I had a lvl 130 FOmarl and around 2k Delsaber kills (offline). The day my DC died was a very sad day indeed.
  8. Fonewgirl cause I prefer casting gameplay even though it sucks metawise and cause their aesthetics are the most pleasant.
  9. Lobotomy


    Got enough to get away with, thankius ppl.
  10. Lobotomy


    Those hours are a bit complicated for me since 7 pm 10 pm MST is like 2 am 5 am UTC xD. I'll try to fix with other ppl then. Sorry for the trouble :C
  11. Lobotomy


    A bit excessive, but I'm fine with that. I'm ending a TTF now, are u up after for the trade?
  12. Lobotomy


    Put a price in pds for that and u got 'em. Don't ask for a sphere tho! I'm not that desperate lol. Finally someone speaking some truth out there. I doubt someone put as forum name "ShutUpKotta" just by pure coincidence.
  13. Lobotomy


    Cause Kotta hates me and won't sell :CCC. Please and thank you.
  14. Type this: /dropstyle 1 in lobby, and change blocks to make it take effect.
  15. Nope. There's a post in the forum, but it's quite outdated and kinda inaccurate. You gotta learn that yourself or ask people around :C
  16. RRs back in stock! 2 of them, come get 'em before they fly!
  17. I'm really sorry Teardrop. I never trusted you. But I hope you may find some room in your heart to forgive my doubts.

  18. Without more detail it's really hard to guess what's the problem. Keep trying stuff. Maybe a program you installed is interfering with the game? Maybe you changed your resolution and it's performing poorly because of that. Something outdated like drivers. Your graphic settings in the launcher... there're actually many options. Hopefully you can fix that at some point, GL!
  19. This one is on the rare achievements side: Solo CTU run (kudos to @R-78 for sending me back there when my PC died the first time on the two last rooms, I'll be forever grateful). Some proofs: https://imgur.com/a/e4bMoXn https://imgur.com/2hK4l6t https://imgur.com/k7xG3qQ For those curious, it took me around 5:20:00 to finish the run. We'll never be sure about how much exactly due to the crash. This is how I calculated the thing. My first personal chronometer was around 4:18:ss when my pc died on the 1st run. R just tped me back to layer 5, not to the point in which I crashed, so I don't count the time it took me to get back there. When I reached the point in which I crashed it was 18:12 PM approximately and I ended around 19:10 PM, so we add 1 hour and 2 minutes just to round up and we have the five hours and twenty minutes run. PS. I'd say there's a lot of room for improvement here, but you're definitely up for 4 hours of quest at the absolute very minimun. Just in case someone wants to go down there and beat my timing. Kisses
  20. My advice is to use custom controls so that you are the most comfortable with them. In pad button config you can customize them.
  21. PSO2 is a pretty cool game. Very different from this one, though. More similar to something like WOW (with their obvious differences ofc). For me, the worst part of the game is that it's such a huge time investment and powercreep happens constantly, which feels super bad (this is what's importantly similar to WOW). Also, the structure of emergency quests can mess with your daily routine really hard, that's something I despised a lot as well (I played on the JP servers so it was even worse). What led me to quit tho was that after I got a Lightstream Dimension very early (getting this wp was crazy hard) I just got burnout and when I returned after a few months and saw that all my equipment was powercrept I felt like that was enough (had close to 600 hours played when this happened btw, lol).
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