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Status Updates posted by Akioyamato

  1. Hey, I hate to sound like such an uber noob... But can someone teach me/ Link me somewhere to edit skins MYSELF. Like create a new skin. I know how to use the AFS manager but don't know how to create my own.

    1. Soly


      I think this works.... i tried some by myself but need more time to actually make a good one!!

    2. Akioyamato


      My skype is also on my profile. Any help is appreciated, Thanks guys!

  2. How many donation tickets can I get for $2?

    1. Choko


      They're $1 each, so 2.

    2. Akioyamato
    3. Ghdivlb Gjendd

      Ghdivlb Gjendd

      true, but you can get one or zero if you like. Maybe even fractional ones, idk

  3. I am SO GLAD I got talked out of quitting.. You know who you are. Thank you.

    1. King Ra

      King Ra

      That's what friends do. Your lucky to have those kind of friends. Don't let it go to waste

    2. Akioyamato
  4. I can't remember my Sega ID Password!!! FML!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Akioyamato


      Never mind...

    2. Akioyamato


      Capitol letter FTW...

  5. I don't actually know who this "Godric" Character is but, Happy birthday, you seem highly respected so i'll give my respect as well!

    1. R.A.V.S.O


      in a nutshell if they appear on the forum with a different colored name, he/she is probably outstanding because of past actions.

    2. King Ra

      King Ra

      your just saying that because you have a colorful name -.-

    3. Akioyamato


      Rav, thank you now i know and Godric, you're welcome :D

  6. I got a screenshot woth lutz today

  7. I got Powerstone 1 and 2 yesterday! W00t!

    1. Sylph777


      i remember those games back in 2000 lol , was very fun like crazy taxi and soulcalibur haha

    2. Sylph777
  8. I really want to get back into laying Ultima, but my gamecube is SO FUN :3

    1. shion255


      What is it you find funnier playing on Gamecube than on Ultima?

  9. I think my first payday of the summer is tomorrow, did someone say a laptop!? *cough* from the pawnshop *cough*

  10. I would love a gush diska... Hint hint.

    1. Akioyamato


      He won't be here for a while sir.

    2. Akioyamato


      Oh mah gawd... Evie has ruined thine childhood...

    3. Akioyamato


      D: well, I see where we stand...

  11. I would love limiter but... Really not trying to get 20,000 kills.

  12. I'll be back later,

    1. gamenac


      Let me know when you get back man, we'll hunt rares like theres now tomorrow =D

    2. Trigunman


      Believe in the Chuk. XDDD

  13. I'll be online round 3:30 4ish, but I'll be on my screen cracked, sucky, slow laptop so I won't be hunting :(

  14. I'm going to take a temporary leave from Ultima, I just want to set up my gc characters. Restarted fully :)

    1. Akioyamato


      I love the old school man! And PSO V.2 has been shipped for my DC so I may be gone for a while.

  15. I'm going to try re-installing pso2 one more time. If my laptop charger "mysteriously" comes out while I'm at school, then forget it.

    1. Akioyamato


      I can't it's so... Magnificent! *Evil laugh + Cough*

  16. I'm seriously afraid to log in... I may cry if my stuff is missing.

  17. I've got a sato... On My gamecube. Pso came in the mail yesterday!

  18. Joined a game with someone yesterday to help them with the dragon.. They tried to give me pointers.. I've been playing since DC V.1...

    1. Redstar Hunter

      Redstar Hunter

      It's happen to me to bra. . .

      You get used to it at one point. XD

  19. Just got my laptop! Who's ready to play?!

    1. Akioyamato


      OOOOOHHHHHHH YEAHHHHHH!!! Gotta set up new teams unless you want to do randoms.

    2. Akioyamato



  20. KAJEX! Your contest/Mini Event/Q&A for free items was RIGGED.. I KNEW NOTHING!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Akioyamato
    3. Cyane


      Called being smart!

    4. Akioyamato


      ._. Who's really smart? Google or the Googlie?

  21. Last class! Can't wait to get online!

  22. May be taking a little break.. Not from bugs or anything, but because of Phantasy Star Portable 2! :D I'm addicted!

    1. Akioyamato


      When she falls asleep I'll be Mika's baby sitter ;)

    2. Akioyamato


      Racist Sega? If they don't like colored people then I'm playing the wrong game...

    3. Akioyamato


      Oh :/ I don't think my computer is beefy enough to handle that anyways...

  23. Meedy: hey gorgeous Keliou: I... am i guy XD ---- This just happend to me...

    1. Trigunman


      Awwwwwwwkward XDDDD So you're not switching teams are you Keliou? LOL ;^D

    2. Akioyamato


      XD no I'm still sticking for a while.

  24. MOVING TODAY! I'll be on Ultima in the next 2 weeks!

    1. Akioyamato


      :') Such Happy, Much Memories!

    2. Cyane


      New house sounds fun :3

    3. Akioyamato


      New house, Old state, Old Neighborhood, Old friends!

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