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How to make Deva, Savitri, Pushan, Rukmin, Nidra, Sato Mags


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********Phantasy Star Online Episode 1&2 Guide to Special Mags and Perfect Stats*******



-------------------------------------------Table of Contents--------------------------


I. Copyright

II. Table of Contents

III. Introduction

IV. Mag Creation and Material Usage

i. HUmar

ii. HUnewearl

iii. HUcast

iv. HUcaseal

v. RAmar

vi. RAmarl

vii. RAcast

viii. RAcaseal

ix. FOmar

x. FOmarl

xi. FOnewm

xii. FOnewearl

V. Character Comparison

VI. Mag Suggestions

VII. Mag Colors - (comeing soon)

VIII. Other Mags

IX. Alternate Photon Blasts

X. Guide Deviation





The following is what I belive to be the best way to max out each character's stats

using materials and a special mag but no slot items. I have made this so that every

character has a few choices for special mags but not all characters can get all nine of

them. I have weighed which things I think are most important for each character and

allocated mag levels and materials to them. If you don't agree with what I think to be

good stats, go write your own guide.

I have put down how to raise each kind of mag that each character can get. Please note

though that depending on what mag you are trying to get the procedure may be different.

The mags also will evolve at levels 10, 35, 50, (and every 5 levels after that depending

on mag stat levels) and a level 100, at which point it will become a special mag and

evolve no more. Special mags will not evovle even if you use a mag cell, heart, or kit

on them.

Each mag has the moves: Estella, Pilla, and Mylla & Youlla (learned in that order). I

consider these to be the best mag moves in the game because the others suck. Estella is

good because it does line damage over a far range and it can also hit enemies directly

behind you, along with a lot of damage. Pilla has good damage and a good radius of

attack. Finally, even if you're a Force with level 30 Shifta & Deband the mag one is

still good because it is fairly strong and it is used to several mag attack combos, also

when done in a mag attack sequence, it's strength is equal to that of a level 80ish

Shifta & Deband if such a thing existed. But I did make a section that has a few options

for the Photon Blasts, if you really want the other ones.

For the materials, I filled in the stat differences that remained after the mag would be

added. For all of the humans I managed to get pretty close because they can use 250

materials, while newmen and androids can only use 150. Materials can be found anywhere




Also, on the note of materials: all characters can use 125 HP materials. The non-androids

can also use an additional 125 TP materials (found online). Your HP and TP are considered

"maxed" when you reach level 200 and have used all 125 HP materials and you have max MST

and have used all 125 TP materials (if applicable). They can still go higher using slot

items though, which is why they are never truly maxed.

If you are having major problems with trying to raise the mag you can email me and I'll

try to help you. I don't care if you think that this stat is better than this one or if

you think I should have done this where I did that, so any emails like that will be

thrown out. If you find a major error in the guide, please tell me so I can get it

corrected. Finally, please put the "PSO guide" or something like it subject of your email

so I know it isn't spam. My email is ( Phantasystaromega@yahoo.com )

The site <www.ragol.co.uk> has pictures of the mags, mag feeding charts, and a lot of extra

cool stuff; there is also a mag calculator that I used to check this guide. The forums

there are also uber cool!


- In the Mag column on the characters' charts where it says ATP, DFP, MST, and ATA they

correspond to POW, DEF, MIND, and DEX, respectively. It is NOT the amount that the mag

increases each stat.

- Some of the "Difference" columns will have negative numbers, that means the materials or

mag went over the max slightly but your stats will still not pass that character's max.

- The stats that your character would have at level 200 with the mag and materials are put

into the "New" column.

- Mags also have several ways of increasing DEX at the higher levels. They can either: use

antidotes, antiparalysis, or have a pattern between the two. You must check to see which

one works for your mag and it may change if the mag evolves.

- Finally, no slot items were included in this guide to max your stats.




Lv 1 Lv 200 Mag Mats New Max Difference

ATP 45 943 142 85 1397 1397 0

DFP 17 422 6 76 579 579 -1

MST 29 594 0 8 610 732 122

ATA 68 174 52 - 200 200 0

EVP 45 682 - 37 756 756 0

LCK 10 10 - 45 100 100 0

Techs: level 15 attack, 5 Anti, 15 Resta, 15 Jellen & Zalure, Ryuker

The HUmar was able to get very good stats. The MST was off by quite a bit, though you only

need to use that for Resta and you could use a God/Mind to help if you wanted to. The HUmar's

lack of Shifta & Deband along with the low ATP (in comparison to the HUcast) would make this a

more difficult character to use offline. So in order to get S&D offline you should keep the

mag's Synchro at 120% and maybe add a PB/Create or two in order to quicken the rate.

Deva, Savitri, Pushan, Rukmin, Nidra, Sato:

1. get a Mag

2. give it antidotes (DEF goes up a little, POW a little more, DEX goes up alot)

3. at the level 10 mag evolution have a Ranger hold the mag so that you get a Kalki that

learns Estella

4. feed the Kalki antidotes (POW goes up a little, DEX goes up a little more)

5. at the level 35 evolution you get a Mitra and the move Pilla

6. feed the Mitra antiparalysis (DEX goes up a lot)

7. at the level 50 evolution give the Mitra to a Ranger that's a Greenill, Blueful,

Pinkal, Oran, or Whitill ID, it will evolve to Kaitabha and learn Mylla & Youlla

8. increase DEX to 40 (antidotes, antiparalysis, or rotate between the two)

9. increase POW to 40 (dimates)

10. raise DEX to 45

11. raise POW to 49

12. give the mag to the correct character that' a Virdia, Blueful, Whitill, or Redria ID

and raise POW to 50

Deva - male Hunter

Savitri - female Hunter

Pushan - male Ranger

Rukmin - female Ranger

Nidra - male Force

Sato - female Force

13. feed it trimates (a little DEF and a good amount of POW) until DEF on the mag is 6

14. raise DEX until level 52

15. feed it dimates (only POW) until the mag is level 200 with 142 POW

16. you now have a level 200 special mag with 6/142/52/0 stats

Rati, Diwari, Bhima:

1. do steps 1-9 as shown above for Deva, Savitri, Pushan, Rukmin, Nidra, and Sato

2. raise POW to 45

3. raise DEX to 49

4. give the mag to the correct character that's Skyly, Pinkal, or Yellowboze and raise

DEX to 50

Rati - male Hunter

Diwari - female Ranger

Bhima - female Force

5. do steps 13-16 as shown above for Deva, Savitri, Pushan, Rukmin, Nidra, and Sato




Lv 1 Lv 200 Mag Mats New Max Difference

ATP 40 835 119 82 1237 1237 0

DFP 22 538 5 23 589 589 0

MST 40 885 2 0 889 1177 288

ATA 63 147 74 - 184 199 15

EVP 60 666 - 0 666 811 145

LCK 10 10 - 45 100 100 0

Techs: level 20 attack, 6 Anti, 20 Resta, 20 Support, Ryuker

She has the lowest base ATP of the Hunters, but level 20 Shifta, so I don't know how to rank her

really. If you want someone who does techs and melee, then you should get a FOmar, not a HUnewearl.

This Hunter is probably best for offline-only players. (the EVP was not my fault, it's just the

regular amount at level 200)

Deva, Savitri, Pushan, Rukmin, Nidra, Sato:

1. get a Mag

2. give it antidotes (DEF goes up a little, POW a little more, DEX goes up alot)

3. at the level 10 mag evolution have a Ranger hold the mag so that you get a Kalki that

learns Estella

4. feed the Kalki antidotes (POW goes up a little, DEX goes up a little more)

5. at the level 35 evolution you get a Mitra and the move Pilla

6. feed the Mitra antiparalysis (DEX goes up a lot)

7. at the level 50 evolution give the Mitra to a Ranger that's a Greenill, Blueful, Pinkal,

Oran, or Whitill ID, it will evolve to Kaitabha and learn Mylla & Youlla

8. increase DEX to 45 (antidotes, antiparalysis, or rotate between the two)

9. increase POW to 45 (dimates)

10. raise MIND to 2 (difluids)

11. raise POW to 47

13. give the mag to the correct character that' a Virdia, Blueful, Whitill, or Redria ID

and raise POW to 48

Deva - male Hunter

Savitri - female Hunter

Pushan - male Ranger

Rukmin - female Ranger

Nidra - male Force

Sato - female Force

13. you now have a level 100 special mag with 5/48/45/2 stats

14. raise DEX to level 74

15. feed it dimates (only POW) until the mag is level 200 with 119 POW

Rati, Diwari, Bhima:

1. do steps 1-10 as shown above for Deva, Savitri, Pushan, Rukmin, Nidra, and Sato

2. raise DEX to 47

3. give the mag to the correct character that's Skyly, Pinkal, or Yellowboze and raise

DEX to 58

Rati - male Hunter

Diwari - female Ranger

Bhima - female Force

4. you now have a special mag with 5/45/48/2 stats

5. do steps 14-15 as shown above for Deva, Savitri, Pushan, Rukmin, Nidra, and Sato




Lv 1 Lv 200 Mag Mats New Max Difference

ATP 45 1146 128 119 1639 1639 -1

DFP 18 501 6 1 509 601 92

MST 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

ATA 64 158 66 - 191 191 0

EVP 35 585 - 0 585 660 75

LCK 10 10 - 30 70 100 30

Traps: 20 Damage, 30 Freeze, 30 Confuse

It was kind of hard to max the stats on this guy. I managed to get ATP and ATA maxed, because

that's what you need to hit enemies and do damage. Next I tried to raise LCK but I could only get

to 74, so I thought it'd be good to just get it to 70 where one God/Luck could take care of it if

you wanted it. Make sure to either play online or keep you mag's Synchro high so you can get

Mylla & Youlla often.

Deva, Savitri, Pushan, Rukmin, Nidra, Sato:

1. get a Mag

2. give it antidotes (DEF goes up a little, POW a little more, DEX goes up alot)

3. at the level 10 mag evolution have a Ranger hold the mag so that you get a Kalki that

learns Estella

4. feed the Kalki antidotes (POW goes up a little, DEX goes up a little more)

5. at the level 35 evolution you get a Mitra and the move Pilla

6. feed the Mitra antiparalysis (DEX goes up alot)

7. at the level 50 evolution give the Mitra to a Ranger that's a Greenill, Blueful, Pinkal,

Oran, or Whitill ID, it will evolve to Kaitabha and learn Mylla & Youlla

8. feed Kaitabha antiparalysis (only DEF) until DEF is 6

9. increase POW to 49 (dimates)

10. raise DEX to 44 (antidotes, antiparalysis, or rotate between the two)

12. give the mag to the correct character that' a Virdia, Blueful, Whitill, or Redria ID and

raise POW to 50

Deva - male Hunter

Savitri - female Hunter

Pushan - male Ranger

Rukmin - female Ranger

Nidra - male Force

Sato - female Force

13. you now have a level 100 special mag with 6/50/44/0 stats

14. raise DEX to 66

15. feed it dimates (only POW) until the mag is level 200 with 128 POW




Lv 1 Lv 200 Mag Mats New Max Difference

ATP 45 901 150 50 1301 1301 0

DFP 18 399 16 55 525 525 0

MST 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

ATA 71 184 34 - 201 218 17

EVP 35 777 - 0 777 877 100

LCK 10 10 - 45 100 100 0

Traps: 24 Damage, 22 Freeze, 22 Confuse

The HUcaseal was easier to get to max, but I couldn't manage to get ATA maxed. The stats aren't that

great either. She does get the highest ATA and EVP of the Hunters using this method, but I wouldn't

use one. (the EVP here happened to be a funny number too, but the complete opposite of the HUnewearl's)

Deva, Savitri, Pushan, Rukmin, Nidra, Sato:

1. get a Mag

2. give it antidotes (DEF goes up a little, POW a little more, DEX goes up alot)

3. at the level 10 mag evolution have a Ranger hold the mag so that you get a Kalki that

learns Estella

4. feed Kalki sol atomizers (same in DEF, DEX, and POW) until DEF is 11

5. feed the Kalki antidotes (POW goes up a little, DEX goes up a little more)

6. at the level 35 evolution you get a Mitra and the move Pilla

7. feed the Mitra antiparalysis (DEX goes up alot)

8. at the level 50 evolution give the Mitra to a Ranger that's a Greenill, Blueful, Pinkal,

Oran, or Whitill ID, it will evolve to Kaitabha and learn Mylla & Youlla

9. feed the Kaitabha antiparalysis (only DEF) until DEF is 16

10. increase DEX to 34 (antidotes, antiparalysis, or rotate between the two)

11. raise POW to 49

12. give the mag to the correct character that' a Virdia, Blueful, Whitll, or Redria ID and

raise POW to 50

Deva - male Hunter

Savitri - female Hunter

Pushan - male Ranger

Rukmin - female Ranger

Nidra - male Force

Sato - female Force

13. you now have a level 100 special mag with 16/50/34/0 stats

14. feed it dimates (only POW) until the mag is level 200 with 150 POW




Lv 1 Lv 200 Mag Mats New Max Difference

ATP 23 806 150 77 1260 1260 0

DFP 13 359 12 72 515 515 0

MST 20 505 0 18 541 665 124

ATA 80 230 38 - 249 249 0

EVP 36 639 - 38 715 715 0

LCK 10 10 - 45 100 100 0

Techs: level 15 attack, 5 Anti, 15 Resta, 15 Jellen & Zalure, Ryuker

The stats are lower than the HUmar's but the RAmar is still cooler, and better because you don't

need to get so close to the enemy. The RAmar also has level 15 Shifta & Deband, which are huge

pluses over the HUmar (especially offline). I maxed the EVP before the MST this time because I

could max EVP easily, but no matter what I did, I couldn't max MST, so I used the leftover materials

on it.

Deva, Savitri, Pushan, Rukmin, Nidra, Sato:

1. get a mag

2. feed it antidotes (a little DEF, more POW, much more DEX)

3. at the level 10 have a Ranger have the mag so you get Kalki and the move Estella

4. feed Kalki trimates (a lot of POW, half that in DEF and a little DEX) until POW is level 10

5. feed Kalki antidotes (some DEX and a little POW)

6. at level 35 you get Mitra and the move Pilla

7. feed Mitra antiparalysis (alot of DEX)

8. at the level 50 evolution have a Ranger that's Greenill, Blueful, Pinkal, Oran, or Whitill

ID so that you get a Kaitabha and the mag learns Mylla & Youlla

9. feed the Kaitabha antiparalysis until DEF is 12, keep the mag with the Ranger until level 51

10. raise DEX to 38 (antidotes, antiparalysis, or rotate between the two)

11. raise POW to 49 (dimates)

12. give the mag to the right character that's a Virdia, Blueful, Redria, or Whitill and

raise POW to 50

Deva - male Hunter

Savitri - female Hunter

Pushan - male Ranger

Rukmin - female Ranger

Nidra - male Force

Sato - female Force

13. you now have a special mag with 12/50/38/0 stats

14. feed it dimates (POW only) to raise POW to 150




Lv 1 Lv 200 Mag Mats New Max Difference

ATP 23 743 145 56 1145 1145 0

DFP 18 426 5 73 577 577 0

MST 20 732 0 75 892 1031 149

ATA 72 216 50 - 241 241 0

EVP 36 798 - 1 800 900 100

LCK 10 10 - 45 100 100 0

Techs: level 20 attack, 6 Anti, 20 Resta, 20 Support, Ryuker

The RAmarl didn't max out too many stats considering she can use 250 materials, but it's still

quite good. The stats are higher than the RAmar's except that the ATP is 115 lower and the ATP

is lower by 8. Considering the fact you get level 20 Shifta does make this character better though

and the 8 ATA isn't that much for a Ranger.

For mags: see "RAcast", the mags are exactly the same and this guide is already too long.




Lv 1 Lv 200 Mag Mats New Max Difference

ATP 30 859 145 101 1350 1350 -1

DFP 18 505 5 4 518 606 88

MST 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

ATA 30 199 50 - 224 224 0

EVP 31 626 - 0 626 699 73

LCK 10 10 - 45 100 100 0

Traps: 30 Damage, 20 Freeze, 20 Confuse

This guy just looks cool; I love the stomping sounds he makes as he walks. He maxed his stats

pretty good too. The ATP, ATA, and LCK are all maxed and that's what you need to do damage from

a range and because you're at a range, you don't need all the DFP and EVP. Like I've said before,

keep the mag's Synchro up so you can get S&D.

Deva, Savitri, Pushan, Rukmin, Nidra, Sato:

1. get a Mag

2. give it antidotes (DEF goes up a little, POW goes up a little more, DEX goes up alot)

3. at the level 10 mag evolution have a Ranger hold the mag so that you get a Kalki that

learns Estella

4. feed the Kalki antidotes (POW goes up a little, DEX goes up a little more)

5. at the level 35 evolution you get a Mitra and the move Pilla

6. feed the Mitra antiparalysis (DEX goes up alot)

7. at the level 50 evolution give the Mitra to a Ranger that's a Greenill, Blueful, Pinkal,

Oran, or Whitill ID, it will evolve to Kaitabha and learn Mylla & Youlla

8. increase DEX to 45 (antidotes, antiparalysis, or rotate between them)

9. increase POW to 45

10. increase POW to 49

11. give the mag to the correct character that' a Virdia, Blueful, Whitill, or Redria ID

and raise POW to 50

Deva - male Hunter

Savitri - female Hunter

Pushan - male Ranger

Rukmin - female Ranger

Nidra - male Force

Sato - female Force

11. you now have a level 100 special mag with 5/50/45/0 stats

12. raise DEX to 50

13. feed it dimates (only POW) until the mag is level 200 with 145 POW

Rati, Diwari, Bhima:

1. do steps 1-9 as shown above for Deva, Savitri, Pushan, Rukmin, Nidra, and Sato

3. raise DEX to 49

4. give the mag to the correct character that's Skyly, Pinkal, or Yellowboze and raise

DEX to 50

Rati - male Hunter

Diwari - female Ranger

Bhima - female Force

5. you now have a special mag with 5/45/50/0 stats

6. raise DEX to 50

7. feed it only dimates until level 200 and POW is 145




Lv 1 Lv 200 Mag Mats New Max Difference

ATP 25 775 139 61 1175 1175 0

DFP 23 562 5 44 655 688 33

MST 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

ATA 77 208 56 - 231 231 0

EVP 31 713 - 0 713 787 74

LCK 10 10 - 45 100 100 0

Traps: 20 Damage, 30 Freeze, 24 Confuse

A more defensive, less offensive version of the RAcast who gets more Freeze traps. That's all I

got to say.

Deva, Savitri, Pushan, Rukmin, Nidra, Sato:

1. get a Mag

2. give it antidotes (DEF goes up a little, POW a little more, DEX goes up a lot)

3. at the level 10 mag evolution have a Ranger hold the mag so that you get a Kalki that

learns Estella

4. feed the Kalki antidotes (POW goes up a little, DEX goes up a little more)

5. at the level 35 evolution you get a Mitra and the move Pilla

6. feed the Mitra antiparalysis (DEX goes up a lot)

7. at the level 50 evolution give the Mitra to a Ranger that's a Greenill, Blueful, Pinkal,

Oran, or Whitill ID, it will evolve to Kaitabha and learn Mylla & Youlla

8. increase DEX to 40 (antidotes, antiparalysis, or rotate between the two)

9. increase POW to 40 (dimates)

10. raise DEX to 45

11. raise POW to 49

12. give the mag to the correct character that' a Virdia, Blueful, Whitill, or Redria ID

and raise POW to 50

Deva - male Hunter

Savitri - female Hunter

Pushan - male Ranger

Rukmin - female Ranger

Nidra - male Force

Sato - female Force

13. you now have a level 100 special mag with 5/50/45/0 stats

14. raise DEX until level 56

15. feed it dimates (only POW) until the mag is level 200 with 139 POW

Rati, Diwari, Bhima:

1. do steps 1-9 as shown above for Deva, Savitri, Pushan, Rukmin, Nidra, and Sato

2. raise POW to 45

3. raise DEX to 49

4. give the mag to the correct character that's Skyly, Pinkal, or Yellowboze and raise

DEX to 50

Rati - male Hunter

Diwari - female Ranger

Bhima - female Force

5. you now have a special mag with 5/45/50/0 stats

6. do steps 14-15 as shown above for Deva, Savitri, Pushan, Rukmin, Nidra, and Sato




Lv 1 Lv 200 Mag Mats New Max Difference

ATP 16 753 72 53 1002 1002 -1

DFP 10 321 5 72 470 470 0

MST 53 990 73 102 1340 1340 0

ATA 63 138 50 - 163 163 0

EVP 35 551 - 0 551 651 100

LCK 10 10 - 23 56 100 44

Techs: all level 30 (when possible); 1.3x damage on Gi-techs and Grants; 2x S&D range

The melee Force... sounds like and oxymoron, but with this character it isn't. These stats are

good and the ATP is really high with level 30 Shifta. I also got the ATA, DFP, and MST maxed,

the first two, so you can to melee stuff, the last, so you can do tech stuff. I wasn't able to

get LCK to 100, but it's decent.

Deva, Savitri, Pushan, Rukmin, Nidra, Sato:

1. get a Mag

2. give it antidotes (DEF goes up a little, POW a little more, DEX goes up a lot)

3. at the level 10 mag evolution have a Ranger hold the mag so that you get a Kalki

that learns Estella

4. feed the Kalki antidotes (POW goes up a little, DEX goes up a little more)

5. at the level 35 evolution you get a Mitra and the move Pilla

6. feed the Mitra antiparalysis (DEX goes up a lot)

7. at the level 50 evolution give the Mitra to a Ranger that's a Greenill, Blueful,

Pinkal, Oran, or Whitill ID, it will evolve to Kaitabha and learn Mylla & Youlla

8. increase DEX to 40 (antidotes, antiparalysis, or rotate between the two)

9. increase POW to 40 (dimates)

10. raise DEX to 45

11. raise POW to 49

12. give the mag to the correct character that' a Virdia, Blueful, Whitill, or Redria

ID and raise POW to 50

Deva - male Hunter

Savitri - female Hunter

Pushan - male Ranger

Rukmin - female Ranger

Nidra - male Force

Sato - female Force

13. you now have a level 100 special mag with 5/50/45/0 stats

14. feed it dimates until POW is 72

15. raise DEX until level 50

16. feed it difluids until the mag is level 200 with 73 MIND

Rati, Diwari, Bhima:

1. do steps 1-9 as shown above for Deva, Savitri, Pushan, Rukmin, Nidra, and Sato

2. raise POW to 45

3. raise DEX to 49

4. give the mag to the correct character that's Skyly, Pinkal, or Yellowboze and raise

DEX to 50

Rati - male Hunter

Diwari - female Ranger

Bhima - female Force

5. you now have a mag with 5/45/50/0 stats

6. do steps 14-16 as shown above for Deva, Savitri, Pushan, Rukmin, Nidra, and Sato




Lv 1 Lv 200 Mag Mats New Max Difference

ATP 16 721 76 0 872 872 0

DFP 10 351 5 71 498 498 0

MST 53 934 67 108 1284 1284 0

ATA 63 144 52 - 170 170 0

EVP 35 513 - 38 588 588 0

LCK 10 10 - 33 76 100 24

Techs: all level 30 (when possible); 2x range Resta & Anti, S&D; 1.5x damage Grants

This character is horrible. The tech boosts are horrible, the ATP and MST are lower than a

FOmar, the other stats are only slightly higher. The animations on this character are also very

slow. She's only good to be a support slave online.

Deva, Savitri, Pushan, Rukmin, Nidra, Sato:

1. get a Mag

2. give it antidotes (DEF goes up a little, POW a little more, DEX goes up a lot)

3. at the level 10 mag evolution have a Ranger hold the mag so that you get a Kalki

that learns Estella

4. feed the Kalki antidotes (POW goes up a little, DEX goes up a little more)

5. at the level 35 evolution you get a Mitra and the move Pilla

6. feed the Mitra antiparalysis (DEX goes up a lot)

7. at the level 50 evolution give the Mitra to a Ranger that's a Greenill, Blueful,

Pinkal, Oran, or Whitill ID, it will evolve to Kaitabha and learn Mylla & Youlla

8. increase DEX to 40 (antidotes, antiparalysis, or rotate between the two)

9. increase POW to 40 (dimates)

10. raise DEX to 45

11. raise POW to 49

12. give the mag to the correct character that' a Virdia, Blueful, Whitill, or Redria

ID and raise POW to 50

Deva - male Hunter

Savitri - female Hunter

Pushan - male Ranger

Rukmin - female Ranger

Nidra - male Force

Sato - female Force

13. you now have a level 100 special mag with 5/50/45/0 stats

14. feed it dimates until POW is 76

15. raise DEX until level 52

16. feed it difluids until the mag is level 200 with 67 MIND

Rati, Diwari, Bhima:

1. do steps 1-9 as shown above for Deva, Savitri, Pushan, Rukmin, Nidra, and Sato

2. raise POW to 45

3. raise DEX to 49

4. give the mag to the correct character that's Skyly, Pinkal, or Yellowboze and raise

DEX to 50

Rati - male Hunter

Diwari - female Ranger

Bhima - female Force

5. you now have a mag with 5/45/50/0 stats

6. do steps 14-16 as shown above for Deva, Savitri, Pushan, Rukmin, Nidra, and Sato




Lv 1 Lv 200 Mag Mats New Max Difference

ATP 16 613 0 0 613 814 201

DFP 7 408 5 25 463 463 0

MST 60 1098 91 110 1500 1500 0

ATA 61 128 104 - 180 180 0

EVP 61 531 - 15 561 679 118

LCK 10 10 - 0 10 100 90

Techs: all level 30 (when applicable); 1.3x damage Gi-techs, Ra-techs

This guy looks ugly, but is okay with techs. I maxed the ATA so now you can effectively use a

Geist Raygun for TP recovery. This guy also maxed out MST so it'll help with the techs. This is

not a "melee FOnewm" like some people like to get, don't even try to make him one.

Deva, Savitri, Pushan, Diwari, Nidra, Rukmin:

1. get a Mag

2. feed the Mag antiparalysis (DEX will go up a lot, DEF + MIND a little)

3. at the level 10 evolution have any Ranger have the mag so you get Kalki and the

move Estella

4. feed Kalki trifluid (a little DEX and DEF, a lot of MIND) until DEF is almost 6

5. feed Kalki trifluid until DEF is almost 6, then feed it antiparalysis (a little MIND,

more DEX, minus DEF) until DEF is down again, then repeat (over all you keep DEF at 5 while

MIND and DEX take turns rising quickly as the other rises slowly)

6. at the level 35 evolution you get Mitra and the move Pilla

7. feed Mitra monofluid (MIND rises extraordinarily slowly)

8. at the level 50 evolution have a Force that's a Virdia, Sklyly, Purplenum, Redria, or

Yellowboze and you will get a Kabanda and the move Mylla & Youlla

9. raise DEX to 45 (antidotes, antiparalysis, or rotate between the two)

10. raise MIND to 45 (difluids)

11. raise MIND to 49

12. after giving the mag to the correct Virdia, Blueful, Redria, or Whitill character, raise

MIND to 50

Deva - male Hunter

Savitri -female Hunter

Pushan - male Ranger

Rukmin - female Ranger

Nidra - male Force

Sato - female Force

12. raise DEX to 104

13. raise MIND to 91

14. you now have a level 200 special mag with 5/0/104/91 stats.

Rati, Bhima:

1. do steps 1-10 as shown above for Deva, Savitri, Pushan, Diwari, Nidra, and Rukmin

2. raise DEX to 49

3. after giving the mag to the correct Greenill, Oran, or Purplenum character, raise

DEX to 50

Rati - male Hunter

Bhima - female Force

4. do steps 12-14 as shown above for Deva, Savitri, Pushan, Diwari, Nidra, and Rukmin




Lv 1 Lv 200 Mag Mats New Max Difference

ATP 13 483 0 0 483 583 100

DFP 13 334 6 25 390 390 0

MST 58 1200 150 125 1750 1750 0

ATA 61 133 44 - 155 186 31

EVP 53 735 - 0 735 883 148

LCK 10 10 - 0 10 100 90

The tech boosts may only be on the simple techs, but with all the extra MST, all the techs do a

bunch. The Megid is also penetrating and Episode 2 enemies all have like 50 EDK in ultimate, so

it's really useful there. Her ATA is really low, but that isn't too important because so is her

ATP, so even if she could hit, it'd do 0 damage and therefore LCK doesn't matter either. You don't

need any TP recovery weapon either because she has so much to begin with (like 2500 TP with max MST).

Techs: all level 30 (when applicable); 1.3x damage Simple techs; Megid penetrates; 2x range Resta & Anti

Deva, Savitri, Pushan, Rukmin, Nidra, Sato:

1. get a Mag

2. feed the Mag antiparalysis (DEX will go up alot, DEF + MIND a little)

3. at the level 10 evolution have any Ranger have the mag so you get Kalki and the move Estella

4. feed Kalki trifluid (a little DEX and DEF, alot of MIND) until DEF is 6

5. feed Kalki trifluid until DEF is almost 7, then feed it antiparalysis (a little MIND, more

DEX, minus DEF) until DEF is down again, then repeat (over all you keep DEF at 6 while MIND and

DEX take turns rising quickly as the other rises slowly)

6. at the level 35 evolution you get Mitra and the move Pilla

7. feed Mitra monofluid (MIND rises extraordinarily slowly)

8. at the level 50 evolution have a Force that's a Virdia, Sklyly, Purplenum, Redria, or Yellowboze

and you will get a Kabanda and the move Mylla & Youlla

9. raise DEX to 44 (antidotes, antiparalysis, or rotate between the two)

10. raise MIND to 49 (difluids)

11. give the mag to the correct Virdia, Blueful, Redria, or Whitill character and raise MIND to 50

Deva - male Hunter

Savitri - female Hunter

Pushan - male Ranger

Rukmin - female Ranger

Nidra - male Force

Sato - female Force

12. you now have a level 100 special mag with 6/0/50/44 stats

13. raise MIND to 150 using difluids


-----------------------------------------Character Comparison----------------------------------------


The following is a list of characters and who has the highest of each stat using the mags and materials

from above. It's basically a quick way to compare the stats on the character you want to the stats on

other characters.


1. HUcast RAcaseal FOnewearl RAmar RAmarl most everyone

1639 655 1750 249 800 100

2. HUmar HUnewearl FOnewm RAmarl HUcaseal FOmarl

1397 589 1500 241 777 76

3. RAcast HUmar FOmar RAcaseal Fonewearl HUcast

1350 579 1340 231 735 70

4. HUcaseal RAmarl FOmarl RAcast HUmar FOmar

1301 577 1284 224 756 56

5. RAmar HUcaseal RAmarl HUcaseal RAmar FO-new's

1260 525 892 201 715 10

6. HUnewearl RAcast HUnewearl HUmar RAcaseal

1237 518 875 200 713

7. RAcaseal RAmar HUmar HUcast HUnewearl

1175 515 610 191 666

8. RAmarl HUcast RAmar HUnewearl RAcast

1145 509 521 184 626

9. FOmar FOmarl androids FOnewm FOmarl

1002 498 don't 180 588

have MST

10. FOmarl FOmar Fomarl HUcast

872 470 170 585

11. FOnewm FOnewm FOmar FOnewm

613 463 163 561

12. FOnewearl FOnewearl FOnewearl FOmar

483 390 155 551


---------------------------------------------Mag Suggestions--------------------------------------


Firstly, there are two ways to group mags, each way has three groups. The first way, by specials

(1/10 HP, Boss Fights, PB full, Death), has these groups:

Group 1/10 HP Full PB Boss Fight Death

Invincing Invincible Invincible Invincible Revives

Includes: Sato, Nidra

Mixed Invincible S&D Invincible Revives

Includes: Bhima

S&Ding Resta S&D S&D Revives

Includes: Rati, Savitri, Pushan, Rukmin, Diwari, Deva

The Invincing group is good for characters that have Shifta and Deband, because they don't need the

mag's special one. Androids and the HUmar, should get a S&Ding mag because they have no other way

to get it, and the Resta at 1/10 HP is helpful. The Mixed group only includes Bhima and is for

people who don't know what they want.

The S&D, and Resta are about level 3, and the Invincible lasts for 10 seconds.

The second way to group mags is by the "degree" of feeding. First degree mags get about 0.25 levels

of POW or MIND for each dimate/fluid. The second degree ones get about 0.16 levels, and the third

degree are a pain to raise because they get about 0.09 levels. So of course you want to pick the

easiest mag to raise that does the specials you want (unless you're going for looks).

First Degree: Diwari, Savitri, Nidra

Second Degree: Deva, Rukmin, Sato

Third Degree: Rati, Pushan, Bhima

So go with the easiest one you can that is good for your character.


-----------------------------------------------Other Mags-------------------------------------------


NOTE: These mags don't necessarily have the same PB moves as all the other mags. They are different,

because they go through different steps to get crazy stats. The mags that advance in only one stat

are also not special mags. They are just regular ones and which mag varies by character.

50 DEF, 0 POW, 0 DEX, 150 MIND (useful for FOnewearls)

1. get a mag

2. feed it difluids (MIND, some DEF, a bit of DEX)

3. at level the level 10 evolution have a Ranger hold the mag so you get a Kalki and the

move Estella

4. feed it monofluids (MIND and less DEF)

5. at the level 35 evolution you get a Tapas and it learns Mylla & Youlla

6. feed the Tapas difluids (DEF and MIND)

7. at the level 50 evolution give the mag to a Hunter with a Virdia, Sklyly, Purplenum,

Redria, or Yellowboze ID so you get an Ushasu and the move Golla

8. feed Ushasu antiparalysis until DEF is 50, you must have the Hunter hold the mag on all

levels that end in 0 or 5, levels with 1-4 any character can feed it

9. feed it difluids so that MIND is 49

10. raise MIND to 50 and get a special mag

Virdia, Blueful, Whitill, or Redria:

Deva - male Hunter

Savitri - female Hunter

Pushan - male Ranger

Rukmin - female Ranger

Nidra - male Force

Sato - female Force

Skyly, Pinkal, or Yellowboze:

Rati - male Hunter

Diwari - female Ranger

Bhima - female Force

11. raise MIND to 150 with difluids


Uhhhh... I tried... but there's nothing even halfway decent...


1. get a mag

2. feed it monomates (lot of POW, little DEF and DEX)

3. at the level 10 evolution, give the mag to a Ranger and get a Kalki and learn the

PB Estella

4. continue with the monomates (POW, and a bit of DEF)

5. at the level 35 evolution, give the mag to a Ranger, get a Surya, and the mag move Golla

6. feed it more monomates (the tinniest bit of POW, nothing else)

7. at the level 50 evolution give the mag to a Ranger with a Greenill, Bluefull, Pinkal,

Oran, or Whitill ID and get Madhu and the mag move Mylla & Youlla

8. feed it dimates to level 200 (only POW)


1. get a mag

2. feed it antiparalysis until the MIND is almost 1, but not quite

3. feed it antidotes

4. at the level 10 evolution, have a Ranger hold it so you get a Kalki and the mag move Estella

5. feed Kalki antidotes (DEX and a little POW)

6 at the level 35 evolution, give the mag to a Ranger so that you get a Mitra and the move Pilla

7. feed Mitra antiparalysis (a bunch of DEX)

8. at the level 50 evolution, give the Mitra to a Ranger with a Greenill, Bluefull, Pinkal,

Oran, or Whitill ID so you get a Kaitabha and the mag move Mylla & Youlla

9. raise DEX with antidotes, antiparalysis, or rotate between the two, until the mag is level 200


1. get a mag

2. feed it monofluids (a lot of MIND, a bit of DEX and DEF)

3. at the level 10 evolution, give it to a Ranger and get a Kalki that learns the mag move Estella

4. feed it monofluids (MIND and a bit of DEX)

5. at the level 35 evolution, you get Tapas and it learns Mylla & Youlla

6. feed Tapas monofluids (only MIND)

7. at the level 50 evolution, give the mag to a Hunter with a Virdia, Sklyly, Purplenum, Redria,

or Yellowboze ID so you get Ushasu and the move Golla

8. feed the mag difluids until level 200 (only MIND)

25 DEF, 24 POW, 25 DEX, 25 MIND (a level 99 mag that turns into a special mag)

1. get a mag

2. feed it antidotes (a little DEF, more POW, much more DEX)

3. at the level 10 have a Ranger have the mag so you get Kalki and the move Estella

4. feed Kalki antidotes until DEX is 10 (DEX and a little POW)

5. feed Kalki monomates (little DEF, a bit more POW)

6. at level 35 you get Mitra and the move Pilla

7. feed Mitra antiparalysis (alot of DEX)

8. at the level 50 evolution have a Ranger that's Greenill, Blueful, Pinkal, Oran, or Whitill ID so

that you get a Kaitabha and the mag learns Mylla & Youlla

9. feed the Kaitabha antiparalysis until DEF is 25, keep the mag with the Ranger on every level ending

in 0 or 5, for levels with 1-4, any character can hold it.

10. feed it difluids to raise MIND to 25

11. feed it dimates until POW is 24, this mag will evolve to a special mag if you feed it a few

dimates, and is good for trading online

12. if you want to make it a special mag now, feed it dimates so POW goes up another level and all

stats are 25

Virdia, Blueful, Whitill, or Redria:

Deva - male Hunter

Savitri - female Hunter

Pushan - male Ranger

Rukmin - female Ranger

Nidra - male Force

Sato - female Force

Skyly, Pinkal, or Yellowboze:

Rati - male Hunter

Diwari - female Ranger

Bhima - female Force

14. you now have a level 100, all stats equal, special mag

50 DEF, 50 POW, 50 DEX, 50 MIND (all stats are equal)

1. 1. get a mag

2. feed it antidotes (a little DEF, more POW, much more DEX)

3. at the level 10 have a Ranger have the mag so you get Kalki and the move Estella

4. feed Kalki antidotes until DEX is 10 (DEX and a little POW)

5. feed Kalki monomates (little DEF, a bit more POW)

6. at level 35 you get Mitra and the move Pilla

7. feed Mitra antiparalysis (alot of DEX)

8. at the level 50 evolution have a Ranger that's Greenill, Blueful, Pinkal, Oran, or Whitill

ID so that you get a Kaitabha and the mag learns Mylla & Youlla

9. feed the Kaitabha antiparalysis until DEF is 50, keep the mag with the Ranger on every level

ending in 0 or 5, for levels with 1-4, any character can hold it.

13. feed it difluids to raise MIND to 50

14. feed it dimates until POW is 49, this mag will evolve to a special mag if you feed it a few


15. raise POW to 50 and get a special mag using one of the following

Virdia, Blueful, Whitill, or Redria:

Deva - male Hunter

Savitri - female Hunter

Pushan - male Ranger

Rukmin - female Ranger

Nidra - male Force

Sato - female Force

Skyly, Pinkal, or Yellowboze:

Rati - male Hunter

Diwari - female Ranger

Bhima - female Force

16. you have a special mag with 50/50/50/50 stats, not the greatest mag, but definitely

balanced and cool to show off

50 DEF, 50 POW, 50 DEX, 50 MIND MAG (alternative method)

1. make the 25/25/25/25 special mag shown above

2. feed it difluids to raise MIND to 50

3. feed it dimates to raise POW to 50

4. raise DEX to 50 using antiparalysis, antidotes, or a pattern


Diwari, Savitri, Nidra: raise DEF to 50 with a pattern of Sol Atomizers and trifluids (Sol

Atomizers do DEF and POW, subtract a lot of MIND and DEX; trifluids increase MIND and DEX, but

subtract a little DEF and a lot of POW)

Deva, Rukmin, Sato: raise DEF to 50 with a trifluid, trimate,...... pattern

Rati, Pushan, Bhima: rasie DEF to 50 with a combination of Sol Atomizers and trimates

6. you have a special mag with 50/50/50/50 stats

231 DEF, 594 POW, 278 DEX, 386 MIND

1. hack (any mag over level 200 is a hack)


---------------------------------------Alternate Photon Blasts------------------------------------


Even though I think that the Photon Blasts other than Estella, Pilla, and Mylla & Youlla are horrible,

I decided to add this section which will help you change out certain Photon Blasts. There arn't many

options, but here you go.

Take out Estella, replace with:

Leilla - at level 10, give the mag to a Force so you get a Vitra and learn Leilla

Farla - at level 10, give the mag to a Hunter so you get a Varuna and learn Farla

Take out Mylla & Youlla, replace with:

(for all but FOnewm and FOnewearl)

Farla (if you didn't already change it) - at level 50, give the mag to a Force that's Virdia, Skyly,

Pinkal, Redria, or Yellowboze ID so you get Ribhava and it learns Farla (if you got it at level 10,

it learns nothing)

(FOnewm and FOnewearl)

Estella (if you took it out already) - at level 50, give the mag to a Ranger that's Virdia, Skyly,

Pinkal, Redria, or Yellowboze ID so that you get an Asparas that learns Estella (if you got switched

it out at level 10)

Golla - give the mag to a Force that's Greenill, Purplenum, Whitill, Bluefull, or Oran ID so you get

Kumara and it learns Golla

The mags must all learn Pilla. That is, unless you want to go out of your way to change it, but I'm

not going to do it.


---------------------------------------------Guide Deviation---------------------------------------


In this guide, there is a lot of information about how to make a lot of different mags. If you are

looking for nearly any kind of mag, you can use a part of this guide as a base for it and deviate off

of it in a few places. It may take a bit of researching mag things and math, but anyone who is smart

enough to play PSO can do it.

Example: you want a 20/140/30/10 mag - take the RAmar's mag (a 12/150/38/0) and then instead of raising

the DEF to 18, bring it up to 20 and then only bring the DEX to 30 while POW is 50 so you can still get

a special mag; then raise the POW to 140 and the MIND to 10

Example: you want a 25/55/60/60 mag - if you want any mag with all stats equal or greater than 25, you

can easily take that off of a 25/24/25/25 mag

Example: you want your FOnewearl's mag to have Golla instead of Mylla & Youlla - at the level 50 evolution,

give the mag to a Force that's a Greenill, Bluefull, Purplenum, Whitill, or Oran ID, so you get a Kumara

and Golla, not Mylla & Youlla

It's very simple, just look for something near what you want, and make small changes where necessary.


--------------------------------------------------Q & A---------------------------------------------


Q: Where do you find mags?

A: You start out with one to begin with. They can also be found in boxes after beating De Rol Le and

in boxes in the Mines (Normal through Ultimate modes). Another place to find mags is in the EP2 Mountain

area I find the easiest way to get a lot of them is to create a dummy character, start a multiplayer

game with the dummy and one of your real characters, then take the dummy's mag (and Meseta while you're

at it). Then Save & Quit, delete the dummy character, and repeat until you have enough mags. Every

mag starts with 5 DEF and 40 Synchro.

Q: How does the mag evolution work?

A: Mags evolve at level 10, 35, 50+, and maybe level 100 (special mags). The level 10 depends on what

type of character you have (Ranger, Hunter, Force); there is one mag for each group. The level 35

depends on the non-DEF stats and which is largest and on who fed your mag to level 10 (Ranger, Hunter,

Force); each group has three choices. Level 50 is complicated, it depends on the mag stats put in

highest to lowest order, your ID, and character type. If one of these things has changed at level 55,

60, 65, ... it will evolve again. The level 100 special evolution requires that two stats added together

equals the other two added together; the pairs are chosen by ID. Then the special mag is chosen by the

gender and type of character. The special evolutions can also happen at levels 110, 120, 130, ... The

special evolution is guaranteed the last one. Mag cells have lots of different requirements that I will

not elaborate on, but can be found at <ragol.co.uk>

Q: What decides the move a mag learns?

A: Each type of mag learns one type of move. If the mag already knows that move, or if it already knows

three moves it will not learn it again or learn a fourth. You may have noticed that a Force never holds

the mag at level 10 in this guide, that's because the level 10 Force mag learns the Resta move (Leilla)

that is horrible and pointless, but has an okay graphic. The other moves are:

Estella - a fish appears and does major line damage

Pilla - rays of light fall from the sky (like what Dark Falz does)

Mylla & Youlla - Shifta & Deband, level 22 at max, but can combo to be higher

Golla - a moose pops up and does major damage to one enemy, but less than Estella, and it

will miss if aimed wrong

Farla - a snake spins around you doing very little damage and usually causing the enemies to attack

you all at once, killing you instantly

Q: How do you do Photon Blast combos?

A: First you get in a multiplayer game then you wait until at least 2 of you have your PB

bar filled. Then, one of you does the PB and while the first person is doing the summoning thing (before

the cut scene, while they're waving around their weapon) you do your PB. If you do 4 of the PB's in a row

and Mylla & Youlla was used only once, it does a level 80 Shifta & Deband. If you use Mylla & Youlla with

Estella, I know that it'll do a lot more damage and do a very good S&D on both characters (the Estella only

shoots out of the character that used it). I don't know about any other combos though

There are also a couple combos that actually will do less damage than regular, so try to

avoid doing those. Just try stuff out while playing with your friends.

Q: PB donations?

A: If you're playing with other people and one of them is doing a PB, but you don't have a full PB bar so

you can't combo, then you can do a PB donation. You press the X button and one PB will be drained from you.

You can do this until you donate 10 or run out of PB. Doing this will make the ally's Photon Blast stronger,

if you're dead (you can do it while dead) you will be revived (I am sure of this if the person using the PB

does Mylla & Youlla, and I'm pretty sure otherwise), and you get EXP from enemies killed (???).

Q: How long does it take to feed a mag?

A: When you start up a game, about 3.5 minutes later you can feed your mag 3 items. The timer starts again

after you feed the mag the first of the 3 items, and 3.5 minutes after that you can feed it 3 more items.

It takes about 750 items to raise a mag to level 200, so it comes out to about 15 hours to raise a mag, but

since you don't always feed your mag on perfect timing, it takes about 20 hours. If you get about 24 mags

or so at once, by the time you feed all of them, it'll be time to feed them again; that's useful if you want

to raise a bunch of 25/24/25/25 mags at once. If you want a real trick for raising a whole lot of the same

mag: get a Waverbird controller and 2-4 of the things you plug into the controller port. Set all of them to

the same frequency and start up a multiplayer game with as many people as you can. You'll be able to move

all the characters around at the same time, now you can navigate the menus the same with all your characters,

meaning you can sit at the shop and feed 24 mags on each character continuously, raising up to 96 mags at once!

Q: By how much do the mag stats raise your stats?

A: 1 POW = 2 ATP, 1 DEF = 1 DFP; 1 MIND = 2 MST; 2 DEX = 1 ATA, they will not allow you to go past a character's

max stats either. If you have an odd number of DEX, usually it only raises the ATA of the character by half of

the rounded down number, but occasionally it goes by half of the rounded up number.

Q: EP2 mags? Say wha'? Can I only raise them in EP2?

A: The special mags are often referred to EP2 mags. That's because when PSO was first released, there was

only EP1 and there were no special mags. Then when the next edition of PSO came out, Sonic Team added EP2

and the special mags along with some other stuff. The mags were then named EP2 mags because they came out

along with EP2, but they can be raised while playing in either episode.

Q: Mag Cells?

A: They are attainable online from the seasonal Rappies. They replace the Love Rappy in the VR Temple at

certain times of year. To find one, you'll need to do repeated runs of that level online because you can't

pipe rare enemies online. Then the tough part is nabbing it before someone else.

Q: PB strength?

A: I'm not sure yet, but I plan on making a separate, extensive guide about it.

Q: Synchro and IQ?

A: Synchro is how long it takes you're PB bar to fill, the higher it is the more PB you get for damage dealt

(not techs) and received. The max it 120%. I'm not sure, but from what I've played, I think that IQ is the

rate that the mag will do its specials (Resta, Shifta & Deband, Invincible, or Revive), the strength of the

special (like how much the Resta heals), and the maybe partly the strength of the PB's. I have never seen

anything that said specifically, so that's just my hunch.

Q: I don't have the kind of character you said I needed! What do I do?

A: Make a dummy character of the right type, and have it raise the mag that last level before taking the mag

back and deleting the dummy file.

Q: Why do so many of the mag directions look the same?

A: BECAUSE THEY ARE! Almost every singe character needs at least 50 POW and 50 DEX, which allows me to have

the exact same instructions for up to the special mag evolution. Then, there are only a few steps more in

which I tell you to bring each stat to the numbers I already specified in the tables. Look at steps 1-9

for a lot of the characters, I actually copied and pasted the words in most cases. The things are nearly

the same, because I'm too lazy to make them different!!!!!


------------------------------------------------THE END---------------------------------------------


Edited by OMEGA9988
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Why on EARTH are you putting magguides for 50 defense? NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER put defense on mag. If you want defense, then use def mats because 1 def mat = 2def points compared to 1 level on a mag = 1 point of defense.

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Why on EARTH are you putting magguides for 50 defense? NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER put defense on mag. If you want defense, then use def mats because 1 def mat = 2def points compared to 1 level on a mag = 1 point of defense.

I didn't say you had to agree with me , And you don't have to make mags like this But this is just how i do it so :D yeah.

Edited by OMEGA9988
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i think here is to much magfeed guides on this server.

Hmm Guess i haven't looked around at them Cause i didn't see any XD but prob because i follow my own guide.

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Thanks omega for the info now I know how to make sato and nidra. :)

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Max Stats for characters are wrong

Its mostly for the "how to make this mag guide"

But you are right atp, def, mst (not for casts), eva, hp/tp are raised by 100 points for max here. ata is raised by 10 for all classes. But also keep in mind with these stats being raised there is no way to completely max out any characters because the max mats were not raised as well.

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Its mostly for the "how to make this mag guide"

But you are right atp, def, mst (not for casts), eva, hp/tp are raised by 100 points for max here. ata is raised by 10 for all classes. But also keep in mind with these stats being raised there is no way to completely max out any characters because the max mats were not raised as well.

Yeah i really just wanted to show how to make them so more ( rare-ish - Think i made up a word XD ) mags would be in the game.

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