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OK, I've noticed a pattern with the One-player quests that is really pissing me off; and I mean SERIOUSLY!!!


When you go into one-player mode, and do one of the main story quests (aka the offline quests like Soul of a Blacksmith, or Doc Octo's Research etc etc) and you get done with the quest, and are ready to go turn it in, if you go to your common bank BEFORE turning in the quest - it acts like you selected QUIT GAME and YES from the menu even though the menu isn't open . . . . this has happened to me several times now, and frankly, IT'S EFFIN RIDICULOUS!

I had to do Unsealed Door 4 EFFIN TIMES before the game didn't crash!!!!


I always deposit stuff in the bank before turning in a quest, that way I can start the next quest fresh - FIX THIS, BECAUSE THIS IS ANNOYING AS F*&&^k

Edited by Zandres
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This sounds like you are having a bank disconnect and not specifically a quest issue. Try to make sure your internet connection is stable, also maybe avoid attempting to withdraw items with a full inventory, as I can see your main char has 30/30 on them. I don't see anything that seems really off, but I'll try to see if there may be anything else.

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First calm down.
Second please go here and click on the banner that says "how to post in this sub forum", then edit your original post to conform the "how to".

I'll check afterwards.
If confirmed, we'll see if its possible to fix.

Regardless, you should not go to the bank after the quest if its giving you problems.

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43 minutes ago, mcxvi said:

Why are you getting so upset if you can just stop using your bank before completing the quest?  Come on...

I can understand tho, it must be very annoying and if it ends up actually being a bug then it should be fixed.

However even if it is a bug, it doesn't seem like a "massive" one.

Anyway, I'll be checking tomorrow after I wake up.

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Ok, i have reproduced this error . . . .


Here's the problem:


At any point during one of the "one-player"   offline story quests aka the "main story" quests    (soul of steel, from the depths, native research, seat of the heart, etc etc etc)  If at any point during the quest, you access your COMMON BANK and then proceed to deposit money (meseta) when you click confirm on the amount to deposit, the game just quits and you're back at the screen where you press enter and click start game . . . . THIS SHOULDN'T HAPPEN!   You should just be able to deposit your money and keep going.  

Please look into this for me; thanx!

Edited by Zandres
punctuation error
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I did, loaded a one player, main story quest, when at the beginning of the quest deposited meseta and everything was fine.
Since that was too easy, I completed a new quest and before turning it back into the counter, I deposited meseta and it worked, also items.

Which quest specifically and which difficulty?

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