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Moiy Sanchez

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3 hours ago, Howitzer said:

Sabrina asked a GM to close her topic :7 And yes this auction isnt better than sabrinas 

i said that because everyone complained in my topic everyone does it but all you ppl come only to me how i waste ppls time oh well if you dont agree with it just stay out of some ones topic.

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3 hours ago, cyane said:

think the auctions are too high already D: how come he will be disgusted by the offers? 

That's the reason? Sabrina's auction never even got the chance to get bids because it was flooded with drama. No one is going to bid in a thread full of drama. 

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1 hour ago, solo guy said:

Lol so you comment in one persons auction thread implying they are wasting people's time and making them feel bad because it gets a lot of up votes but here and others it's fine because he used different wording ? I'm pretty sure if these items didn't get near the value mine went for moiy wouldn't have sold therefore wasting people's time like you put in Sabrina's thread. In my next auction I shall write"hi all itemX for trade I want crazy/ridiculous offer , I have right to not sell when ever I want, starting bid is fake I want 10 times that figure so get fighting bout it now and in 3 days if it's not right I will extend and when you think you've won I will just say nah I'm keeping Ty and happy bidding : )"

but buddy you started here with "to not sell" so it means its a sell topic


like i said in sabrinas, topic every other topic with words like these: i have the right to close this if the offerts are too lows  or disgust me

should be closed right before they can start cause thats a sell topic no auction

auction means youre setting a low price where ppl can start of bidding. (the start bidding should never be the normal amount of the items like here)

now it depends on demand if your auction runs well or nat


this is the meaning of an auction! every other is just waisting time and, i have to say it again, a SELL TOPIC!

if you wont make looses you shouldnt start an auction! you should make a sell topic and then you make a 0-0 business noone loose noone wins

if youre prepaired to make looses (maybe) then you can start a topic with A> and at that moment you start a A> i see the items ownership passes to a GM then (in my eyes the auction referee)

to make it fair that the item will be given to the winner of the auction even if the seller make looses


i wish gms would make some rules for auctions to get them more fair!

Edited by Nightmare2.0
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That's your opinion. Not a fact. A sell/trade topic is not the same as an auction with conditions because in an "auction" the offers are open for everyone to see. I can't stand when someone's selling something and I make them an offer, they say they have already 3 offers higher but they won't say what they are. I think that's a key difference and imo just as greedy. Also, if you feel you're wasting your time, then don't bid. No one is forcing anyone to participate in an auction you don't like the rules of. But because there are no set rules as of this moment, as far as I can tell people have the right to auction how they please.

I think the biggest issue here is that you and howi used sabrina's thread to rant about auction behavior that 90% of the people here are guilty of including myself. You guys ruined Sabrina's auction.

PS: I fully support having actual auction rules. If anything it would prevent unnecessary drama like this.

Edited by magictrick
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4 minutes ago, magictrick said:

That's your opinion. Not a fact. A sell/trade topic is not the same as an auction with conditions because in an "auction" the offers are open for everyone to see. I can't stand when someone's selling something and I make them an offer, they say they have already 3 offers higher but they won't say what they are. I think that's a key difference and imo just as greedy. Also, if you feel you're wasting your time, then don't bid. No one is forcing anyone to participate in an auction you don't like the rules of. But because there are no set rules as of this moment, as far as I can tell people have the right to auction how they please.

I think the biggest issue here is that you and howi used sabrina's thread to rant about auction behavior that 90% of the people here are guilty of including myself. You guys ruined Sabrina's auction.

PS: I fully support having actual auction rules. If anything it would prevent unnecessary drama like this.

time wasting means: you bid & yours was the highest offer BUT the auctionist said he wont give item away cause the last bid was to low THAT WAS MEANT BY TIME WASTIN.

thats also the reason why noone should make their own rules for an auction. this is not my opinion this is the meaning of AUCTION.

meaning of auction

- start offer lower than original price

- everyone can bid

- no limits of offers

- highest bid win (like in real life even if seller like it or not, highest bidder wins)

- period of time till ending



but if youre not ready to make looses then you shouldntstart an auction. this what you mean is a sell topic with open offers (mostly used for really rare items for examples Dark weps)

an auction is a giveaway for highest bidder. so why do you make a auction if your in the knowledge that you can make looses. this doesnt make sence

please cyane nominate someone who makes all auctions.. that means if someone wanna make an auction he has to give this person the item (i call him auctionist boss xD)

and the auctionist boss make the A> topic where the current highest bidder really get the item! no by clauses like: if i dont like the offers i can close or bla bla bla


so magictrick please go to an auction in your vincinity and give something to sell (youll need to give a signature for accepting terms of AUCTION)

then try to say that you dont wanna sell it after highest bid was elected

(you wont get it back, only thing youll get are some ppl laughing about you then ^~^)

i dont know how auctions in your country works but in our they work strictley and with auction rules (not custom rules)

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I think you are all making far too much trouble about auction posts. The chances of GMs ever being able to police this is pretty slim, regardless of anything they do, if I had an auction and was not satisfied with the price I could always ask a friend to outbid the current offer. No matter how many rules were in place we could never stop someone from legitamately ending there auction without the item always being sold. 


I am happy enough that we have people doing auctions, rather than sell posts with 'pm me an offer' because that has been a huge pain and I think we all know this. For me it's gotten to the point that if I pm you asking for a price and you say offer I say no thanks, because I am tired of that kind of bullshit, making good offers and they say they just got a better one, and you have no clue if they are making it up or not, so now I opt out completely. 


This is a step in the right direction, we should all keep in mind the alternative to this is much worse, and also seems somewhat less common right now, is it ideal no, but I like this more, and if we have to have a discussion about how auctions should be done it should be in pso general. 

@nightmare2.0 you have also told me yourself if you didn't like the buyer you would have a friend outbid so you didn't have to sell. Sooo....





Also hahaha

60 pds and 3 dts

Edited by Justin Noble
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Things with auction topic is, you must set a minimum bid that you are comfortable to accept if nobody bids higher. Not "starting bid is 10 but i will prob close if it's just that". You have to honor your side, since you just asked 10 and those 10 reached. Nobody else thought it was worth more too bad, you just asked that.

It's about honor, peoples that place auctions have to honor their side and sell for at least their minimum set price.


edit: also if it disturbs any of you when an auction isn't being done as it should, pm a gm/moderator so we can have a look, no need for drama

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CHB JUSTIN NOBLE !! - 60 pds + 3 dt

4 Hours Left 

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ruffalufacus win with 15 dts, yes they are in time cause i no edited this xD

Pm me ruffalufacus

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