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How does LEGION reward members based on their effort?


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hey I'm a level 76 RAmar, I'm interested in joining. I'm looking for a group to play with that bears everyone's interests in mind, no more ninja looting and selfishness with not letting everyone get a chance for loot. Id really like to find a home, hit me up if you guys have room for one more!

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Hey I'm a level 76 RAmar, I'm interested in joining. I'm looking for a group to play with that bears everyone's interests in mind, no more ninja looting and selfishness with not letting everyone get a chance for loot. Id really like to find a home, hit me up if you guys have room for one more!


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  • 2 weeks later...

So after a long hiatus from the game, I'm back playing again and when I signed in today, I found myself teamless! I guess I was either booted due to inactivity or my previous team disbanded. Legion seems cool, so I'd be interested in joining up if you'll have me. I'm a little bit casual but I enjoy doing endgame stuff and try to get the best gear possible for my characters. My main is a Purplenum FOmar named Moses, L200. I was working on a HUcast before I left. Skyly L100 named Vulgaris. Would love to see if you all are a good fit for me and vice versa.

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  • 4 months later...

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