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  1. I am looking for rare mag, rianov 5, or pd. i can consider other trade offers in between shields and event items. Ideally this is ultra rare and i am looking to get 95 percent value for it. Keep the general pso rules in mind when offering and have fun the worst i could say is no. PD is KING.
  2. Auction ends on Sunday at midnight 2/11/18 see countdown below. Starting bid is 30 DTs. Bids must be in increments of at least 1 DT.
  3. I Need dts so i am going to sell these two items, i will sell them together at a price of the auction. I will accept only offers on post. I will accept trades as well as long as the prices of the items are stable and easy to calculate. I will try and check the offers as often as possible but i am always active and accepting trades. B/O is 100dts ( Been informed to raise this ) ENDS ON SUNDAY 12TH NOVEMBER 6PM GMT Leader :54 + orb dts : Ragol99 Tsumikiri J- Sword +50 0/25/35/0 Arrest Needle 40/0/0/0/50
  4. Auctioning this off, The auction will end 24 hours after the first bid. Good luck. Items are accepted as long as they are well known in stable price, such as RR, PR's etc. Auction leader checked 12:09am gmt : Theancientsam with 42dts!!! Go!
  5. Hello Ultima! Today I have on auction 10x Halo Rappy Souls! Starting Bid: 8dts/50pds (6.6 ratio) End Date: https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/237860/my-countdown Rules: 1. If you back out, you can't bid again. 2. Bids (within reason) remain even if bidder backs out. 3. Accepting dts/pds only, and must have them ready if you win. 4. Instant buyout: 1 cent/battle lol 5. No pms about buying the item please, just bid here. 6. No unnecessary comments please. 7. There will be a small gift for the winner ^^ 8. I reserve the right to disqualify any bid/bidder at my discretion. 9. I reserve the right to add/remove rules at my discretion.
  6. Hello! I have an Iron Faust for sale: Starts at: 6dts *has only 20hit* Ends on: https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/216934/iron-faust-auction Rules: 1. If you back out, you can't bid again. 2. Bids remain even if bidder backs out. 3. Accepting dts only, and must have them ready if you win. 4. Instant buyout: 1 cent/battle lol 5. No pms about buying the item please, just bid here. 6. No unnecessary comments please. 7. There will be a small gift for the winner ^^ 8. I reserve the right to disqualify any bid/bidder at my discretion. 9. I reserve the right to add/remove rules at my discretion. Good luck!
  7. Hello! I have a Hylian Shield for sale: Starts at 1dts Ends on: https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/209786/hylian-shield-auction Rules: 1. If you back out, you can't bid again. 2. Bids remain even if bidder backs out. 3. Accepting dts only, and must have them ready if you win. 4. Instant buyout: 2 cent/battle lol 5. No pms about buying the item please, just bid here. 6. No unnecessary comments please. 7. There will be a small gift for the winner ^^ 8. I reserve the right to disqualify any bid/bidder at my discretion. 9. I reserve the right to add/remove rules at my discretion. Good luck!
  8. Hello! I have a Chromatic Orb for auction! Starts at: 1dts (Yes, 1dt XD if it happens to sell for 1dt then so be it ^^) Ends on: https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/205655/chromatic-orb-auction Rules: 1. If you back out, you can't bid again. 2. Bids remain even if bidder backs out. 3. Accepting dts only, and must have them ready if you win. 4. Instant buyout: 2 cent/battle (because why not) 5. No pms about buying the item please, just bid here. 6. No unnecessary comments please. 7. There will be a small gift for the winner ^^ 8. I reserve the right to disqualify any bid/bidder at my discretion. 9. I reserve the right to add/remove rules at my discretion. GOOD LUCK!
  9. Hello! I have a Chromatic Orb for sale: Starts at 15dts Ends on: https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20170627T00&p0=226&msg=A>Chromatic+Orb&font=cursive 1. If you back out, you can't bid again. 2. Bids remain even if bidder backs out. 3. Accepting dts only, and must have them ready if you win. 4. Instant buyout: 2 cent/battle lol 5. No pms about buying the item please, just bid here. 6. No unnecessary comments please. 7. There will be a small gift for the winner ^^ 8. I reserve the right to disqualify any bid/bidder at my discretion. 9. I reserve the right to add/remove rules at my discretion. Good luck!
  10. Long time I didn't make one so Want : dts Starting bid : 12.78 dts Buyout : 74938 dts End date : in 55 hours (if you want to bid pds, my rate is 1:8) Auctioning only one https://w2.countingdownto.com/1845597
  11. Hello again Ultima! I am in need of dts now, so I must auction this Gael Giel 0/130/70/0 Twins/Healer/Deer Starting Bid: 25dts End Date: 2 days and some change https://countingdownto.com/countdown/another-gael-auction-countdown-clock Wants: This time I want dts only Rules: 1. Only comment to place a bid or to ask a relevant question about this auction. Please no trolls or unnecessary comments, doesn't matter who. Ty. 2. If a person backs out of a bid, he will be disqualified for further bidding in this auction. 3. If a person backs out of a bid, I will continue as if nothing happened and his bid will still count. 4. If you win, but do not have the dts to pay for the item at this time, I will consider the auction void, and keep the item. I will consider selling to the 2nd highest bidder. 5. I reserve the right to add/eliminate rules as I deem appropriate , while still being fair. Ty. Good luck!
  12. Auctioning another custom Episode 2 S-Rank! Should be done roughly within the next couple days, leaving room for the unknown though. I'll set this auction for a couple days but if I get a good offer I'll end early, also might end early if I get the s-rank complete sooner than later and I'll take the best offer at that point. As always thanks for looking and good luck on your guys hunts!
  13. Title says it all! I'll be wrapping up an EP2 S-Rank run in the next 48 hours most likely and am auctioning the reward to the highest bidder! Post name and desired special for said s-rank and highest bidder in my eyes will win it. Good luck and thank you in advance!
  14. āœ°āœ°āœ° Sealed J-Sword Auction āœ°āœ°āœ° I left it untekked so you can have the pleasure of tekking it by yourself Wants DT's or PD's only (ratio 1:8) Starting Bid: 40 DT's or 320 PD's Deadline: May 24, 2017 10:00 PM GMT-03:00 (Brasilia) Rules Please only offer PDs/DTs/stuff that you already have. Avoid retreating your offer. This is to avoid confusion for the people bidding. If you really have to retreat your offer, I'll be prohibiting you to start bidding again on this topic. Who is forbidden to bid on this topic: - Champione Good luck to all bidders!
  15. radezz

    BKB Auction!

    Hello bidders of all dws. Today I am auctioning a Black King Bar 100/0/0/100/80 Starting Bid: 40dts/264pds End Date: https://countingdownto.com/countdown/bkb-auction-countdown-clock Ready. Set. Bid!
  16. Centurion/Battle Auction! What I Want: dts or pds only Starting Bid: 40dts or 265pds (6.6 ratio) When It Ends: https://countingdownto.com/countdown/centurion-battle-auction-countdown-clock Good luck to all!
  17. Hello again! This time I will auction a Banana Cannon, stats 30a.beast Item: Banana Cannon Starting Bid: 10dts/65pds End Date: April 7th Accepted Items: dts/pds Auction Rules: 1. Once you place a bid, you cant retract it for a lesser amount, if so you will be disqualified. 2. Please no posts unless you are participating in the auction. 3. No bidding other items other than the accepted ones. 4. No pms to buy the item If you want it, please place a bid on this topic. 5. Have fun. Good luck!
  18. Hello all This time I will auction a Master Sword 30/0/0/45 Starting Bid: 10dts/65pds End Date: March 29th Instant Buyout: D-Photon Core good luck!
  19. Hello Again Ultima! Item: Banana Cannon 30a.beast Starting Bid: 8dts/55pds End Date: https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/68450/my-countdown Accepted Items: (I will put my own value on items bid) Pds Dts Sov with good stats/hit MR good stats/hit PBC Good luck!
  20. Hello Ultima ^^ Item: Chromatic Orb Starting Bid: 10dts/65pds End Date: https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/63639/my-countdown Accepted Items: Pds Dts (I will put my own value on items bid) Sov with good stats/hit MR good stats/hit PBC Good luck!
  21. Those three items are in auction, it will end the 21 of December. Proof Of Sonic Team : starting bid 10 DTs => CHB (8 PTs + 32 PDs) @252psycho Psycho Black Crystal : starting bid 10 DTs => CHB 15 DTS @GoPikachu HOLY RAY [35/0/0/0|45] : starting bid 15 pd => CHB 25 PDs @Night The following items are for sell : LAME D'ARGENT [25/0/25/0|0] (0 kill) : 2 PD Trap/Search : 4 PD Centurion/Ability : 4 PD Monogrinder x99 : 5 PD Digrinder x99 : 10 PD Jellen lv30 : 4 PD Shifta lv30 : 6 PD If am happy with a deal I'll throw in some Jack-O'-Lantern or Easter Egg Ultimate.
  22. Reverse Auction > Any mag with 200 Power (preferably Tellusis or Sato or something cool) My starting bid is 50 PDs + 2 DTs : I'll buy to the lowest/coolest offer Reverse auction end sunday as soon as I can get online, which will probably be around 10 a.m (UTC +1)
  23. Hi there, I wanted to make a little point : Sell : you set a price, people buy it or not. Eventually if several people want it, you sell it to be highest offer. Generally small/common items are being sold, because most of the time the price is easy to evaluate. Auction : you set a starting price and a countdown, you wait the end of the countdown to take the highest bid. Normally big/rare/valuable items are being auctioned because the price can vary a lot depending on how much people want it. Also those items are often the kind that you can only get during events, or have really high stats, or are just plain hard to hunt : which makes their price even harder to evaluate. Disguised auction : You give a price (or not huhu) then ask for people to pm. You receive a first pm saying I offer "that", then a second offering less than "that", so you answer to this second pm that the price should be at least "that+" in order to win the auction be the one that will get to buy your shit. You ask for offers and getting pm, you don't give any clue of nothing and you expect to have a shiny overpriced offer coming out of nowhere. You try to get the maximum price out of shitty/common items. Generally : you never say anywhere that you're auctioning (can even use the S> in order to disguise even better), but everything in the way you "sell it" looks like an auction, except it's not following the rules Why am I being a bitch about it ? Because this kind of thing : "So this car is for sale, what do you offer ? Also please don't say it out loud, whispers it so that other people don't have any clue." looks way to shady and it kinda of dissuade me to participate at all. Not even to mention some of those sellers that will just feel offended or leave the PM without saying a word. They ask to offer blindly and when we do, they're not happy. Basically they just want you to offer all you have at once or get out of their way ; no compromise, no haggling. That's (among other things) why Cyane made a clear topic about auction rules : Now, that said, am quite sure that most people are not doing it on purpose. Some of them just don't know about the rules, some of them have no manners, and so on. Well, it's not too late to get better at it ! Of course there is no rules preventing someone to be a jerk and saying "am selling it, I told you am just selling it, am just not happy with the current price so I wait for better". People to which I'd answer : "then don't sell it now, wait until you're happy with what people could offer". Or, make it an auction so that people know what to expect. At the end of the day, it's mainly about me not standing this kind of hypocrisy ; but am sure am not the only one in this case =)
  24. I am auctioning a Mid-level Red Ring. DFP + 206 I ask for the first bid to be 10DT, and the auction will conclude Wednesday, November 2 at 7:00PM CST Thanks for your interest, and good luck! *To protect integrity of the auction, please do not PM me offers.
  25. Up for auction is 1 x Psycho Black Crystal, used to turn Master Ravens into Psycho Ravens, and 1 x Proof of Sonic Team, used to turn Spread Needle into Arrest Needle. Looking mainly for DTs/PDs. I'll let this run til' Sunday 8 PM EST at the very latest. If an offer comes up that I like I'll let that item go immediately though. You can bid on one or both items if you'd like. Happy Bidding!
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