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InfamousRaiko last won the day on October 3 2010

InfamousRaiko had the most liked content!


5 Neutral


About InfamousRaiko

  • Rank
    Sinow Gold
    Sinow Gold

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  1. Name Of Team: [iG] Current Members: 45
  2. Add the name of your team here and the current number of members in your team. This should help people look at all teams quickly
  3. i actually agree with rovelius, most of us are pso vets, and have played every single quest mutliple times, there is no need for all of us to be forced to play them again. especially when new players could just replay the quests in order if they were all unlocked, so there isn't much downside to having them unlocked.
  4. yo i got the baby mags you wanted, try and find me in game soon. and dont worry about my mags, i raised em on my own. you can keep the cells i gave ya
  5. i just needed a couple of 200 mags, for mag cells so it dont matter which colour they are, but as for pb's i like estla, mylla youlla and pilla. (dolphin, twins and totem pole). You should already have the cells.
  6. go to dangerous deals with black paper, they are pretty easy to get there.
  7. i want a couple of lvl 200 mags plx whenever you get a chance. i can give you somfink for em. got a bunch of rares yesterday
  8. first off welcome to the server, the server usually has around 20+ people on it, and everyone who plays on it is pretty nice. The Gm's are very helpfull and most of the players are nice enough to help you with pretty much anything. Have Fun. XD
  9. any chance we can add some of the ep4 mags in to the mix, like as a drop from saint million? i don't think they are available anywhere else.
  10. while we're on the subject is the pioneer mag available in any way? or the elenor mag?
  11. Is there any item price list(in pd's) of how much each item is worth on this server, if not i dont mind making one. i know there was one by prodi i think but that one is ancient and not applicable to this server.
  12. there should be a christmas event, im looking forward to it too. i like the presents.
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