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Everything posted by Zeph

  1. Hey man, when are we going to play together again? :)

  2. We look forward to the day Xylene.
  3. Happy birthday bro

    1. Travesty


      Thanks. Haha. Don't think I was playing when it happened tho =[

  4. Interesting quest. Chat enables you to make things happen in the environment.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Zeph


      Yeah. Karst and I decided to try some random quests, and Party on the Beach looked promising.

    3. R.A.V.S.O


      party on the beach... its a recreational quest that servers as a pseudo-lobby, great for hanging out.

    4. Zeph


      Its brilliant

  5. Zeph

    Zeph's Tradelist

    D Scale and pc's traded to kajex for Heart of Angel Smartlink traded to Jesus for pd's
  6. Sure thing. I'll give Marc's idea a try first though.
  7. Yes, and everytime the mags devolve back each time. To get them to evolve again I have to feed them once with my friends FO. If I keep trying it eventually the Mags power will hit 51 and ill either have to level up dex or def again to keep trying which is something I wish to avoid. I would also liek to avoid raising other stats as well.
  8. I was finally got done working on my Sato's. My friend dropped them back to me after feeding them the final level on his FO. He then logged onto his Main so I could give him one. I also handed over the rest to him so I could transfer to my ranger without having to deal with common bank. When he dropped them to me they reverted back to madhu's. Two of the Sato's remained as Sato's. A white one which you can see in the pictures, and the sato I gave to my friend. Here are the pics.
  9. What do you want for that Heart of Angel buddy?
  10. Indeed. I have my plan, have you yours?
  11. HA! I saw you were on!

  12. Hey man, good to see some fresh faces around here. If you got any questions Ill help ya out as best I can.

  13. Zeph

    PD Shop! :D

    ok we can meet in game some time and discuss.
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