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Everything posted by Zynetic

  1. No, um, Cannon's special can only attack enemies in lines to the character, while TJS' shockwave will hit anything around the character to a certain range (rather than a certain angle). Implenting DC's idea wouldn't break DC, though, just Blade and Lavis Cannon, as with Cannon, your character turns and messes things up for piercing enemies, but Lavis Cannon and Lavis Blade don't turn, you just keep moving forward.
  2. TJS special is completely different to Cannon's. TJS is a huge shockwave outwards that cannot miss and does hard damage (Berdysh does normal damage), while Cannon's special is four beams at right angles to your character (up, down, left and right) that do special attack damage and special attack accuracy. Lavis and Blade are similar to Cannon's, but only fire forward.
  3. Everybody wants Double Cannon anyway... What's the point of improving it since people go batshit crazy over it right now? Even though Vivienne and Black King Bar are stronger weapons, I still see most people saying "Need to hunt Lavis Cannon and Syncestas!" EDIT: Untekked was before the BB Fix and also on GC. Also, the special is still useful right now for Double Cannon for automatic turning after an enemy is killed and you want to attack an other. What you would do in this case is kill said enemy with NN or NH or HH (or any number of attacks less than a full combo) and then S to turn to the enemy and being another combo (or continue if you did NS or HS).
  4. The best way to hunt SJS is to do Phantasmal World #4 and complete the first two floors. The second floor is filled entirely with Gi Gues (5), and the runs don't take too long (like 3~5 mins maximum).
  5. I don't know if you were trying or not, but if you were actually trying to kill it, I don't know what to say if you're dying from an easily avoidable Megid... ...Also, Sync is useless. The only thing it does is increase PB Damage. It does not increase your PB build or anything like that: Only the damage. (Twins is not affected, Twins is off IQ) EDIT: Lol, was expecting negative reputation for this, thank you.
  6. Normal PSO music... Or something like Breathing You In by Zircon. (Progressive Trance, in other words)
  7. Not sure why you would want a V502 on a FOnewearl. V502 only boosts Freeze/Instant Death/Paralysis/Confuse specials, not Demon's. =P Unless you intend to use those specials said (I only thin it's really useful in one respect, and that is Holy Ray Paralysis). For damage calculation with techniques, it is 5 MST = 1 Damage, before resistances are applied (which means depending on the enemy, you might need more MST for 1 damage. This is with no boosts, MST needed is less with boosts).
  8. Introduction Made your force. Got some spells. Time to go blow shit up! Stop. Stop right there. Here's my suggestion if you want to do this: Play another game. Phantasy Star Online is extremely biased against Force offense, as once you hit the Ultimate game, tech resistances are far too high to do decent damage, and there's the existence of damage cancel. (If two attacks hit at rougly the same time, one or all of damage is cancelled. The window of time for damage cancel depends on the players' latency to the server. The better, the less damage cancel.) That being said, techs can be decent in the Episode 4 environment with the correct tech boosts (solo'ing only!), as can Simple techniques on a max-MST FOnewearl. This guide will outline what you need to do be a good Force, and what you should do on each force to reach their maximum potential without slowing your team members down with techniques. Each setup on a force (support, melee and nuking) should be utilised for the different situations your force will encounter, with support being the most important (and only requires pieces of equipment) then melee and then nuking (solo only for nuking). All you need to do to switch from a melee to a nuking setup is just change your units and mag with the correct material setup. Starting as a Force Recommendation: Do not make your first character a force. Doing this is counter-productive, as the new player has little meseta for fluids, which are required to do your jobs. First things first, the force is a support class. No buts, no ifs. If you are preparing to play a Force, you must be prepared to support your parties. This is relatively easy to do, all you'll need is Shifta, Deband, Jellen, Zalure, Resta and Anti disks (I don't really recommend Reverser, but that will come later. I will leave a general tips section at the end). To start off, (make sure you have your mind mag for technique learning, and techniques from your higher character (20+ supports recommended at least) find some friends, party up and level up by tagging each enemy with Zalure (and maybe Jellen if your party requires it). Doing this should net you quick levels, as you'll receive 80% EXP of all enemies in the room when they die. With the 3X EXP here, this should be relatively quick. Obviously this is very boring, but if you lack the proper equipment for force offense, it's the best thing to do for now. And this is just the basics of being a good force. Join party, cast your supports, keep your party topped up on HP (unless there is a HUcast who knows how to use Dark Flow) and watch things drop dead. Force Support FOmarl > FOnewearl > FOmar > FOnewm. The tiers of support. But don't fret, being a FOnewm doesn't mean all is bleak. You're still able to support a party as well as a FOmarl or FOnewearl, it's just not as easy. The general stages of support is: Shifta/Deband at start of quest (and during corridors! Don't let it run out), Zalure every spawn (Jellen if anybody suffers knockdown) and top of damage / berserk drops. As a random note, Jellen and Zalure cause DAMAGE CANCEL, and they are always the things to cancel (due to doing a damage of 0). Try to cast the two as fast as possible when a spawn spawns to minimize this. In terms of equipment, every force should carry the following for supports (listed in terms of usefulness from left to right): Clio (100% extra Zalure range) OR Dark Bridge (200% Extra Zalure range) OR Glide Divine (most useful, 100% to Jellen and Zalure range) (Female Forces) Madam's Parasol and Madam's Umbrella (100% to Shifta/Deband / 100% to Resta/Anti) OR Striker of Chao and Marina's Bag (100% to Shifta/Deband / 100% to Resta/Anti) OR Tyrell's Parasol (most useful, 100% to Shifta/Deband/Resta; Anti range is not needed) (Male Forces) Striker of Chao (100% to Shifta/Deband) Support Merges for Resta and Shifta. Learn to swap weapons (and shields) quickly for each situation. Equip your SD range increasers when you want to SD, JZ increasers when you want to JZ, etc. A party loves a support Force who can support well, and they also love forces who can use offense well... Force Offense Depending on the force you choose to play, your method of offense will be different (yet similar), as each class gets different equipment, while the ATP/ATA differences also differentiate the choices that you should choose. Generally, FOmar/l and FOnewm use ATP offense (mostly Demon's, though, since this is better the higher HP targets) and FOnewearl exclusively uses Demon's offense (Si techs can be used to the finish the job, if you wish). To melee well, you will need good equipment, sphered in some cases (Excalibur, Rambling May, Vivienne, Diska of Braveman, etc...), sometimes with hit (not always, though. Despite FOs have low ATA, hit is not required that much) and definitely a set of Demon's equipment (Bringer's Rifle and Slicer of Fanatic). To quote myself from another topic, here are the entire equipment sets I think a FO should have: When melee'ing as a FO, be careful! Your damage will obviously be much, much less than other characters, which means you're just a damage canceller if you do not control your attacks. This means attack enemies which aren't being attacked, or Demon's them if all are being attacked (since 75% of total HP will always be more than the others are doing). Unlike techs though, melee can be controllable to avoid damage cancel, which is always good. Demon's offense most of the time is recommended to actual offense if your party is good, as they'll be doing 99% of the damage, even if you try to intervene with your Rambling May or vulcans or whatever. Force Nuking Advisable only for Episode 4 solo, but may be neccessary on FOnewm/newearl for E1/2 maps (I don't recommend it if you can help it though). The power of nuking is large, but comes at a cost of large damage cancel in parties (parties will always kill faster than a solo FO nuke, though a solo FO nuke is faster than other classes in Episode 4). For nuking, you will need the general nuking equipment, which is: Summit Moon (+30% to Simple Techniques) Magical Piece (+30% to Normal Techniques) Psycho Wand (+30% to Hard Techniques) Mercuricus Rod/Dark Bridge (+30%/+40% to Grants) Demonic Fork/Dark Bridge (Piercing Megid) The numerous merges (One for each attack technique, bar Grants/Megid, and one for each element, which is 10% weaker than the separate merges). If you want to nuke well, you will most likely want to play a FOnewearl or a FOnewm. FOnewm gets a natural +30% boost to Gi/Ra techniques, while FOnewearl gets a natural +30% boost to Simple techniques AND EXTREMELY HIGH MST. When you are nuking, be sure to learn to switch weapons and shields quickly for maximum damage. Note: Generally, Rafoei is always better than Gifoei, but on certain spawns with Lizard/Merissas next, Gifoei can spawn damage these enemies, effectively cutting down on time. In parties, attack techniques can still be useful if you use them correctly and not spam them. There are numerous uses, such as stunning things (lilies, Meris), stopping charges (Zu, Bringer, Spawning Dorphon/Delbiter) and other numerous uses (such as finishing off a Demon's strike). Megid is a good technique for certain Episode 2 enemies and Lizards in Episode 4, but otherwise it isn't recommended. Other random tips If possible, always wear a V801. This cuts down on casting time rather effectively. It won't look like much, but use it for a week and then take it off. It will feel slow. For example, V801 allows you to stunlock Gorans in desert if you keep them at range. Adept is not recommended for TP Reduction, only stats on FOnewm/newearl. Generally, TP Reduction is useless as if you have 2,000+ TP, all you need to do is pop a Trifluid every five minutes or more (plus approximately 9% chance of finding one from an enemy when you kill it). Solferino is not recommended for Resta spamming. You might think "Oh, free TP! Faster Resta casting!", sure. The problem with Solferino is it ignores all Resta boosts, including natural boosts. You'll see the boosted effects, but the Resta will not apply to your team members. Always carry Moons. They are instantaneous and less dangerous than Reverser is. Sure, Reverser is free, unlimited revival, but if a Moon can do it faster, why bother? I only see Reverser as a spell if you run out of Moons. Don't Rabarta spam to try and be useful. It's much better to just cast your supports and use Demon's, as if people want freeze, they can use Frozen Shooter, Rabarta themselves or Freeze Traps. Rabarta'ing alot will only cause damage cancel. Don't Jellen Gal Gryphon unless you are with three very high level CASTs (sans HUcaseal) who have defense and HP. If you are with three high level casts, they will be combo'd regardless. Do not try to do things pre-emptively as a FO (or try to be the first in rooms to do things). Always leave this to the HUs/RAs, as they can do starter things much better. You being first will only mess things up. (As I've learned recently. xD) For certain Delbiter (4 Delbiter Spawn in PW4 20F) or Dorphon spawns (5 Dorphon spawn in MaxC E4), it's better to use Merc Rod gifoei to stop their charges rather than a normal gifoei, as this will allow RAs/HUs to use multi arrest weapons / freeze traps easier on the mobs. May put more here... I understand this guide is structured badly, but I do hope it helps somebody. If you have any questions, please ask.
  9. Random MA4 time (was with 2 randoms, so it was really just 2 players; me and the RAcast): Psuedo-TA time for 1C1 (record is 6:58 and we weren't even trying): FOnewm is on hold for 200 game, so started playing FOnewearl. 2 levels already (it's actually abit on 1X EXP, you know): Cool PB glitch:
  10. That's what I've been doing for the past god knows how many past posts.
  11. Give me reputation then. [Just kidding.]
  12. You don't neccessarily have to map items to buttons at all. I never map mates/fluids/antis/sols/stars/moons, etc. to any buttons. You can open the quick menu with CTRL+End, and use the right arrow key to switch between weapon list, item list and technique/trap list. (controller is switch palette+word select, then switch palette button to switch between the three lists). You can navigate your menu using the arrow keys (or whatever you use on a controller). Also I don't feel like writing a wall of text on how to play a FO, but I can if you want me to.
  13. Keep feeding it on the character that has it as a Madhu UNTIL it's about to level to a level divisible by 5. If it does evolve beforehand, relog immediately. Mags will instantly evolve into whatever they're supposed to be at the next multiple of 5 on your client when you feed them, but the server will still read the mag as the one it once was (in this case, Madhu), and follow the Madhu's feeding chart, where you will see different stats being increased on the 'Kama' that has just shown, thus when to relog later, the mags will have changed completely. To fix this problem, only start feeding it on your Kama character when the mag is about to level to 55/60/whatever.
  14. Orly? I have 10:17 myself, but we used a RAcast rather than a HUcast, yup.
  15. So you want someone to give you a reason as to why to take your rares from you? Okay, if you want a reason: You're obviously quitting since you were able to obtain all your 'ubers' in a matter of a month or so, and that makes the game... boring for you. But not for others. You've said on SCHTHack that it's pathetically easy to get all the ubers, and there's nothing left for you. But not everyone sees the game as hunting game, where the thrill is hunting your equipment. To many others, having your equipment and playing with that is the fun part, while hunting for the ubers is the tedious part, rather than the fun part. I happen to one of those people who think the game is fun once you have your equipment. Lacking certain parts of equipment irritates me alot, since I know other people can do things I want to do, which I cannot. (I once lacked a Striker, it was annoying. I could not catch strays, combo kill certain enemies as fast as some could since I had to use mechguns, etc.) If you're leaving, why 'sell'? You're not going to be able to use said items if you're quitting, so you should just choose someone (or people) to give your rares to. o.o
  16. PSO was coded badly. There is nothing you can do about it.
  17. I don't mean to be rude, but if you go to the section list, you'll notice a magical thread named "Post your videos"! I mean, oh my god, whatever could that thread be for? Not for posting videos, obviously.
  18. 200 shall never be obtained. 4.7Million EXP on 1X EXP rates. ;.;
  19. So it's something that make people laugh or find enjoyable or something like that...? Not sure, but I'm basically asking since I could video something, but I can't bet it'll be 'funny' or whatever. Then again the first prize rewards aren't great (except Limiter for Adept, which is useful for stats on some chars). Five minutes is way too short. D;
  20. You know when they say even it needs to be 0xx, 2xx, 4xx, 6xx or 8xx? That being said, DP isn't useful.
  21. Zynetic


    If you're taking people at ease in battle mode with all your equipments and levels, it's obvious there's no real best, it's just hope you're the first to attack. Rule 2, 3 and 6 battles though. That's a different story.
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