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Deborah Nicole

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Everything posted by Deborah Nicole

  1. THANK YOU SO MUCH! THAT WORKED so apparently when my pc restarted it reinstalled those updates and somehow they changed the DEP setting? and thanks to everyone who took their time to help me 🥰 (why can't microsoft leave stuff be?)
  2. nothing was added or changed i'm using the same settings since it was installed in 2015 and there's no error code given the game just cuts off like a light switch i'm in the room and then i'm back to my desktop i restart the game and i can play just fine until a gun is fired
  3. starting yesterday afternoon the moment i fire a gun the game crashes (doesn't matter what type handgun or lindcray) im ok as long as i'm using a sword so far i ve tried this.... used different toons different difficulties played solo and with others i even uninstalled the game with IObit Pro and redownloaded the game i just found out that if anyone uses a gun the game crashes
  4. starting yesterday afternoon the moment i fire a gun i dc (doesn't matter what type handgun or lindcray) im ok as long as i'm using a sword any ideas what's wrong I moved this to tech section
  5. my hometowns claim to fame is being the home of June Crater Cash (dung the 60s it wasn't uncommon to see her and Johnny shopping and having dinner)and having 2 movies filmed here the first was "The River" with Mel Gibson and "101 Zombies" done by our own Neeley Lawson😍 which is available on Amazon Pride https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/detail/B074ZRFFXW/ref=atv_wl_hom_c_unkc_1_17 my mom was an extra in the scenes filmed at the courthouse and met both Mel and Sissy Spacek (so Valken watch 101 and you'll see what i meant about my accent and seriously that IS the way we talk round here)
  6. i'm from a lil community in mountains of Tennessee USA my school was so small there was only 13 of us on the cheer squad (damn i just realized that's an unlucky number probaly why we were always losing)
  7. the reset appears to have fixed this horrific high pitch shriek (almost has awful as Taylor Swift w/o autotune) whenever my zoomplayer switched trax (then he will bitch about not finding any apps for linux😉)
  8. there's one anime i will never be able to watch again Grave of the Fireflies😭
  9. i did a system restore before the latest windows update and having no problems now i just wonder if that was the problem ?????
  10. (i'm blaming it on all those f@kkin Flowen Shield drops maybe talk the techs into switching to something else... like a C Battle 😊)
  11. what i cant figure out is why it continues even after i shut down the game weird ....... we're using different kb's and our symptons vary but neither of us can talk let Vash figure this one out
  12. UPDATE found a Heart of Pian and........... 17 more @$#^%*&!)*% Flowen Shields (please Lord....dial back a lil on those)
  13. that's just weird i still have full control of my toon i just cant chat oooh when i exit the game the problem still continues i can't even write a text document but once i restart windows it's all good
  14. my problem starts the moment my toon loads in the room.....no dying or anything at all happening does exiting the game your problem? i have to actually restart windows are you using a wireless kb?
  15. the drivers are currently all updated and like i said it ONLY happens in in the room once i exit i have to restart my pc
  16. maybe once but this has happened more than 4X i ran ASC pro 13 Driver booster pro 7 i dont think needing a defrag would cause this?????
  17. once i enter a room my kb stops functioning and i have to restart windows then it works fine as shown here and yes i checked the batteries any ideas will be appreciated Rage made a room and let me join and it happened again being female and unable to talk is torture 😭 {GIRLS DON'T FART.....WE DON'T SHUT UP LONG ENOUGH TO BUILD UP BACK PRESSURE} (unless they're pregnant then expect hurricane force winds)
  18. It did TYVM so far I've found CoM 502 CoM 213 Heart of Chu Chu Heart of Chao Halo Rappy Soul AND.................................... MORE ^%$*^$%#@)*@#$&^#$&^&**&&(#@@#@#** Flowen Sheilds running out my butt than i thought possible😡
  19. Does the opener's ID affect what you get??
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