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Everything posted by Larva

  1. listo , se arecglo el post. xD esperemos y sea de utulidad otra vez
  2. jejejej .,,.,. donde andan inches gays.. se pierden mucho tiempo no creen? los voy a mandar matar para aver si despues de muertos se echan una vuelta xDD
  3. Larva

    Top 10 player

    alguna actualizacion en esta lista ?
  4. Larva


    LOL when i set event x5 exp i like to remove the quest, but normally (not always) i restore the quest very fast
  5. meeh this bear is tight as hell.. =\ good thing we have our rappys whore , who give to everyone Very gratz pop ,, any picture from PP xD ? edit : Post 1900
  6. guildcard please. the one you use for the common bank.
  7. err dj. D-core is for November. the x'mas is for PGF
  8. i dont. i just did this to show the pics, and to show thats is possible and easy "just to add another boss" just a few clicks in the qedit. no need to be a genius to add the monster.
  9. not only the memory issue, the Time attack brokes!.. as you see in the image it says 9 hours and it only took me 2 sec to get to De Rol LOL /warpme command. and im sure theres more it will present more issue that i dont event know yet. so i prefer to keep a stable server. lol
  10. something similar to this ??
  11. enough of this..!! this is way out of league. Atlas you have one more Warn .! lol like if that gonnna stop you anyway. topic close.
  12. Gracias por el apoyo man. Haora todos me creen un saddam hussein ¬¬
  13. eske perdi las imajenes lol xD (en un cambio de host lol) tengo que volver a tomarlas. xD
  14. NO! we need to clear this damn quest. yeah i know we ended like ,, but wtf we cant be defeated by this damn quest. Lee you will pay this one. !!
  15. Lost DEVIL'S SCEPTER is a damn long quest, dj , dizza and I we where playing it yesterday 2 hours and we didn't finish if any of you going to play it you need at least 2 hours free xD.. indeed is a cool quest. maps. jungle north jungle south Montains Central Control Area Gal Gryphon XD
  16. Well this quest are for Ep2/Retrieval. The fat ass of Hopkins keep failing and loosing weapons and because he is a coward cant solve the problems himself....as usual, is when you go to the action. quest are: Lost SHOCK GUGNIER Lost RIOT RAYGUN Lost DEVIL'S SCEPTER This three quest are made by Lee. thanks for giving us this quests.
  17. lol this topic is funny xD.. jejjeje +REP TO ALL/ xD
  18. bueno esto lo as dicho y dicho en muchos de tus ultimos post ., creo que ya entendimos. se entiende bien tu malestar. y se toma en cuenta. gracias. haora si supieras lo que se a logrado .. con este parche para nosotros es algo muy importante y lo teniamos que contar, nadie mas antes avia tenido esta proteccion. asi que gracias por el apoyo.
  19. se lo vamos a poner a ST.RAPPY todo el mes de diciembre asi como le hicimos con hallo rappy.
  20. Larva


    ok estoy en eso . haorita que este listo te digo. Ok listo , dime si todo salio bien.
  21. im not boring. ore maybe im boring naaaqhhh im not lol
  22. WTF .. welcome back D3ATH long time dude.
  23. indeed should be the legent of dragon skin i saw it in a web page a few months ago.
  24. bienvenido man. esperemos te diviertas en el serevr. salu2 enjoy it.
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