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Ultima Veteran
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Everything posted by ink

  1. Skly - Ult -Ep1 - Claw - Tablet Ult-Ep1 - Sorcerer - Broom Ult-Ep1- New Year Card - Del D Skly - Ult - Ep4 - Gelatine - Merrissa AA
  2. No the originals did that as well once quests handed in lobby you go . I think that was a offline only in vanilla. like central fire dome
  3. ink

    Inks Shop OPEN

    All Tech Disks 1 pd , Material power mind are 5-1 pd rate on green names
  4. ink

    Please close

    Make a nice egg blaster 🥚🔫
  5. ink

    Inks Shop OPEN

    New Items Added to list feel free to offer a pd or two 😄
  6. As the title says
  7. Was wondering if that was going to happen , lol
  8. Chameleon Scythe - Ult - Aztark - EP4 - Skyly
  9. might have been net framework issue there has been some updates from microsoft to address networking. As for dns change perhaps i will do a guide to help those if there is not one all ready , but yes network and on ethernet change properties on ipv6/ipv4 use following dns and add the etc
  10. Try changing dns to googles IPv6 addresses: 2001:4860:4860::8888; 2001:4860:4860::8844 IPv4 addresses:;
  11. Skly - Epsilon - Ep2 - Ult Non event drop Off to play spaceship
  12. Gilchich - Redria - Ep 2 - Ult - Non event
  13. Cheers lol , i was just about to use another id on delbiters . Now im totally confused and 2 episodes of machine to look at 😅😂
  14. Skly - Delbiter - ult - ep2 -non event drop
  15. Nice to know , thank you for explaining a bit more in detail
  16. Just a thought if it is only able to use 1 section id , may it be Redria instead . VIridia is the shot master and to be honest that is the worst weapon you can ever use in challenge
  17. http://www.pso-world.com/sections.php?op=viewarticle&artid=1954 list of what section id you should use and % on item drops
  18. Will try and replicate ,its something i steered away from when doing cmode , mainly happens in mines from my experience
  19. Only thing which i would say needs looking at is ID games , as far as i know this is stuck as viridia
  20. Anyways there are not many reasons to do cmode here either, because most of the important weapons you would get from it were made obsolete: Not at all , ES Weapons are especially useful since specials added to them are unreduced regardless of weapon type. This gives them a much higher success rate or special power at inflicting special effects to multiple targets, or repeatedly inflict special effects to a single target, compared to most other weapons.
  21. Ok well i think this has spiralled off what i was trying to suggest in the first place , i was pointing out that naka card could be made use full to all . That's why i suggested could we use naka cards to add to specials to our own sranks . Which would then make it worth while me picking it up and those in same boat Oh it works for sure i smash tower with my sranks
  22. Would like to make a suggestion regarding Mr Naka Business card , As it stands for someone like me who plays cmode these are just trash item's . I would like to suggest you would offer a special on a s'rank all ready owned by player thus making this item semi useful. regards Ink
  23. Tryfing - Sinow Blue - Ep1 - Ult - Redria Sword Of Ultima - Ul Gibbon - Ep2 - Ult - Skyly Mr. Naka. - Kond - Ep4 - Ult - Whitill
  24. EP 4 - Goran Detonator - Ult - Redria - Asteron Striker EP4 - Sham - Ult - Whitill - Sonic Team Armour
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