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Everything posted by dragonsl4y

  1. thx, i needed to see sumthin funny like that, im in college, bored
  2. Hack = Ban simple. good luck wherever go next.
  3. i must have been tired or sumthin on my last post. i think trading rares for PDs would disrupt the economy, but trading rares for mesetas would be great, i like that idea a lot
  4. its always sad to see a veteran go, but i understand why, well, good luck in the future! and hope to see u on pso2
  5. very nice, im impressed. although al rappy being bloodthirsty? i guess i can understand that, on the gamecube i was killed by an al rappy on my lvl 1 fonewearl lol. cant wait to read the rest!
  6. good luck and dont forget to carry a scape doll for the next 10 months.
  7. terrible idea im afraid. although the idea of turning rares into PDs sounds good
  8. +1 rep just to keep ur rep at 0 instead of -1. i think its a bit strange and rude that sum1 gave u a minus rep for sayin hello but welcome to da server anyways. btw yes we have heard of pso2, and i think i speak for most ppl here when i say we are all very excited
  9. this is a great update, especially for me seeing as i have the worst luck in the world so i never get rares n stuff. btw im talkin about actual luck, not the luck stat in the game XD
  10. dragonsl4y

    New idea

    my humar has an excalibur growing out of his belly-button!!! and his nose is a j-sword! i think i would win XD
  11. dragonsl4y

    New idea

    dont lie apollo, we all know u used your hands to remove ur arms.
  12. anyway back to civilised conversation, welcome to da server artist!
  13. in order to unlock all of the one-person quests you must do the government quests in normal mode (not one-person mode) up to ruins apparantly, but personally i just completed all the government quests or if u dont want to fight dark falz then just do quest 4-2.
  14. defo humar cos i can fight good and heal myself wiv resta even if i play like a noob at the pace of a snail XD skyly for j-sword and excalibur.
  15. thats weird, my 360 controller works fine. maybe try unplugging it then pluggin it back in or maybe reboot your computer, that seems to fix most probs XD about ur cpu, maybe u have background programs running which are takin up some cpu power (my logitech g19 lcd screen takes about 100mhz of my cpu and about 200mb ram, my steam takes abit as well). the game only puts my amd athlon x2 dual core 3.2ghz to about 20% on the first core and 10% on my second core. i managed to have 28 pso game clients running until my computer shut itself down to stop itself over-heating LOL (btw if any kiddies are reading this then dont try this at home, ur computer might blow our house up! XD) sorry i couldnt help much but good luck!
  16. i got a humar on skyly for j-sword and excal, but when i saw the drop rates for a j-sword i just donated and got 1 lol XD i heard its like 7 thousand and sumthin to 1
  17. happens to me all the time, i either leave it alone until it lets me pick a character (this sumtimes takes over 30mins) or just try to play again at another time. restarting helps occassionally but i just find it strange how 1 day i can just get straight to the character screen, no probs and yet other days it just stays on that screen for ages.
  18. the server has only just come back online as far as i know so depending on when u tried to play, the server may have been down. pso2 looks like its only on pc (windows vista/7 and sum japanese operating system that i dont no much about), my brother's freind is high up in the gaming industry and ive been begging him for sum more info on pso2 XD (he got pissed off after i asked him for a demo about 50 times within an hour) anyways he said its because nowdays people have powerful computers and sega wants to use that to make a very graphical game so right now they are messing around with directX 11 and they are prepared to upgrade to directX 11.1 before its released in japan later this year (or early next year). unless microsoft, sony or nintendo realease a MUCH higher spec console within the next 12-18 months then its very unlikely that pso2 will be on console. im only going by what information i hav so you never know until it happens. dont lose hope console players! what i want to know is when it will be realeased in the UK, otherwise i might have to learn japanese and move to japan......or just go into a suicidal rage XD
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