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Status Updates posted by Elision

  1. Happy Bday GAYdric! :B better u dont forget about mine Bday or balls and heads will roll >_> / Also: Just finished CODMW3 and it was freaking easier than i though LOL!

  2. Hey Godric...just take a look on your title....lulz :3

    1. R.A.V.S.O


      Make mine "Wandering D-Soldier" plz

  3. HEY Larva im HERE! you know ò_ó, everyday...i just dun talk toomuch anymore D:

    1. R.A.V.S.O


      true dat... then again place is out of whack sometimes it's better to lurk

    2. Larva


      i know that, well and i need communication with you.. ill contact you today

  4. i bought a oblivion keyblade and got a oathkeeper as gift LOL, should i go on AF as roxas instead of riku? ? lmao

    1. R.A.V.S.O


      Is that a trick question man? GO OUT AS ROXAS ASAP!!! Life pretty much gave you a free reason! XD (unlike my crappy DIY army blade)

  5. i Dunno...dunno....rly dunoo......dunno dunno.....hoo boy..


    1. Zeph


      Have fun, they're good games.

    2. sunfire285


      you probably couldve learned japanese in the time you spent waiting xD lol

  7. i got a NEW hunting rifle, to hunt a certain Bunny Girl around, she wont escape this time >:3

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Elision


      tranquilizer darts, so im not a murderer >_>

    3. Apollo


      RAPE! not murder.... lol RUN RUNA!

    4. Elision


      IR NOT you apollo o_õ

  8. i just found a old picture album...omg lots of memories...how do i miss my dog ;-;

    1. Zeph


      I love going through old albums, Seeing old friends, pets, and bad hair styles -.-. lol

  9. I know that im allways joking around and suchs, but when im talking about rules, i follow em strictly, if Larva is the shield that protects the players, we GMS/Moderatos are the Swords that Judges and Pierces anything that can harm this server.

    1. Elision


      ur just a wannabetroller lulz

    2. hidden


      He's the nub :D

    3. R.A.V.S.O


      whoa.... I get absent one day... what happened?

  10. i love doing banhammars on spambots ♥

  11. I wanna kill someone....seriously..and that one is my Boss! >_>

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Choko


      and that was just a joke that Godric just happened to get caught in the middle of. =p

    3. Elision


      Recenlty I took part on a project for designing a new compact engine for graphic cards and RAMmemory, its like an Vacuum attachment[sounds weird but its like that! lol] for keeping the machine cool even on the days that the sun wanna be OVERNINETHOUSAND Degrees, I didnt do much tho, I just did a few maths for the possibilities that could come out. while im not taking part on any project, im just the guy that stands on the desk giving more ideas for anything else.

    4. Elision


      Ok now i want Godric here to explain that Joke! LOL! its the first joke about him that I dont get at all! xD

  12. I wanna marry with a cute Neko or Bunny Girl :3 ♥

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Elision


      ↑ Hey! i saw that >_>

    3. Mantis Aqua

      Mantis Aqua

      capotei de rir com o comentário da Runa hahahahaahaha Marry Fail

    4. Vypor


      Bunny fetish. wat

  13. I'll Show you...you wanna see? so I'll show you...the power of the darkness.....do you have fear of the dark?

  14. if we re really doomed at 21/12/12.....i'll blame godric for sure, if we all die...blame godric again, if we all go to hell, blame lee, just to make it different LOL.

    1. Remiliascarlet
    2. Elision


      i might blame ya chuk if there is a meteor coming to destroy the world.

  15. ill tell ya all the reality about dating: a good guy looks for a good girl that searchs for a asshole that searchs for a bitch, sad but EPICALLY true.

    1. R.A.V.S.O


      you finally caught up? if you go a bit deeper down the rabitthole.... you will find romance is nowadays useless

  16. im stalking you all ingame everyday...im a ninja! :3

    1. R.A.V.S.O


      the reason why I'm becoming a pirate XD

    2. Zeph


      So you're the on who keeps picking up all my Rare drops when I'm not paying attention!

  17. internet being retard again..yeeesh....damned thunderstorm -.-

    1. Zeph


      We already know you're a pro at Falcon punching stuff. Go out there and Falcon punch that storm!

    2. Elision


      OH NOES im NOT doing another falcon punch! dat deadly weapon must be banished, and i will banhmmar YOU gaydric! :B

  18. Internet being retard the WHOLE week D: IR MAD.

  19. iv been playing wild arms on the PS1 emulator....and i forgot that this game is epically HARD .-. like this it will take A LOT of time to reach The Abyss D:

  20. ivspent OVERNINETHOUSAND hours if i get all my characters together :B

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mantis Aqua

      Mantis Aqua

      he left the computer turned on all day, even if he is sleeping lol /joking

    3. Runa


      no he just wanted to say its OVER NINE THOSAND

    4. Elision


      yep i just wanted to say overninethousand, BUT, if i try to get together the all acounts time + the old deleted characters, i guess..its.. hmmm about 3600-3900 hours? ._.

  21. just another bot, no need to congrats it for nothing lol

  22. Kanarazu Bokura wa deau darou, Onaji kodou oto no wo Meijirushinishite ♫ PS: im still pissed about my screenshots -.- INAEPICBADAMOOD.

  23. Kanarazu Bokura wa deau darou, Onaji kodou oto no wo Meijirushinishite ♫

  24. like i said ingame: id totally eat some meatbuns

    1. King Ra
    2. Dizzak420


      ive heard magic bun's taste better

  25. list here list there....ppl are going on nutz because of the cursed list, if the things keep like that ill just close the list! >_>

    1. Zynetic


      Here's my list:

      1. Zynetic.

    2. Dizzak420


      If your talking about the chaos knights list i made....plz delete it, or close. Its caused my team nothing but problems.

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