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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/04/2020 in Posts

  1. I would just like to thank all those who had the kindness and the fair play to congratulate us
    2 points
  2. It's strange to me that out of all of this It's still somehow Triforce's fault your event never had a stronger presence? I have a family and a young daughter I did not have time to put towards this TA and to be honest I am very glad I didn't. You should probably funnel that resentment into something more positive like figuring out how to reward those that not only took part in this event but blew the times out of the water with synergy and not using the so called Meta HUcast. Congrats to the winners and new Kings and Queens of Ultima TA. PS: @Starlord this was what I commenting on if you are confused. Y'all should've participated because there are enough triforce members to have put together at least 1 or 2 squads. All the sudden the issue is gone and there'd be a proper winner. I am still shocked that none of you were interested in the prize pool.
    2 points
  3. I'm sure if it was a team submitting a beautiful gameplay composed by 4x HUcast using Dark Flow the entire run he would think twice about not giving prizes. But it was just a "DM spam" run, which was the optimal choice given the short deadline and the fact everyone were more worried about farming Centurion/Battles rather than getting only 15 DTs from his event (or nothing in this case). I was supposed to also submit a game with a few friends, but we commited the mistake of accepting Wilson itself on our party and many disagreements happened, so we ended giving up before moving to CCC or ROW. Many times he didn't listen us, ignored our requests to extend the deadline and if we didn't record the gameplay as he believes that is the only way to play the damn game, he wouldn't play. Anyways I'm not sure if anyone did that already (and I'm not reading all of that shitstorm that this topic became into again) but I just wanted to congratulate the team who destroyed all the current records for Cal's Clock Challenge and Realms of War (idk if there was a record for Chrismas Fiasco 1 before). Although most of the people who voted for the hardest set of quests ever didn't bother to even attempt playing the event, that French community accepted the challenge, sweated a lot, sacrified their time in order to bring us some entertainment. They more than deserve consolation prizes and appraisals from the community. 👏👏👏 @R-78 @3Psy @Noopy @JupiterDeMars Bravo!! Now for Saber+7...
    2 points
  4. Starting to sound an awful lot like Emewn right now.
    1 point
  5. I just wanted to say that a 4 player TA is difficult to coordinate. I personally tried to make a submission. I joined 2 different teams. Unfortunately, do to life and work, things did not work out. I thought at the beginning of this event that UPS was the only team on the server who even had a chance at having enough people that were able to play together for enough time to make a submission in such a short amount of time. To the players on the UPS team.....amazing job. Thank you for your time. Your submissions were amazing!!! I wish that I had a group that could get together and give you a run for your money. But this effort was unbelievably amazing!! To Wilson, well, it ended much like was expected. Just like "Lemon's" battle event. Events like this just leave a sour taste in your mouth.
    1 point
  6. Time to [tl;dr] post here. Probably because they care about other people, and this is actually appreciated. I am not trying to take side just because I am one of the participants myself, but I will give my honest opinion regardless of whoever would have "won" this event. The event time was really not a good time as it was overlapping with Summer event. If you waited just one more month and made it in August, I'm sure lot more people would have tried, as there is no Ultima event going on in this period. You said this was because you were going to be busy starting from now, but how does it matter? If you are the judge of this event, all you needed to do is waiting for the deadline and checking the videos + announcing the winners. (this should take no more than a day) There was no need to be active during the submissions time. (unless you really were willing to participate to your own event, which is... weird) This is kinda disappointing that you can't find a middle ground about the question of rewarding the participants or not. Yes it was meant to be a competition but can't you aknowledge that the time and efforts spent by my team (which broke old ultima records) deserved something? Well I am pretty sure you actually specifically disliked (and certainly trashed) our ROW run because it is a gameplay you sure despise a lot. But 2 weeks in order to learn 3 long quests are far from enough... and that is assuming the 4 players are available during those 2 weeks. If it was a 1P or 2P teams event, it would sound more reasonnable, but I think you can understand how hard it is to gather 4 players to regularly play together and learn new quests? Since we noticed the DM strategies were good enough to end up with 5:07 left, we decided not to waste more time in this quest and focus on the other two. Of course I am not proud of the ROW run but we had schedules issues, we still managed to get 24 hours of practice together, and pretty much sacrified our last weeks of summer event. Trust me I would understand you don't want to reward a team if their submitted times were lame or even decent, but this is not the case. Well, your golden rule makes you officially clean for not rewarding anyone. So onto the next point: Why did you wait for the poll to end in order to add that latest rule? Why didn't you specify it before the poll ended? I think this is pretty clear: you saw the people chose the hardest quests, you pretty much knew most people would not make it to the end, and decided to add a safety rule in order to save your gear thanks to the quests choice. Else you could have considered Yan's suggestion here: Applicable on CCC as well: you could just consider which wave everyone reached and count every remaining wave as negative timer for score calculation. Example: every missing wave is counted as a 10 seconds penalty, Team 2 made it to Wave 98 before timer reached 0, there were 2 waves remaining so their entry is scored as " - 20 seconds left remaining " so they are still qualified and can try to catch up the 20 lost seconds on another quest. That way, the people who could not finish a quest could still submit something to your event. And there are a couple people in that case, they could not submit times because they did not pass Tower part in CCC. So the reason why there was only one submission is because the others were just unable to complete the quests, but they actually tried to participate. Not because Don't you think if this extra rule was here since the beginning, the people could have voted for something else than CF+ROW+CCC? This would actually be a good strategy, as it is a competition event, you choose the most difficult set of quests in order to eliminate as many teams as possible. But that rule makes it totally different since you require other teams not to be eliminated, so people would rather vote for the easy MU3 quests to make sure everyone can do it. So as it was, it looks like you've always been planning to sanction the 1st team if other teams were not capable of completing the quests. It's like saying "you won this competition but since your rivals were too noobs, here's your replacement rewards: If you wanted to be that generous to the point you originally wanted to give the whole content of every account you had, how is that a problem to at least give just a couple of items you don't even use to reward the participants for their time spent and efforts? Just as a symbolic move? Doesn't even have to be something as valuable as your top tier items. Everyone would be happy: the participants at least got something at the end and didn't TOTALLY waste their time, you wouldn't have got all the (justified) rant in this topic for not doing anything, and it would motivate everyone to look forward and participate to your next event if there is one. But now with such an event ending, how can people trust you for the next time you try to host a TA mini event? And no "their time will forever be on the leaderboards" and "her team improved their abilities to play together" are not rewards. Most people don't ever look at those charts. When a new record is done, it is normal that you add the time to TA leaderboards, since that's literally the purpose of it. And if all of that was just about getting names into those leaderboards, you could pretty much summarize the event topic to this: Exact same "rewards" and conditions, except that you don't get any dates restriction so it's actually even better. Regarding the promised rewards, I told you but I will say it again. Why does it have to be ALL or NOTHING? Just in your listed stuff there are 50 weapons 80 hit 2 weapons 85 hit 2 weapons 90 hit 2 weapons 100 hit 4 SonicTeam armors including 8 Dark flows 2 Dark meteors Literally 60 endgame items at least. This is obviously way too much for just 4 people. Hence why I told you that I and my team were planning to share the rewards with all other participants if we were to win this event. You said you didn't like this idea, just tell me why? Wasn't your goal to motivate people and get as many players as possible into Time attack, the only game aspect that you enjoy? I'm sure a lot more of people would have attempted to run this event if the rewards were split better, like 4th place gets 15x4 dts 3rd place gets 4 weapons 80 hit 2nd place gets 4 dark weapons 1st place gets all the remaining items There's still a big value gap between every prize so you still get the competition spirit you wanted, but it also suddenly becomes much more attractive. Especially to anyone new to TA (2 of my team actually were) who could be afraid to try it if they know only the best team gets something. Now you are basically saying "you were warned you wouldnt get sh*t if there is no other submissions" so it's like "it's nothing but your fault that you decided to participate to my event". True I guess, but I didn't know you would rather have no one showing interest to your event than one team playing the game. So yeah my team was the one to blame for doing that gamble. Nice reasonning. So I listed 3 important points that could make your event get more popular. Dates and duration Prizes repartition Clarity of rules before the votes Leaving that here, I'm not going to force you to give anything, and you took a straight decision already anyways. I am actually more concerned about the lack of humanity than the absence of rewards itself. And don't get me wrong, I personally was actually prepared to get nothing since the day I started as I sure don't really need anything in this game, so this post is only my opinion rather than a way to pressure Wilson in order to give anything. For now I just want to congratulate my teamates for doing their best and achieving new records, even though they are not as pro as you. And I feel guilty for inciting them to run the whole thing for nothing so I am sorry about that. I believe there is nothing more to expect from you here so feel free to lock this topic.
    1 point
  7. Why is my sanic face and sanic shoes in this picture wat did i do to get there lmfao
    1 point
  8. Which, whether purposefully or not, would stop anyone below the best time uploaded from posting their own, resulting in not having enough submissions. 15 dts is not as attractive as a DF 100h It was added right before the runs began. The problem for me is not that it was added randomly (it wasn't), but that you should have added that rule near the beginning and taken the registration of the teams at the end of the vote to see if there are enough teams so that people don't waste their time working for a nonexistent reward (getting your score on the leaderboards is not a ''reward''). I never asked for that. Jdhenry did. Most of which you can part with because you'll never use them anyway. I'm not asking you to empty your entire bank, but to give an item to those who actually spent the time for your event as a sign of appreciation for their dedication. They get credit on the leaderboards but not from you. While I have a lot of respect for Shiida and her abilities, everyone worked together as a team and saying it's HER team and HER times and commenting that their times were just ''alright'' devalues the effort they all spend those last 2 weeks. I will stop as well. It's clear that we're both wasting our time because we will not come to an understanding or at least a compromise. Have a nice day.
    1 point
  9. If you have a limit of submissions, then you take them before the running begins. Then you cancel at that point if there are not enough participants. You don't add a limit WHEN the running starts, but before. Hit the nail on the head there. Also unrelated but: It may sound like a petty remark, but R-78 wasn't the only one who participated in that team and tried hard to get the best scores. At least acknowledge the other 3 participants. It's not her times but theirs.
    1 point
  10. Just wanted to say that, with all the things going on around this topic (It's kind of somehow starting to look like one of those dramas In the server, though this one Is understandable ._.) [No offense :'D], don't let It get to you to a depth level =]
    0 points
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