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Ultima Veteran
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Everything posted by C01D1

  1. Wow!!!! Bravo take my like! Using AMD FSR Sharpness cranked with Vsync off (introduces input lag). Simply incredible.
  2. @Larva Nope it is still broken.
  3. Hello all. Not sure how true this is but an official remake by the OG team may be in the works. Share any news of it here. I for one would welcome it as long as the game has no micro transactions. https://comicbook.com/gaming/news/sega-dreamcast-games-best-rpg-phantasy-star-reboot/
  4. Oh look the edgelord Stark 1 is back to dislike comments with his tinfoil hat. Must be our Anniversary.
  5. Awesome I am hoping Ultima Bringer's gets the advertised fixes this year! My HUmar hungers!
  6. All good stuff brought to us by a person who cares far more than she should most days. A positive change for sure!
  7. I am glad Larva and R-78 are speaking up against his Toxic BS. He is literally the Shooter McGavin of PSO.
  8. Ultima is not dead, it can be improved in many ways for sure however, that is true of most things. Alot of them were noted and honestly are well known. Toxic and inflammatory comments will not change anything and only serve to hurt our small community. Have a problem? Bring forth a solution. Want more players? Share this out there, tell people Ultima exists. Get them in here, help them out and play with them. The only way the community gets bigger here is by all of us doing our parts. Be the change you want to see.
  9. Hey Larva, thanks for chiming in. I personally don't think Ultima is dead at all and appreciate you even still hosting it. Certainly not when people still care enough to talk about it even if its negative heh. The community is small but passionate. I do however think that bringing in some new staff with fresh ideas will increase community engagement and QOL. We also need to get some of the items fixed up like Ultima Bringers. We also need to really be open to change. This can come as weapon balance and class balance, quests, new events and FORUM contests much like Saith was doing a few years ago. I share the server out where I can, the Ultima trailer still gets views and questions. Cheers.
  10. Stunning artwork, the shading and color choice is spot on. Welcome back.
  11. Howdy Virec! Always nice to see an OG stop by
  12. Great to hear from you man! That is a VERY underrated weapon especially when it come to Baranz! Slicer special trick works wonders with it. Cheers.
  13. Hello everyone! besides Dark Weapons, what is your favorite weapon in the game and why? For me it is the Rianov 5 as some of you know (I know it's not the best! but it is my fav). It's legacy look, sound, consistent ATP, range and pierce always hit the mark (I dream of it having Hell one day ;). Looking forward to coming back for a bit of the summer event with you all. Cheers.
  14. Welcome enjoy the nostalgia and feels that only PSOBB can provide!
  15. C01D1

    New Year's Card 2023

    No doubt you folks revived alot of interest in Ultima again with this event. Thanks for pulling it off we look forward to more unique events! Cheers.
  16. Got it! This Topic can be closed shout out to @IronSheik
  17. A PGF goes for 300 to 400 DTS, that would have 100% in stats and 50% in hit from Restless Lion, then you need to add 30% hit with DTs and use Photon Spheres to level the rest. Suffice to say Max DWs are expensive... I have seen them go for 400 to 450DTs
  18. I see you are a man of culture as well
  19. I prefer Zanbacon force with 0 0 4 20 69
  20. I love the look of the old rifle. It has a decent pierce and good atp. The special is not good at all.
  21. Hello everyone, Happy New Year! Speaking of New Years, there is a possibility one of you folks could possibly win a 100 HIT Rianov 5. Now that may not seem like much to most besides the perfect hit, however it is my favorite weapon in PSO. As such I am going to offer anybody who potentially wins this weapon for the New Years Card Raffle a PGF and a 0 100 0 100 80 Rianov 5. This is about 425 DTS in value. Good luck to the winner and if you want this stuff it is yours. Cheers.
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