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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/06/2020 in Posts

  1. Photon drops can be used to buy items from other players or to add %'s that are not hit to your weapons in gallon's hunt via paganini. You have to unlock this ability by helping paganini on the east tower and west tower missions on ep2. Thus can be done on any difficulty. Also, a good shotgun is baranz launcher. Some ids including greenill get it from ultimate ep1 baranz. If you want to hunt it but cannot handle ultimate, you can unlock the 1 player missions on normal difficulty until you get soul of steel unlocked. The 1st enemy is a solo baranz on ultimate. You can kill him over and over with the right id to get the parts of baranz. Then you can convert it by talking to dr. Montague in doctor osto's research or unsealed door. You can add up to 50 hit with photon crystals on Claire's deal on ep4 once you have unlocked government mission 9-8. Make sure to talk to dr. Montague and elenor when you see them.
    3 points
  2. Puedes unirte a la partida que se llama "Tenno" por favor. Fixed.
    1 point
  3. That mag is super cool. If you want, I could make you another sato with the photon blasts, stats, and color you want and trade it to you for that mag as long as it still has the 2 farlla photon blasts.
    1 point
  4. What's up?? I think you are trying to install an old version, try this Download the Dll from here: https://github.com/Solybum/psobbaddonplugin/releases/tag/v0.3.5.4 is the (bbmod.zip) unzip on your pso folder And dowload the Addons from here: (Direct download) https://github.com/Solybum/PSOBBMod-Addons/archive/master.zip (Unzip on the Addons folder) And that's all
    1 point
  5. Don’t forget about your type/shot might wanna do the run/runs to get one to add freeze, hell or demons onto later. Definitely a must have
    1 point
  6. my in game chat isn't working, it's not letting me type anything, i just upgraded to windows 10, set my setting back how i had them before, also I'm using a PS4 controller I don't know if the controller is interfering with my keyboard
    1 point
  7. Do you take 4p ROCT records as payment?
    1 point
  8. Also what do I even do with photon drops no cap
    0 points
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