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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/01/2015 in all areas

  1. Welp ladies and gents, it's been real. I can't afford to keep spending all of my time on PSO anymore, now that I'm going to school and started working all the time. PSO is just a burden in my life because it honestly takes up too much time. Don't get me wrong guys, I love the server and I love all of you, but I think it's about time for me to move on. Angel's Will to Cyane, my dearest waifu, I leave my Force set. Master Sword, Dark Bridge, Hundred Souls, Excalibur, Ultima Reaper, Rambling May, Sita Mag to Spot, my bestest friend in the entire world, I leave... nothing. git gud. to Faki, my secret best friend that no one knows about, I leave my Hunter set Dark Flow, Heno-sensei's TJS set, Heno-sensei's Oroagito set, Genpei shield, Samurai armor and of course the Pravens of doom to Judgement, my long time crush, I leave 25 dts. to Izaya, my worst enemy, I leave my Ranger set (because he obviously needs more guns) Dark Meteor, Yas 9k demon, Yas 7k hell, Arrest Needle, Asteron Striker, Hundred Souls, Ultima Reaper thank you all for all of the good times. the rest of you suck, goodbye.
    9 points
  2. hi checks date. ok
    5 points
  3. Don't come back
    4 points
  4. OH NOOOOOOOOOO! you can't leave yet !!!! ever seen full metal jacket ? we're gunna hold you down and hit you with bars of soap in towels until you stay !!!!
    2 points
  5. I Have 2 Items for sell looking for a Iron Fuast Charged Yas and mats Praven 50/0/0/90 Guld Milla 0/35/0/40/45
    1 point
  6. Bitch, you are NOT allowed to leave. But I'm sure this is just your April's Fools joke. But if this is real best believe I will smack the shit out of you. kthanks.
    1 point
  7. :L no april fool day sandwichs for wayne
    1 point
  8. I'm leaving too D: I'll donate all to the new players
    1 point
  9. ur joking right
    1 point
  10. take care, good bye Angel we will miss you XD
    1 point
  11. If you catch me in game I think I got both with better stats id be willing to give you free.
    1 point
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