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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/17/2014 in all areas

  1. how do i become apart of the GM's Team Just wondering what does it take to be a GM ive been on this server for two years and have been playing ever since it got released by dreamcast back in mid 1999 id make a great advocate for the GM's Team and who do i have to talk to become one :/
    5 points
  2. Back to Ultima once again. This time going to be sticking around! If anyone would like to play some games I will always be up for playing. When free. I know how to complete/play challenge mode at a decent/pro moderate level. I am modest I know. Willing to play with anyone of any level and carry if necessary. I however humbly request that if you do not know anything that you listen to others and work as a team. I will be free Friday/Sat evening this weekend from around 11pm GMT - for a few hours. Below is my availability for the next week(s) so if anyone is interested in playing some games, feel free to post/pm and I will be running as many games as I can get. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (I live in GMT fyi) Monday 20th- 11.30pm - Late. Tuesday 21st- 11.30pm - Late. Wednesday 22nd- Anytime. Thursday 23rd- 11.30pm - Late. Friday 24th- 11.30pm - Late. Saturday- 25th- Anytime. Sunday: -------------- Monday 27th- 11.30pm - Late. Tuesday 28th- Anytime. Wednesday 29th- Anytime. Thursday 30th- 6pm - 2am(ish) Friday 31st- 11.30pm - 2am(ish) Saturday 1st- 6pm - 2am(ish) Sunday 2nd: --------------------
    2 points
  3. Tiene 5/165/30 acepto girasole o 35 pds VENDIDO
    2 points
  4. I've played with Joshua since day one. You got my vote man. Don't be pushy, Larva will appreciate the peaceful manner in which you made this suggestion. I should have made a post like this ages ago. More GM help is always needed and it helps to give players a feeling of connection to everything going on. I would never have learned the things I know about this game without having experienced players around ready to help out. Joshua is one of them. Good luck.
    1 point
  5. i have the gallon shop to add tribute. ill be on later if you need help doing it.
    1 point
  6. Ready for Halloween people of ultima?
    1 point
  7. The East Tower (Ultimate) Guide From PSO World This quest is a requirement for those who wish to Add (%) to their weapons. Please visit the following guide for more information on that matter. Adding Percents (%) to Weapons - Guide It is also a rather quick quests with access to the Mini-Boss Epsilon, currently one of the droppers of the Wedding Dress (Best Armor here in Ultima), check bellow for more information on drop rates and ID information on how to obtain one. Wedding Dress Information OK on to the quest itself... The Quest may be found on EP II Multiplayer mode > Tower > The East Tower If your aim is to add percents, at the beginning of the quest talk with Hopkins (He will be like your 2nd client). You will also need to talk with him once you finish the quest. This quest has 2 parts. First you need to Clear the Central Control Area and after the Control Tower. In case you don't know, the Control Tower has 10 floors and on the 10th there is a Epsilon. Its recommended that you have at least 1 high range weapon (A Rifle does the trick) or a weapon with Demons. Central Control Area Well this part is not very hard. The fist room has a few Meriltas, The Second has Gibbons, The Third has Mix of both, The Forth has all those mentioned plus Sinnows (You can skip this room by using the warp). After using the Warp just go on north, killing everything in sight and you will find the Teleport to the Control Tower. BEWARE OF THE LASERS AND TRAPS! Control Tower Floor 1 Floor 2 Floor 3 Floor 4 Floor 5 Floor 6 Floor 7 Floor 8 Floor 9 Floor 10 Finishing: Once you have defeated Epsilon go to that big Terminal. Press A button next to it and you will receive the data Hopkins wants. After that teleport back to Pioner 2 and just talk with Hopkins to finish the job. If you were only looking to add percents rejoice! You wont have to redo the quest again, Congrats! Feedback is appreciated people
    1 point
  8. Never really understood the desire to have a Gael Gill, aside form perhaps as a status symbol. I mean, unless it works differently on the Ultima server than it does everywhere else, it's a mag that drains your HP- not something I like happening. I would rather have a nice little Sato, with it's many invincibility triggers and much better looks. But I'm all for anything that gets the community more active, so bring on the special events! BTW, will there be a Christmas event on the server? I like beating up the Saint Rappy- something about mugging Santa's little Ragolian helper for toys is perversely amusing to me.
    1 point
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