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About DANO8000

  • Rank
    Evil Shark
    Evil Shark
  • Birthday 09/11/1993

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  1. can i have that serene swan for 10pds pls
  2. o well, thanks for answering, hope they add it in the future, its a really cool looking weapon, and sounds awesome too.
  3. HI people, i was wondering if they have added this weapon here on ultima, havent seen it on the drops table or event drops, and its name is on the item donation list, but is market as N/A. anyone know something about it? ive tested the weapon in mi server(not real server just mesing around with server files locally) and its an awesome launcher type weapon. http://www.pso-world.com/items.php?op=viewarticle&artid=2204&sortby=name
  4. Thanks for answering, so theres no way i can get from myself a TWO KAMUI with hit % right? and only add the others stats with PDs.
  5. When making TWO KAMUI does any stat % of mi KAMUI's goes to TWO KAMUIS? and if it is, How?
  6. Hola me interesa la TJS, tengo para cambiar 40 PD's, 15 PC's, SENSE PLATE (1 slot), KASAMI BRACER, STRIKER PLUS, YATA MIRROR, V501, Heavenly/Battle (x4), Heavenly/Power (x2), Heavenly/Body, y varios mag cell's
  7. oye cambias la EXCALIBUR por PD, y si si cuantos? XD

  9. Oigan escribo este topic porque a un amigo se le bugearon todos los items y se le borro o perdio la cuenta del forum todos sus items aparecen en signos ???? AYUDENLOOOOOOO GMSSSSSSS o administradores a por cierto el nombre de su personaje es "magd" GUILCARD 42004135 SLOT 1 bugeados el 13 de marzo abisenme cuando lla allan arreglado los bugs
  10. EEEE orita boi a estar en el lobby ai te veo
  11. ES NARANJA.......o un color asi mas o menos XD bueno ai checamos en el juego XD me boi a conectar como...........despues de las 11:am XDXDXDXDXDXD
  12. EEEEE como dije busco haora XD una ZANBA XD miren las cosas que cambio, y si alguien le interesa algo o lla si acaso todo tambien comenten!!!!!!XD,soy DANIEL en el juego HONEYCOMB REFLECTOR LAVIS CANNON A.BEAST 40% DARK 15% 5 PD LIVERTA KIT DRAGON SCALE jack-o'-lantern magic stone irista MAG agastya DEF-30 POW-90 DEX-40 MIND-40 Heavenly/battle Heavenly/arms x 4 god/pow,body,mind,luck FLAPJACK FLAPPER MACHINE 25% HIT 25% IMPERIAL PICK+9 NATIVE 25% HIT 20% bueno esas cosas son las que puedo dar hasta orita por una ZANBA supongo que si es suficiente para una ZANBA XD bueno ai se vennnnnnnnnnnnnn
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