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Everything posted by Necrolust

  1. best feeling ever. and somewhat sad.
  2. that feeling when you remember the time you used to be level one and now your max level.....
  3. Freedom of Speech. I can say what I want, to who I want, about what I want. Government gonna hate. Power to the People. My PC is MY PC!
  4. Skyrim has taken all my time from PSO, but im looking forward to the update.
  5. Sounds interesting, I might be willing to lend a hand. After this week, I should have way more free time then recent.
  6. Mm, maybe, not to sure yet. If your interested, i can throw in a few other items though. I got a spread needle for example with 50 dark. up to you.
  7. failed 3 times and eventually passed when i was a senior.
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