auctioning my UNIQUE dry aged Parasitic Gene "Flow" from last year.
MIN BID IS 240 DT, it doesn't have to be only dts or ps you can add ITEMS for example (5ps (12dt each), 20dts Serene swan 100 100 0 0 |80 (80dts), Heaven striker 100 100 0 0 |80 (80dts).
i won't be accepting STA.
limitations:no more than 2 combination items like PBC or Frozen booster per bid and MINIMUM BID INCREASE IS 5 DTS.
i will be using prices set by the forum so if you are curious about an item just search its price on the forum and adress it in your bid.
AUCTION WILL LAST till 00:00 UTC from 4/1/2024, ending just for my birthday.
GL to any bidders.