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Ultima Veteran
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Everything posted by Ford522

  1. Haha probably will never unseal again (unless I find a high hit lame/SJS maybe) I unsealed all 3 seals. Thought there'd be a seel in it
  2. k, I'm on. I'll get to unsealing later cuz I'm tired of looking at the screen rn
  3. sure, I'll grab it rn if you're free
  4. I'm halfway done unsealing 4 of my limiters and finished unsealing my Lame so if someone wants me to unseal their lame, lemme know. Charging 1pd per 1000 kills (so 10pd if it's a fresh lame)
  5. Ford522

    B/S > Stuff

    looking for 29s for megid
  6. Ford522

    B/S > Stuff

    ok whenever you're ready. I see you playing
  7. Ford522

    Got 305dts

    just let me have em man
  8. Ford522

    B/S > Stuff

    bump. Looking for Zalure Gun especially
  9. Girasole - Shambertin - Ult - Greenill
  10. Ford522

    B/S > Stuff

    update. Helping gear up my friend. She plays FOnewearl so any other tech items that come to mind, lemme know
  11. Ok I'll take the trap/search
  12. I would like to buy c/resist and trap/search if you're around
  13. Ford522


    are you available now?
  14. Ford522


    I'll take the sato and ppp mag
  15. Ford522


    Looking to buy at least 2. I'll grab em for 5pd each Edit: got 1. Looking for at least one more. Maybe 2 still edit 2: found a couple of my own. close this pls
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