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Ultima Veteran
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Everything posted by Ford522

  1. @Larva @Soly doubt I'm helping the community but worth a try
  2. Ford522

    B/S > Stuff

    SJS has been sold a while ago, but I cant cross it out on mobile. Sry for the baiting
  3. Ford522

    B/S > Stuff

    updated the SJS info, so I guess you guys should be quick on it. Also since I have to keep going over the same thing: I won't be taking those over-saturated items that I won't be using (90% of the time people offer cent/battle or non-maxed psycho raven), unless if you want to overpay by a lot
  4. Ford522


    I'll take Bomb-Chu 0/50/0/30 and the 40h vjaya
  5. Ford522

    B/S > Stuff

    updated and slightly better sorted
  6. Ford522

    B/S > Stuff

    ok I'm home, but gonna go to bed after I finish my cup of tea lol. No work tmrw so I'll be home or near home all day prob
  7. Ford522

    B/S > Stuff

    Sounds good. Could maybe trade tn if work doesn't go on forever, or tmrw if I don't get called for work
  8. They make arrest faust and frozen faust, but it's a single-target wep (the wiki is incorrect)
  9. Ford522

    B/S > Stuff

    Still really don't care for that psycho raven
  10. Ford522


    Got a 55h asteron striker for 40dt if you're interested. Also 30/0/0/0/60 serene swan for 60dt
  11. k, I'm in B3 slaving away
  12. Alright, whenever you're free
  13. I'll take the holy ray and water gun
  14. Ford522


    I'll take the 40h vjaya and photon booster. Currently omw to work so I'll hit you up later
  15. weird. Maybe it fixed at the end when I went to the edge of the room?
  16. Not sure if this is even the right part of the forums to post this but yeah some weird stuff
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