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Everything posted by Apollo

  1. I'm very slowly dying.... I still havent killed Alatreon Dx!! ITS BEEN LIKE 5 MONTHS! Well, i killed one, but i didnt host the quest so i dont get the rank.... I'm also busy tonight so dont bother trying to help me yet....

  2. Someone go work on these skins! xD What would all the machines be?
  3. lol well, at least you tried
  4. Apollo


    Morning, I'm the residential Forum Spammer.... Vypor... For the 77th time, you cannot go around humilitating people with a lollipop! THATS WHAT THE BATTLE FAN IS FOR! It makes a fwappy type sound when you hit people. Have fun while your here XD
  5. Haha, yeah that happens to me alot too

  6. xD boomas are what? bidoof?
  7. Be glad you're never like "OH YEAH! SOMETHING NEW! .... Are you f*cking kidding me?! ANOTHER DRAGON SLAYER?!"

  8. D: but choko, restricting spam equates to me dying!!!
  9. Or a sign of the apocolypse!
  10. Ownt! shit happens, may be a one time deal.
  11. Um... Elision... for once i didnt do it xD
  12. lols vypor, you would go for that knowing you.... Thanks for these new options guys!
  13. Happy for this topic Elision? xD
  14. VICTORY!! Zeph I'm guessing you didnt think of it until after you read my retry huh? New rule: No one else can use backspace/arrows to make theirs perfect xD
  15. Series.... I havent played many FF, but X was awesome. KH and Zelda are musts, Zelda was my second game ever, and i played it every morning before school when i was like 4 xD always restarted my save file and got from start to finishing the deku tree on the N64.... Good times.... Technically, theres a supposed sequal to TWEWY coming out, and if it does make it here, TWEWY wins its way onto my list, if not, just mentioning it cuz its awesome like that :onion-head54:
  16. I DUN BELIEVE YOU! Retry: ap0llo Also, on a further note: Never said i couldnt use backspace and arrows to clear out my mistakes
  17. Apollo

    Mag bug

    Okay, so you're having issues ive had with mags in the past. If the mag doesnt match your Class/ID it bugs and sometimes evolves just from eating an item, what i usually do is log out log in and its back to its old form. However, every 5 levels past 100 if it isnt already your specific Rare mag or a cell mag, it will change into some other mag evolution to match its stat reqs and your id. its very annoying i know, which is why i suggest again pso-world's mag charts http://www.pso-world.com/sections.php?op=viewarticle&artid=1031 I suggest this because it tells you your ID's stats make up and class. Once again, to make it clear, if it evolves from eating 1 item and didnt level up, log out and log in. I cant remember another bit of advice id gotten clearly enough to suggest it to you without feeling like it may not work. Good luck
  18. Apollo

    Mag bug

    ID dependancy, check the forces id with the charts on pso-world
  19. Hey, glad to see your comps okay xD
  20. I'm out of town this weekend, so have fun without me....

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BlueFlare
    3. Apollo


      Flare, kindly get teh frak out of my personal space -.- Elision dun do eet! DJ, only if you're the dj, Zeph i know what you mean, and godric you're not invited xD

    4. Zeph


      I have to say Godric, that kitty looks pretty delicious.

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