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Everything posted by O9B066

  1. Heart key is deff more and I have two rainbow baton with hit for 3 pd that no one's bought either not trying to raid your post sorry just wanna make sure you do good. Heart key 30min pd and I'll pay you that
  2. No I guess not but I certainly didn't buy them and I have several I just sold one. Weird.
  3. I appreciate your insight on this. Yes I've made a hucaseal cuz she gets good armor I had trouble finding something for my racast and had a bunch of female armor. Dress plate is hard to get wow I found several somewhere I have so many i forgot where they came from. Really one thing and only think I'd like to see is all mechs be usable by all classes not some mechs by all classes when pso world says everyone can use em but the only ones this is true for is Vulcan it seems. Be nice to use a yas for my Hu for distance demons.
  4. This is what I hate about ultima and why I left for a bit. We cant conversate here lock the topic. A forum is to discuss things with peers were all our own people and will never agree. Why can't there be a thread to discuss things opinions etc just lock it no one's allowed to share there mind? Seriously that's a North Korean way. As longs no one threatening people who cares. Keep locking stuff and not letting people conversate that's a way to run a forum. What's un fair is not letting people voice ideas thoughts or opinions. https://www.google.com/search?ei=Kc0AWaJ9qt6PBKy8hpAC&q=dictionary+definition+of+forum+&oq=dictionary+definition+of+forum+&gs_l=mobile-gws-serp.3...3422.7152.0.7514. And this is what's happening here what's the issue? Oh you don't agree?
  5. Thats pretty much correct. But having random topics that flourish into this sort of thing may give the powers that be a idea they take and implement. I'm fine leaving the server this way. I'm fine having Hu just melee and ra not melee there's pros and cons of every idea or way. Maybe someone's idea will improve the server. Usually someone will come in and lock a topic cuz it's "out of hand" which means I have power and don't agree with you to me. The server is great the way it is to me but could be great with others ideas so hearing everyone out in a civil matter is productive. My opinions I know aren't the best but I'd like to see females get stronger weapons if it don't happen Oh well I'll continue to use my female fo female racaseal and hucaseal there still fun. If anyone don't like things they don't have to play here but everyone's opinions are nice to hear. Doesn't mean they will come to light. Everyone's wrong is just saying f it let everyone use everything cuz of frustration that's the easy way to get through conversation imo. This thread started kind of dumb but if it turns into 77 pages and one person's opinion or argument changed something it's not a waste. There's a bunch of people on here who are smart and know the game and could spark the imagination of a developer to run with it. Without the community the server is just a server. I plan on being here awhile and welcome change. Just not dictatorship.
  6. Ha Yeah no one's allowed to state opinions Or thoughts.
  7. Or leave it the way it is now. That's a response I'd expect from a certain staff member or closing this topic. It's just people's opinions or thoughts. I get why things are this way females take longer to kill so need more def. But also making females have better weapons then males would be cool to make them strong too. Either option would be cool. Really my only real issue is all classes say they can use a mech but there's plenty of mechs not all can use. Which is a dumb or irrelevant issue I know. Doing what you suggested out of frustration or whatever would just make more people use Hucast or racast which are over used classes in comparison to fomar for example. The way things are keep the game fun and interesting. Imo racast or ra in general gets the use of the best weapons in ultima and are op cause of it. My opinion or others aren't the law around here it's a thread to state opinions. My hucaseal has some good weapons but most of those weapons and ra can use too leaving a hunter exclusive items like jizai for example. Ra get an pr mm just as examples hucaseal I don't think as any great guns or any like tripler said bad ass weapons. But I find her awesome to play. Ra can use all my gold Hu weapons I have except jizai but my Hu can barely use a thing my ra has which sucks. Reducing things ra can use would be a good option like someone stated make them more gun users then Hu but less melee then they are. Ra kinda has the best selection of the game for weapons.
  8. Quick example racast has more atp but less def then racaseal. Yet the guy gets male only weapons that are very strong. The female gets stronger or arguably better armor yet whatever each sex is better stat wise gets gender specific stuff to be even better yet. I know the def stat here is less then 100 but atp gap is 200. The armor argument isn't as strong but something like Praven shouldn't even be allowed on males but female only to help bridge that gap.
  9. oh there beyond a paragraph, it's getting into essay's now hahah This makes some sence, as in hU should be able to use the melee type weapons, and RA ranged only i know it will never happen does make some sence if it were. I don't agree that a melee weapon or sword w/e is stronger then a gun/ranged weapon, after all in the past centuries man has eveolved from doing war with swords and hand to hand combat for guns. For the sake of the game doing that though would make HU really crap to play. First, i was on my phone while writting this, so quoting the right stuff and typing what i wanted to say was a bit difficult. No i don't want them to nerf WD for males, my meaning is, the name wedding dress it should be female only. Most of the gender spaceific armor has feminen names which a male wearing a WD seems to be a bit of a tranny. I don't understand why WD was buffed and usable for both genders, rather then something with a more neutral name, not that any of you prolly care about what i just said. I do not know why there are no male versions of sue's coat or kroe's (personally i dont really care for sue's as a armor i consider when i'm 181 anyways) decent yes but) Sue's is ok, im using one for my Hucaseal now- untill i can get on and get another samori armor for this char slot, why? cuz that 35atp bonus isn't needed in my max stats and 35 atp isnt real noticeable, when i have 53 free mats i can eat left, i eat 18 pwr mats and use sam armor and there's that gap broken, but with more luck, that i can save some money on luck mats. Sue's is nice, but with only 35atp bonus i won't use it if i don't have to use it. IMO sam armor should be a male armor, it's close to sue's but males don't have any speceific armor that is male only (maybe they do and what i said isn't fact but i do not know of it but what i am saying isn't law so don't come screaming there is something, i just don't know of it and i was looking for RAcast armor before the event started) Yes. wd i agree is 2nd best armor compared to STA. Love Heart, can be as strong as min-med WD, at a lower level to use, far cheaper with comparable def, but lower evp and ok resistances...but at level 131 having 400 def is alot stronger then at level 192 with 400 def too, so the lower evp at level 131 balances out to the evp of wd at a higher level. Using HU for example cuz i just made 2 recently, HUcast max atp is like 1600 something, while HUcaseal is 1300 something...i option to balance out the classes would be a female only armor adding more atp then 35, which is not noticeable. same concept to balance out their def to, which would help even out some of the classes some. I see tons of RAcast and HUcast on the server, they puit up huge numbers, but theres still alot of racaseal hucaseal etc i know that. Females pretty much have the better armor options is the point here, and the ones that are available to males, females can use too. I do agree on the fact that HU have no real cool ranged weapon like tripler said as i've found out making a hucaseal. None th eless HUcaseal to me is pretty fun, when i was a FO only player, that's the class that sort of reinvented the game again for me.RA do have better guns, as well as males which there's nothing terribly great for a HUcaseal. Also I know safety heart has rr stats that's why rather then spend 10 dt for one for my hucaseal i got one of them so my ra can get my rr. I'm in aggreance females don't need more armor for them specifically. Just saying imo evening out racast and racaseal some would be what id suggest for server development. Females need the stronger weapons then males. Def isn't really a huge discrepancy between male and female hu's so that's not really a big issue it's the power. I'd guess the theory behind females getting more armor is the fact it will take them a little longer to kill the same mob there male counterpart would. He'd kill faster so needs less atp. So playing a female is more of a challenge I get that too. I thaught all classes could use mechs I maybe wrong here but if so there's some mechs not all can use. According to pso world every class can use mechs but yet most classes can't use all mechs. A mech is a mech I don't get why if original pso allowed for this not all can use mechs except type I believe everyone can use that. ( I really do not care how poorly my sentence structure is or grammar I'm in a hurry to get out of the house)
  10. I have a couple sn not with that combination. Same with my arrest needle I'd consider a set if your set on those it's easier to find n m or ab d which i did with an i have a set so all are covered
  11. I've went to using female characters now cuz they get some decent mid grade armor and barriers....but males seem to get better weapons now I'm finding myself making a male to use p Ravens. Females imo have no great weapons as do males. A wedding dress should be female only but isn't. I like pretty much every custom weapon and item on this server. But there should be something similar for each sex to use like a p Swan or devil heart armor. Not everyone can be pleased with every change they make but class evening stuff should be made. I'll never play huney or ramarl there mail counterparts have better options. I don't understand why most custom weapons can be used by all classes but not all. The sex of character generally males have better atp sometimes but get better weapons....if anything females should get p raven to even that gap.
  12. I will take the Photon booster nana but can't get on for another ten hours to get items... Wish I knew what c orb went for I wouldn't mind one
  13. I'll take a heart key
  14. @Soly don't nerf the game. Just stop adding charge to yas if that's the issue and that way charge yas will be limited and people can over price em so not many people can afford.
  15. i leave here the 4th, thru the 9th where i won't be able to get on game at all, so if round one i could do before then that would be great. This thursday i know you start it, this thursday and this sunday i am basically free the entire day as well.
  16. O9B066


    If you wanna buy a yas 7k with hell just take your money for that and add hit to your as it'd be cheaper add 50 hit for 45 dt most people wanna sell maxed ones for alot more when hit is the main thing for hell that's if you even find one. As is good gun
  17. I've gotten 8 cloaks from waiting for the pan arms to split and the Pinker colored one who's weaker against barta dropped them.
  18. you gave him first dibs on that bringer's rifle, so i'd like 2nd dibs if he rejects it please.
  19. i'll take oine as well, i wont be on till later today to just make trades though.
  20. @TripleR To help make scheduling a bit less chaotic later on, I'm free for a little bit after 630PM eastern time each night for the next couple of weeks, and sunday's all day for this event. If you can let me know when i am scheduled that would be great so i can confirm my availability. I have training for 2 weeks, then leave on May 6th for Tennessee. I will be able to participate but i no longer have open availability and work from home as i have been having the luxury to do
  21. You can manage thirty although 35 would be great. I carry in my bag for my casts Dimates trimates sol telepipe moons 4-5 weapons armor v101 three units I use plus cure freeze and shock barrier mag and 4 noob hp cuz im too lazy to walk to the bank when I get in a game to noob up....that's 23 items.....unless your picking up every item for some reason thirty works
  22. O9B066


    Can I buy sn and shifta twenty no pds tho
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