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Henry Fernandes

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Everything posted by Henry Fernandes

  1. You have every right to say what you're thinking, but so do other players have the same right to disagree. No one attacked you on the Hit Event thread, but you calling people that disagreed from your opnion a fool shows that YES, theres a fool, and it is you. Everybody agrees that every event needs better organizations. But if you look back at last year hit event, it has changed so much, and it was for the better. It's a "new" event, it's getting better. The reason you keep repeating the same thing is because you're crying that you didn't get some services. Everybody already knows that. There isn't a reason to keep repeating the same drama, over and over again.
  2. I really thought the winner would be you. Congrats @Simpele
  3. B>Ricos Parasol, 80pds. Pm me.

  4. B>Ricos Parasol, 80pds. Pm me.

  5. Being goth even though you're at the beach
  6. B> Ricos Parasol, 80pds. pm me.

  7. Have u tried to disable your antivirus just for the update moment? After update the game with it off, try again
  8. B>Megid lvl29, pm me

  9. Have you checked it on your profile? The send buttom shows random amounts of dts... If you open your profile should be, below your name, your really amount of dts.
  10. B> Megid lvl 29, pm me

  11. B> Megid 29, pm me

  12. B> Anti Dark Ring (PD's only)

  13. I had the same issue today. It has happened like two or three time in the past days. I was warping from city to dungeon, right after HH ended and got crash on the loading screen. I wasn't dual loggin or doing quest at the moment...
  14. B> Anti Dark Ring (PD's only) 

  15. Eu traria 5 Satos porquê sou um louco que adora gatos...
  16. I want that Megid lv27, Jellen lvl29 and Shifta lvl30, please.
  17. Quanto pelo Heavelyn/Tech e por cada Mark III e Cell of Mag 502?
  18. B> Spread Needle 35hit - 65pds. (pm)

  19. Alternava entre problema de conexão (dc) e crash... O pso simplesmente parava de funcionar quando entrava em portais.
  20. Estou enfrentando problemas de conexão. Na ultima hora levei vários dc's. Velocidade da internet (momento): 3.99mbps. Localidade: Brasil.
  21. I would like to get: Arrest Raygun 0-0-40-0|40 Cell of MAg 502 (x1) Parts Of Robochao (x2) Heart of Chao (x1) Heart Of Kapu Kapu (x1) Heart of Devil (x2) Pm me when u get online.
  22. Henry Fernandes


    Yan, vou querer Red, Blue, Yellow, Gibarta e Razonde merge. (Henrique/Mayaka)
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