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Everything posted by sauce

  1. yo we need to add a marriage system 5 dollar to get married 50 dollar for one ring 1 dollar per invite sponsor me
  2. ay grill are you a beaver cus DAM.
  3. Wait I'm speaking English though, whats wrong?
  4. Then it's definitely an issue on my side. I can't think of anyways to get proof right now because literally the game just closes on its own, no error message or warning signs. Is it alright if we keep this topic up incase i'm not the only one who has it? Incase someone more suitable can bring up this weird bug in a more presentable and clearer manner.
  5. yo im mike hawk but most of my friends call me my cck. i like butts and getting sucked back into old games i played when i was younger
  6. If one boss/monster represented your pso character, would would it be? Mine would be Olga Flow because im strong as FCK lmao.
  7. lmao someone should do a MLG edit of bullying a rappy
  8. global chat/message. for the cheap price of 1 dollar a player would be able to send a message shown to everyone currently online! sponsor me
  9. a harder difficulty would suck ass. ultimate is hard enough. we need ingame global chat system, like a dollar per global message. sponsor me
  10. how much you guys need to survive for a few years? i'm rich as fuck
  11. Just a heads up for mag feeders who use the /magtimer 3 /magtimer 3 crashes my game 99.9 PERCENT of the time. Tested it on all 4 of my characters. I'm usually in the little market place in Episode 1 normal difficulty. Takes about a minute 30 seconds before the actual crash, game just closes on its own. Running the game in windowed mode 1280x720 High graphics Sound on
  12. yo we need a personal private lobby where we can flirt with grills. 100% guaranteed server improvement
  13. lets hope this works, pray for me. played a game with sonic and knuckles.
  14. yo how do i share my sick screenshots nvm i figured it out, i'm such a genius lmao
  15. which rare weapons make the hot grills wetter than niagara falls
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