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Everything posted by Faelynn

  1. Hi I'm logging in now, I'll be on Eliana
  2. Sure so 17pds sound fair?
  3. Sounds good, I can be on in a hour or so. Can you tally up how much I will owe you? Thanks!!! Reopening my mag shop again and need mags to start out lol
  4. I am reopening my mag shop. Finally got a new computer so yay.... Also it may take me longer than it used to to make mags because of COVID-9 my kids are now home all time and with my husband deployed for the US Navy I have to devote most of my time to them. Please understand and welcome to my shop!!! I will be starting out on Tellusis hucast mags to begin with so just a heads up on those
  5. What do you want for the blank mags? I would like to take them all if possible
  6. Happy Birthday to my friend @Virec!!!!!

  7. Selling a blank Yas 9k with 65hit for 45dts obo. Message me anytime
  8. Faelynn

    Buy Mag

    I can make a console mag but that is the only other way you will be able to get a 200 mind mag unless you pay a GM 30dts to have a custom one made.
  9. Faelynn

    Buy Mag

    I have a 195 or 200 mind elenor for 5dts or 35 pds
  10. BUMP Shop is now reopened!!! At least until Halloween Event Drops!!! lol
  11. @Saber +7 if there is no hit splitting why was it posted that it was allowed? Just wondering...
  12. I can make this for you would cost 24pds and I can make it any color you would like.
  13. Sorry I didn't see this until now, sure I can make it np. It will be 5dts to make, hopefully I can have it done by the end of the weekend if that is ok. That is 50 in Defense right? Just want to make sure
  14. Sure it would be 5dts or 35pds, I have 10 mags I'm working on but I should be done by Tuesday at the latest and then I can start on it. Are you sure you want the 3 def? I can make 0 def if you want
  15. Faelynn

    B> PPP Mags

    Thanks everyone, bought 10 yesterday but I'm flat broke now until I can sell more mags lol.
  16. Faelynn

    B> PPP Mags

    So I need more PPP mags, looking to buy them in bulk so please help me out lol. Looking to buy them 10pds a mag. Let me know if you have some
  17. I was feeding a mag and it had just turned into a Kama 5/0/30/30 when my window closed out. When I logged back in the mag was a Soma 6/0/27/30. I just need to see if a GM or someone can fix this for me because I would hate to start from scratch again. Guildcard# 42206347 Slot 4 Character Fae HUnewearl Thanks in advance, Fae
  18. Sure, I'm going to be opening a Mag Shop room here in a min And thanks
  19. I'm on if you would like to pick up
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