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Everything posted by theancientsam

  1. i like the ryuker during the derolee boss fight xd
  2. Bismilahar rahman ar raheem alhamdulilah and salam alikum hello my Ultima brothers and sisters i hope you are all doing well. today we have a very important task in front of us for our small community. it seems we are needed to help save the server! it seemed like there was a good discussion going on in this thread that was closed to further discussion by the mods themselves. someone felt like the chat was getting off topic, but what is the ultimate goal of such a post? ultima has voted in majority to raise drop rates in general and lower the ammount of happy hours. in general it seems that people are complaining about how their time is not being respected by the current set up of the server and are suggestiing ways to improve the server etc. some great ideas are mentioned in this thread here and i hope to see more discussion that could bring forth even more good ideas that could help the server. if i may take some liberty to express my opinions we have been on a long decline for nearly a decade and it would be amazing to see the server recover in some way. increasing drop rates in general will certainly help while simultaneously lowering the occurrences of happy hours and the boost it gives. i dont see why we cant have some x2 and x3 happy hours if they are extreemly rare. i dont know if just a flat boost in drop rates is gonna do the trick though, some things need more than a 20 percent bump and some things dont need a bump at all. i would also like to suggest a mini boost at a regulalry scheduled increment. perhaps every 12 hours a 3%-30% increase instead of a 300% increase. or simply get rid of happy hours all together. also the events need balancing and some items should become year round. this will take some thought and some work. of course i dont post this thread so that i can have a say, i open it so that the community can have its say, in full. so please anyone who is reading if you have a thought please contribute it! it may make a huge impact on the future of Ultima. or maybe it wont! xD thank you
  3. Larva Administrators 5.6k Gender:Male Location:Mexicali , Mexico Hunter's Name: Larvadeath, Tastar. Guildcard:42000001 Posted February 6 HI everyone, It's been some time since we have made some changes to the drop rates and HH in the server. The staff and other member suggested a change and we want to present the idea to everyone, but we also want your vote in this. It is known that many players enter the game mainly during Happy Hours, due the fact that the drops are easier during these 3 hours. So the change will involve a balance to encourage the players to log in more frequently without being waiting for HH to occur. Increase permanent drops to x1.2 and, change HH running time to 2hours with a boost in drop during this 2 hours to X2. Kotta, Crank, ink and 9 others 11 1 Amaranthine Members 59 Gender:Male Location:Pennsylvania Hunter's Name: Muffins (RAmarl), Esther (FOmarl), Tenrou (FOmar) Posted February 6 Hello, Larva: If you are actually looking to make changes, I'm probably say a few things that I know you may not like but need to hear. HH is not the only thing that drives who comes in and out of the server. It's a lot more than that and there is no sweeping it under the carpet either. It's both HH and Events that both do it solely because of how they operate. You see, your server does NOT operate on a whim, meaning that people won't bother (in most cases) to just log in and play in often intervals at any given point of the year. Instead, players of your server, for the most part, will only play in those given time slots. Now bear in mind that most that do play in these time slots are established players or players that at least have a foot in the door to hunt. The FOMO nature of this server is extremely detrimental, and the way that it has lingered for so long more or less set the stage for what you see going on in present day. You need a lot more than a simple nudge of the HH system if you are looking to encourage a way to bring a higher interest among people. I know that it's been this way for so long and that trying to make big changes to 'revolutionize' things is often met with the fact that the vets already have all the wealth and the gear. Since that rock won't budge, trying to fill in the void that brings more general attraction is your next best alternative. Not saying it lightly here: HH doesn't need to be rebalanced, it needs to be destroyed. The main reason I can see it even existing is because time gated gear is stressful to hunt and it's there to try and mitigate problems. Well, you see, the problem here is that the time gated gear is a bigger problem that rests right behind HH itself. If you want to make a change for the better, you need to kill it at its roots. Look over the drop charts and see which items can use nudging around. Fill it out with the custom gear with reasonable, but also difficult rates. Something akin to a slant uber and/or up to uber tier. Putting them on a permanent list will need to have them be harder to access in general as you don't want to make the mistake Destiny Server did. They made all the vanilla drops standardized with some being easier BUT also made a lot of their uber customs easier to obtain for some bizarre reason. Doing what's stated above, you can vanish HH, and look to try and come up with some kind of community driven goal that supplies boosts when reached. Make the players WORK for the boosts rather than just spice boosts without any effort. I'm sure the Events here can be looked at and adjusted to be more interesting than periodic FOMO slots. Your proposed change won't change anything BECAUSE the best times to log on for hunts is STILL when HH is happening. Sure, my suggestion to you will require more work, but with how much weight this server has in terms of issues that birthed the creation of this thread, the effort I feel should be made for people that genuinely enjoy playing here. If you seriously won't take any other suggestion or proposal to what you are showing, then any change would be better than none. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hola, Larva: Si realmente estás buscando hacer cambios, probablemente te diga algunas cosas que sé que pueden no gustarte pero que necesitas escuchar. HH no es lo único que impulsa quién entra y sale del servidor. Es mucho más que eso y tampoco se puede esconder debajo de la alfombra. Son tanto HH como Eventos los que lo hacen únicamente por su forma de operar. Verás, tu servidor NO funciona por capricho, lo que significa que la gente no se molestará (en la mayoría de los casos) en entrar y jugar en intervalos frecuentes en un momento dado del año. En su lugar, los jugadores de su servidor, en su mayor parte, sólo jugarán en esas franjas horarias determinadas. Ahora ten en cuenta que la mayoría de los que juegan en estas franjas horarias son jugadores establecidos o jugadores que al menos tienen un pie en la puerta para cazar. La naturaleza FOMO de este servidor es muy perjudicial, y la forma en que se ha prolongado durante tanto tiempo más o menos preparó el escenario para lo que se ve pasando en la actualidad. Se necesita mucho más que un simple empujón al sistema de HH si lo que se pretende es fomentar una forma de suscitar un mayor interés entre la gente. Ahora bien, sé que ha sido así durante mucho tiempo y que intentar hacer grandes cambios para "revolucionar" las cosas a menudo se topa con el hecho de que los veteranos ya tienen toda la riqueza y el equipo. Como esa roca no se moverá, intentar llenar el vacío con más atracción general es la siguiente mejor alternativa. No lo digo a la ligera: HH no necesita ser reequilibrado, necesita ser destruido. La principal razón por la que veo que existe es porque el equipo con límite de tiempo es estresante de cazar y está ahí para intentar mitigar los problemas. El problema es que el equipo con límite de tiempo es un problema mayor que se encuentra justo detrás del propio HH. Si quieres hacer un cambio a mejor, necesitas matarlo de raíz. Revisa las tablas de drop y mira qué objetos se pueden mejorar. Rellénalo con el equipo personalizado con tasas razonables, pero también difíciles. Algo parecido a un nivel uber inclinado y/o hasta uber. Si los pones en una lista permanente, será más difícil acceder a ellos en general, ya que no querrás cometer el error que cometió Destiny Server. Hicieron todos los drops vainilla estandarizados con algunos más fáciles PERO también hicieron muchos de sus customs uber más fáciles de obtener por alguna extraña razón. Haciendo lo que se ha dicho antes, puedes desaparecer HH, y tratar de llegar a algún tipo de objetivo impulsado por la comunidad que proporcione mejoras cuando se alcance. Haz que los jugadores TRABAJEN por los potenciadores, en lugar de limitarse a conseguirlos sin ningún esfuerzo. Estoy seguro de que los eventos pueden revisarse y ajustarse para que sean más interesantes que las franjas horarias periódicas de FOMO. El cambio que propones no cambiará nada PORQUE las mejores horas para iniciar sesión en las cacerías siguen siendo cuando hay HH. Claro, mi sugerencia requerirá más trabajo, pero con el peso que este servidor tiene en términos de problemas que dieron lugar a la creación de este hilo, el esfuerzo que creo que se debe hacer para las personas que realmente disfrutan jugando aquí. Si en serio no vais a aceptar ninguna otra sugerencia o propuesta a lo que estáis mostrando, entonces cualquier cambio sería mejor que ninguno. You, RocketTots, InCiDeR and 11 others 14 × The Gloom Spire - 2022 Clappy Ultima Veteran 208 Gender:I am a bot, please delete this account Posted February 6 (edited) Honestly, when you look at population charts during/and not during events, HH/non-HH. You quickly realize that top population doesn't even draw close off-event compared to on-event in any circumstance. Having 70 peak players like last event and then having 8 players like right now is just massive. When people log on, and see nobody hunting, playing, or anything worth solo-ing/hunting they want to log right off. At least I do most of the time. I feel you shouldn't blanket all drop rates. Like Amaranthe said, make a spreadsheet of what needs adjusting the most, communicate with the whole community. Make a google Excel spreadsheet like IronSheik that presents all the old rates, suggested rates, and new rates and have everyone post on that thread like Sheiks/Amaranthe's event drop threads. A solid point Amaranthe made: You can make quest rotations that forces players to play many different quests that nobody would play normally that includes boosted drop rates on mobs during that quest for a week, or whatever time you suggest. As you play the quest more and more during the boosted period, the drop rate continues to go up to whatever you want to cap at. You could make it a familiar drop rate and boost the cap to 3x and start with maybe 1.5x and have it gradually go up during the boosted period. You can boost 1-3 quests per episode to balance episode choice as well. This mindset allows the community to work for the boosts, which will in turn have players on not just during a set period of time like HH. Instead it promotes hardwork and effort the way this game was originally intended. Also boosting high end vanilla weapons to be comparable with some event drops would also be nice. I don't mean take all vanilla weapons and make them cracked. I'm saying for a handful of hard vanilla drops could use a boost that way people who are nostalgic about old items can still be relevant enough to use during hunts which will gather more nostalgic players as well. Variety would be very nice instead of ONLY using custom meta weapons. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sinceramente, cuando miras los gráficos de población durante/y no durante los eventos, HH/no HH. Rápidamente te das cuenta de que la población máxima ni siquiera se acerca fuera del evento en comparación con el evento en cualquier circunstancia. Tener 70 jugadores de pico como en el último evento y luego tener 8 jugadores como ahora es enorme. Cuando la gente se conecta y no ve a nadie cazando, jugando o algo que merezca la pena cazar o cazar en solitario, quiere desconectarse inmediatamente. Al menos yo lo hago la mayoría de las veces. Siento que no debería cubrir todas las tasas de drop. Como Amaranthe dijo, hacer una hoja de cálculo de lo que más necesita ser ajustado, llegar a toda la comunidad. Crea una hoja de cálculo de Google Excel como IronSheik que incluya todas las tarifas antiguas, las sugeridas y las nuevas y haz que todo el mundo publique en ese hilo como los hilos de drop de eventos de Sheiks/Amaranthe. Amaranthe ha hecho un buen comentario: Puedes hacer rotaciones de misiones que obliguen a los jugadores a jugar muchas misiones diferentes que nadie jugaría normalmente y que incluyan tasas de caída aumentadas en los mobs durante esa misión durante una semana, o el tiempo que sugieras. A medida que juegues más y más a la misión durante el periodo de potenciación, la tasa de caída seguirá subiendo hasta el tope que tú quieras. Podrías hacer que el drop rate fuera familiar y subir el tope a 3x y empezar con 1,5x y que fuera subiendo gradualmente durante el periodo de mejora. También puedes aumentar de 1 a 3 misiones por episodio para equilibrar la elección de episodios. Esta forma de pensar permite a la comunidad trabajar para conseguir los aumentos, lo que a su vez hará que los jugadores no sólo participen durante un periodo de tiempo determinado como en HH. En su lugar, promueve el trabajo duro y el esfuerzo de la forma en que este juego fue concebido originalmente. También estaría bien mejorar las armas vainilla de gama alta para que sean comparables con algunos drops de eventos. No me refiero a coger todas las armas vainilla y hacerlas crack. Estoy diciendo que para un puñado de gotas vainilla duros podría utilizar un impulso de esa manera la gente que son nostálgicos de los viejos artículos todavía puede ser lo suficientemente relevante como para utilizar durante las cacerías que reunirá a más jugadores nostálgicos también. La variedad estaría muy bien en lugar de usar SOLO armas personalizadas. Edited February 6 by Clappy Crank, OscuridaD, MannyFresh and 4 others 7 Saber +7 Ultima Veteran 2.6k Gender:Male Posted February 6 This is the ultimate crux of what I feel is driving our yearly decline in both peak and concurrent population. These two together are elements that strictly disrespect our time as players rather than give us the opportunity to play normally when we are free. This idea is from a list that was meant to be changes of certain things that I felt were in the right direction that I could also get all the staff to agree on. The total abolishment of HH without a permanent boost is obviously my first choice (best one as well), but was swiftly met with a rejection. This is a "meet in the middle" idea where the base drop table and HH aren't so far apart. It definitely still makes HH the best time to hunt, but ideally makes non-HH not feel as worthless as perceived by most. Your idea to distribute event drops was also on this list, and had support from various staff members. I hope we see it implemented in some way, as like this, it is a big step in the right direction towards a more balanced play experience regarding hunting. Clappy, Crank, jespence and 3 others 6 https://4waypb.com https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC29uGMxI7poTYHEifhZwILw applesaucin Ultima Veteran 183 Gender:Male Hunter's Name: i am NOT a sock Guildcard:42192081 Posted February 6 Yall are crazy. You get rid of HH and the server dies, 100%. Theres no way that people go "well i have slightly better drop rates non hh now, gonna play 4x as much now!" The exact same thing is gonna happen where theres only like 13 players online post xmas event. And no one wants to play alone. I cannot highlight that last part enough. No one wants to play alone. <--This right here is the real issue. Its why terror's team is so important to the server tbh. He actually does the dirty work helping new players have someone to lean on. If HH is removed the floor of players will not rise, but the ceiling will certainly fall. MAYBE youll have more players on average throughout the day, but the lack of high peak player count will be damaging to players mindset about the server / its growth. I found one of my pgf non hh. 7s found 2 non hh i believe. I think another issue is players conflate the fact that pso drops are just insanely difficult in the first place, with pso drops being insanely difficult outside hh. Im all for specifically pgf dropping year round so players dont feel "locked out" Of the dark weapons. But it feels like thats a huge momey grab for larva so i doubt he'll compromise there. MannyFresh, Kotta, Amaranthine and 4 others 2 5 Saber +7 Ultima Veteran 2.6k Gender:Male Posted February 6 (edited) Do you have any evidence to support this? The only two servers with HH are having population issues and the one without is prospering with daily peaks ~3x as high as our one random 70 player peak in Christmas with an hh. I would rather never fall below 40 players than have a couple of HHs a year with 80 people. Edited February 6 by Saber +7 MannyFresh, Clappy and Kotta 2 1 https://4waypb.com https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC29uGMxI7poTYHEifhZwILw Clappy Ultima Veteran 208 Gender:I am a bot, please delete this account Posted February 6 I agree to everything here other than the first line. Like saber said, other servers that don't have HH have a higher population count than Ultima. However they do compromise with boosts rewarding players from playing certain quests. Evidence is suggesting that HH IS an issue. However, I get what you're saying. Our server has had HH since the start, so since everyone is so used to it, it will be too difficult to adjust to the new rates and then players who play regularly will start dropping. For this reason is why I heavily recommend that the community has to agree on some type of boost option that will work for everyone. jespence Members 126 Gender:Male Location:United States Hunter's Name: Drago, Rand(not Ayn Rand, Rand the Dragon from Wheel of Time book) Posted February 6 There are 2 major things that must change: 1. Get rid or core gear being event-only and make it year round. 2. Get rid of HH, though 1.2x is not necessarily bad. HH is a drug-like effect that fuels get-rich-quick greed, and can cause people to find way more than they should in a short period of time, killing the incentive for long-term play. The game should reward slow-steady commitment instead. What happens during Xmas is that you have a 1 month narrow window, with crazy amounts of HH being dumped and some people finding way more than was intended by the game(5-6PGFs in a few weeks) and others still find nothing, because it's not enough time to ride out the worst of RNG. Newer players who are desperate to deal with some jacked enemy stats will shell out large amounts of $$ just to buy when they can't find one, and brings out the worst in all Slightly adjusting normal rates is probably the best possible long-term option MannyFresh, Colt, Harvest and 5 others 8 applesaucin Ultima Veteran 183 Gender:Male Hunter's Name: i am NOT a sock Guildcard:42192081 Posted February 6 If you get rid off HH all that is going to happen is there will still only be 8 players non hh But there would then also only be 8 players during the time HH would have been. Players rushing to get that last run of hh is one of the few things that bind casual and pro players on this server. I dont understand why anyone would listen to wilsons advice about the health of the server when hes openly admitted to trying to sabatoge this server and its player base. That alone should be a red flag for yall. Ive said my piece. Yall have been warned. I am sock and this has been my TED talk. Saber +7 1 ink Ultima Veteran 311 Gender:Male Hunter's Name: Ink Guildcard:42114014 Posted February 6 Be nice to see the team points system used to Boost a players luck perhaps by a % per so many team points collected and is per account . This would give the rares that are of no use a purpose , plus you are or possible going to play more so you can boost you luck chance . Reset it once a month. Elstinko, applesaucin, JupiterDeMars and 1 other 4 jespence Members 126 Gender:Male Location:United States Hunter's Name: Drago, Rand(not Ayn Rand, Rand the Dragon from Wheel of Time book) Posted February 6 (edited) I might add that in Diablo 2, what you have is the ability to increase monster difficulty, and as a reward you get much more drops and experience; if one is willing to jack up the enemies so you can get 1-shot by anything, but equal rewards, that might be one of the better options, if not too crazy to implement; I think this is a much better alternative to HH, though it's probably best to slowly decrease HH over time until you get rid of it Edited February 6 by jespence Kotta and MannyFresh 1 1 applesaucin Ultima Veteran 183 Gender:Male Hunter's Name: i am NOT a sock Guildcard:42192081 Posted February 6 If were looking for other solutions, shiidas ctu quest + type weap setup is amazing. More of this would lend itself to growth. I see a bunch of newer players infatuated with woi right now and im excited for when they get to experience TOD, and i myself have a bunch of room to explore still in ctu. There is a bit of an issue where its gonna take a while for the new players to get to this endgame level, but it will happen. These kinds of quests are how the non HH drop rates could be mitigated without losing the player spike that is the bat signal of HH alert. Something INCREDIBLY difficult that has a gauranteed reward, kinda like cmode (although cmode isnt too hard just time consuming) Kotta 1 MannyFresh Members 55 Gender:Male Location:CA Hunter's Name: Manny, Ophelia, Zerato, Hakumen, Shinobi, Alessa, Kiton Guildcard:42164612 Posted February 6 I'm of the mindset to do away with HH entirely, slightly upping drop %, and spreading out key items to year round drops. Items such as C/Battle and PGF shouldn't be gated to events as everyone can benefit to having them and will be worth farming regardless of the time of year. And making them available year round can help alleviate a huge amount of burnout. I took a full week off from work to farm a single PGF. I woke up for every HH. I stayed up super late if a HH popped. And looking back on it, I wouldn't do it again. I shouldn't risk my health and forego sleep for an item, and I know there's a few others that did the same as me. Coming from a background of competitive fighters that vacation time I used could have easily gone towards me traveling to two tournaments, or even an actual vacation. This is the reality for some people in regards to HH as well as event locked items. Needless to say I was insanely stressed out about not getting a drop after roughly 600 Olga kills while others flourished with multiple drops at a fraction of that amount. Clappy's idea of quest rotation is a great incentive to get people to run a higher variety of quests. It can even be implemented into the events themselves. Drop rates are boosted in these quests for x amount of days then it rotates to a different set of quests. At the end of the day I'd rather have a steady amount of players than BIG NUMBER during a peak so I can hop on and run with people even if my group isn't on. You, Elstinko, Harvest and 7 others 10 × The Freshest Shop Around (Reveal hidden contents) C01D1 Ultima Veteran 531 Gender:Male Hunter's Name: C01D1,C01D1,C01D1,C01D1 Guildcard:42193974 Posted February 6 I think that's what killed me the most over time. The FOMO, looking for ways to move my busy life around when HH dropped..... I think boosting droprates during non HH is the way to go for sure but there is more to be done. Let's really look at DMC, let's fix that Ultima Bringers. Let's increase engagement on social platforms and let folks be rewarded for community interaction. The potential here is very high I believe we need a couple more GMs and or community reps to create community events. So much can be done, making Olga have some drops was fantastic and a step in the right direction. I also think Sonic Team Armor should be a rebalanced (Nerfed) I actually think if we did a community vote most would agree. HUcast should not have access to Serene Swan either lol. I could keep going but nobody would read it lol. You, MadOrNah, Harvest and 3 others 5 1 × Saber +7 Ultima Veteran 2.6k Gender:Male Posted February 6 Almost all of this was on the collaborative list with 100% support from staff. The only two not were ss and sta as the list in question was more geared at hunting mechanics rather than item balance.
  4. you mean pso2 or pso2 ngs? because pso2 was pretty great! but ngs came along and ate pso 2 like it was a snack and then sat on the couch and did nothing except charge us money...
  5. i could see myself getting into this except for the part where the guy says "CHANGE" "DICE" "SET" "ATTACK" "MOVE" "ACTION" "DEFENCE" "ETC" that annoys me lol is it possible to turn that speech off?
  6. this is neat. i wish they had commentary
  7. yes there are 2 forces that regain tp slowly and one hunter who can as well but just bring fluids its not gonna regen very fast anyway also dont be afraid to ask for meseta. players get meseta for free sometimes so they will likely give you half a million zenny if you ask
  8. basically you can get to hard mode in less than a half hour with the right gear, and you wont need too much. some weps a mag and a little knowledge. getting carried might take an hour to get there. the quest youll want to run when getting carried is called TTF, it takes you to each boss quickly for the big exp and if someone is with you they will blast the boss in like ten seconds (just make sure you hit it, even 0 damage will count for you getting exp) and youll be on to the next area. also there are meta ways to run the quest, certain monsters you kill will open the next room immediately. once you run this quest a few times with some aid youll know what to do. i would name the room TTF help, and go fart around in one of the dungeons until someone joins. right now exp is on x5 which is the highest it goes but for you it will always be x3 until you get over lv 160 i think. then it goes to x2. so still pretty easy to get to 200 if youre determined. the last character i made i got from 1-200 on expx5 and the game time for that character was 24 hours. mind i did not do all that in a single 24 hour sitting. or you could spend 24+ hours in normal mode if youre not careful. we want you to come to ultimate mode because this is where you can actually have a chance to find an item worth selling or trading or keeping that will do some good. as they said, dont worry people will be happy to help you. if you ever see Snipe or Sam thats me, just give me a hollar if i have time ill certainly help your progress
  9. glad you got it working. one thing ill mention about this game is sometimes we can be hard on each other but usually we dont pick on newbs. we tend to pick on people who have played a long time and even if someone does give you a hard time just want to say let it roll off your back. this is one of the last bastions of a forgotten age of gaming where things are hmm... happily toxic to a degree. we have had "reports" of "harassment" in the past that have just led to the victim getting shamed for calling it out. tho there is a line. if someone actually does threaten you, you can appeal to a GM like shiida or fryewolf in private and they will sort it out. though i dont think this will really happen to you
  10. there is a huge gap between starting this game on ultima and the end game that can be gotten thru much quicker with aid. some people will help you level, some will give you some starting gear. some may do neither. but ultimately what i would suggest is getting carried though you dont care for it. the end game here is vast and getting to that as soon as you can would be best, you dont want to get stuck in very hard for a few months and then finally get to ultimate to find that you are no match for the enemies there. but you wont need much, my perscription for this type of thing is pretty simple. make a RAcast, get some help to level up to 110. try to get an iron faust with any stats, then get a frozen shooter with 30 plus hit, they drop pretty easy and someone will likely just give you one. the iron faust may cost you about 20 pds. oh and i forgot, feed your mag to lv 200 before attempting to level up or see if someone will let you borrow one. once you have the mag lv 200, racast lv 110 and the weapons i mentioned then you can start to hold your own in ultimate. also some other units you will want v101 or heavenly battle (later can be upgraded to cent battle) v501 (later can be upgraded to v502) heavenly/arms x 2 (later can be upgraded to cent arms which will free up a slot, i would suggest a cure confuse but the extra slot to a low level can be used for other things such as heavenly power or cent power or what ever you desire for a time.) i would not suggest starting the game fresh on a humar as so many do as it is one of the hardest classes to use, or hunter in general, tho later it may become the best class it will take a large investment to make it work. the same goes for force. RAcast for a beginner has a good amount of atp ata and hp which will be very helpful when just starting out. hope this helps inshallah
  11. Welcome to Ultima friend! Thank you for your introduction and we are glad to have you. This is a helpful community though small, so if you ever need help please feel free to ask anyone. Most people in the server speak English but some do not. Major languages spoken are English French and Spanish. we have a few players who only speak Russian or Japanese as well. If you need further help you can always do what you have done here and make a topic in the forums. If you happen to notice not many players are online now it is because we have events that turn on and off and we just got done with a few events that came back to back so now that they are over there will be a low period where not many are logging in. Please be patient and please invite some friends from your circle to join with you to play. We love to have new players and if you want help leveling up, or need advise you can ask players in the lobby, or create a room and name it "help please" or "ttf help". (ttf is a quest we use for easy exp) I hope this was helpful. If you are having trouble getting the game running it could be the resolution set in the "Launcher Options" it will need to be set to your computer's specific resolution. You can check this by google searching "what is my resolution" and it will explain how you can find this information in your system. Thanks
  12. this can be closed, thank you everyone
  13. a lot of reports of this same problem today, very odd
  14. i like heaven striker but its underwhelming compared to other stuff and very situational. im sure better players know when to use it more but i cant find much use for it. also does anyone else have an issue with shooting traps with that gun? mine dont always connect. it would be cool if i could use a pbc on heaven striker to make a hell striker or something with more atp same special attack
  15. i guess i want something that is like 50 50 0 0 50 or better, if its not maxed i can always move the stats around later but i think i want to get a nat ab varient so that i can make a dm set. please pm me your offers and feel free to meme below in these comments
  16. ive heard from a reliable source that sjs greenil olga drop is actually harder than pgf, so less than that... perhaps. are we talking about pgf here? anyway good luck to all and congrats to eempire who got one this morning
  17. ha yeah ive gotten 2 pds from sham so far @.@
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