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Everything posted by Starlord

  1. The rust is real my friends. I wanna run this quest too. Is 3p TA too much? I can do 2p if prefered?
  2. Hell yeH finally someone who appreciates the fun that is Cmode. Hook up with rashan aka gunmaster or saith Fyrewolf5 sometimes in game and they are great cmoders they enjoy cmode as well and will guide you and teach you.
  3. I’m on late at nights 10pm est time and up if anyone is down to form a night team. I’m still learning my maps but we can do early stages which shouldn’t be too hard. 1c4 and up I get lost. Gotta learn those asap
  4. Where that sjs at bruh XD
  5. Lipelis I believe got them for 6dts or something like that.
  6. Starlord


    Has anyone done a video on CCC. I never tried that quest. Looks fun. Is it like ROW?
  7. Starlord


    XD. Roct is so easy now. With the new weapons and demon weapons (if humans) I’ve been running a 36min with a three man team. That being said I’m still new at roct so I don’t know spawns very well and not fully geared yet.
  8. Starlord


    I think it’s safe to say the memories of the jerkman is to remain a memory. He will only be of linger in forums. That’s all we get, forums jerky XD
  9. Starlord


    Come back you dickApe. You’re like a teasing girl ( maybe I will maybe I won’t) we need the A team back on this TA bish.
  10. Two topics. You must badly need it XD
  11. I know some guys I used to TA with back in the old server changed and got used to having normal attack here < instead of v. Or they would be full when they were doing TA runs so it wouldn’t ruin anything like trap shooting etc
  12. Change your buttons. Unless you play with a controller. I’ve been playing KB for years and all you can do is switch your H attack to the other key.
  13. B> glide divine 15pds. Pm me if you have one 

  14. Starlord


    Racast or ramarl mag? XD
  15. Would you take pds for the min rrs?
  16. Doubt you have it since it’s an old ass post. I’ll give you all 20dts mayne. But like I said it’s an old post
  17. 13-15 mins is more realistic. Depending on the falz. I used to TA in my days @Viande if you wanna link up PM. I’m always down to do TA with people who are willing to learn. You never know you might be the next record breaker.
  18. Hey brah! Price on paycho ravens 40hit two stat needle regular glide divine
  19. Plus we are not factoring the fact ( from my experience) I speak 3 languages (one dead one) English and of course Spanish. And I tell you this, the amount of slang in the Spanish community and improper grammar will not translate well. If you ever used a translating system, if you spell something wrong or whatever it will not translate well. So it is an amazing idea in theory, but most of the times if it’s implemented in the game somehow, some conversations will not make much sense. I’m guessing when it comes to trading yes, would be perfect but if you are trying to have full on conversations with players that speak other languages, those might turn out differently and hard to understand. I’m only speaking for the Spanish portion of the community because I have played with them and we use a lot of slang that would not translate well. I do love the idea though. Always wanted to talk to the frenchies and Portuguese speaking players. I would love to learn French or Portuguese myself but that’s not relevant to this thread. OK BYEEE
  20. S>MS set or trade for Iron Faust set (n/ab, m/d). 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Starlord


      Not if I give majority away when I take my “breaks” XD

    3. ultrajerky


      ohh.. well theres your problem

    4. Starlord


      I’m too generous. I need to be greedy to succeed in this world.

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