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Everything posted by R.A.V.S.O

  1. updated, here's the macro-map: it's getting harder and harder to map XD and YES, each area is a full-scale map, walkable, properly coded, etc... no weird collisions (afaik)
  2. LOL, Larva trae el numero de la bestia XD

    1. ANDRES
    2. Larva


      best reputation ever XD!

    3. Jorinalx


      lol no me habia fijado xD

  3. you wanted a rare but you got a saber, meaning no drop, better luck next time. what's there to get? you can't expect to play a game of chance without odds against you, heck there's a REASON we give items drop-rates.
  4. *sigh* people should never underestimate the power of a saber.... seriously it's way better than using bare fists against a boss, that and it took society eons to perfect the use of photon energy to make that nifty weapon we all wish existed in real life... and to top it off the Hunter's Guild found it on their kind hearts to provide beginner hunters with not only the basics of cutting-edge photon technology based saber (if you're a hunter that is) but also with monomates, fluids and 300 meseta, all in all... if we look back at our history of blood-thisty mass-killing spree we've had... we all at one point in our lives depended on a saber to fight and survive on such an unforgiving world.... so saber, I salute thee.... may you keep progressing on!
  5. someone up there must really hate you XD
  6. The hero the internet deserves XD
  7. Master Sword dropping from dark falz on bluefull XD still no drop XD
  8. A bad ending in "Project Sesilou into the World!" (you must have REALLY wanted to fail in order to see it XD)
  9. Made a city, then made same city entrance with different tileset... which one do you like the most? I kinda like both but I can only afford to make 1 version atm...
  10. anyone using raidcall? it's like I had it installed once but I forgot if we even had a group or not

  11. I've got to get one myself too, I beg of you please let me get one on the weekend T_T
  12. Did I... just surpass DJ on the rep chart? the world is ending! O:

  13. yeah but have you seen the shield's elemental resistances? having to sol atomize/cure-confuse/anti that confusion away is but a small price to pay for being able to survive a megid or 2 and occasionally nullify an enemy attack. (pair it up with some perfect/resists and you get absurd elemental resistance) either way what I like to do is switch between red ring and FTD depending on the mob I'm fighting against to avoid excessive damage.
  14. Neither of my attempts at taking on the tower has succeeded On the other hand I think it might be because it doesn´t drop on bluefull Yeah... it´s quite a shame really I was really hoping that the long climb was worth it Only at the top after taking down Epsilon, a lowly monomate was dropped Unimpressed by such a lame drop, I now leave once more towards EPIV hoping for a better drop.
  15. Still is a decent shield right? *crickets* Eh... who am I kidding, you people are addicted to power in all forms and sizes XD
  16. that and we would probably NERF it down to 1.5-2k damage (same as DF and DM outputs) except for the fact that they're techs. afaik if it got nerfed and restricted to 5% HP it would make the FO just as viable as a Hunter or a Ranger without actually making it superior to one another.... like I said.... this would be the FO's "new" dark weapon ability of sorts... Hunters have DF, Rangers got DM, and now FO's would be able to tech zerk.... afaik the only one that gets it easier are the rangers because they don't need to be in the 5% HP risk zone, unlike the other 2 to pull high damage. it's all a matter of being able to dodge or not XD
  17. I'd still go for 5% HP, I mean really high power SHOULD come with a high restrain. this is not a multi-target weapon we're talking about here gentlement... it's techs.... as long as it's on the right radius and in the zonde family (this means a 360 degree wall of destruction) it is only fair that all attacks should downright kill an unaware Force. similar to the dark flow... just because you have one does not mean you should disregard surroundings with the excuse of dealing 1-2k damage, newbie hunters would get OH-KO'ed at the slight mistake. besides if we kept it under the 5% condition, combat FO's would have a more solid reason to use excal. Excal, then at 5% HP, start tech zerking until either healed or dead.
  18. Think about it for a second... if we added a condition to this MST "bug" such as using it while under 5% HP. this would literally be Tech Zerking. basically having a FO deal good spell damage WHILE having any hit taken result in death. a FO's counterpart to the Hunter's Dark Flow special... except for MST only. you could even have the dark bridge trigger this to put it on par with the other 2 dark weapons O:
  19. hold on a sec... can't we use this in a different approach? an items grants this correct? why not remove the bug from the shield BUT still keep this concept? say,,, an item that when used boosted TEC to these levels for say.... 20 seconds max? think of these as 20 sec steroids, (maybe to even it out make all damage player received to be fatal or something else) thing is... it's quite a neat little discovery to just wish it away into oblivion, well IMO of course.
  20. Bluefull STILL gets no love....

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