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Everything posted by R.A.V.S.O

  1. I always wanted a yellow name in-game XD but blue is pretty good XD
  2. you know it's not the first time I had the purple name before XD but thanks XD
  3. si tiene oportunidad vallan formando equipo y denominen a un lider,
  4. esque si meto la traduccion no habria espacio o el post se haria muy grande. pero creeme en si el objetivo era ver si por casualidad la comunidad del habla hispana sobrepasaba de actividad a la comunidad de ingles ya que ustedes tienen fama de buen trabajo en equipo esto seria mas facil de manejar XD pero en si... el poll sirve para ver cuanta gente esta dispuesta a participar. entre mas mejor XD
  5. The Italian lyrics speak for themselves XD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKWDWAJldWU
  6. esque son 2 fases.... detras de la puerta anda la fase 2.
  7. there is a folder called "install me first" it installs a spriteset called RGSS-RTP, basically where the main sprites are, once you have that done you can play it.
  8. did you use the installer? first run the installer then double click or the "R." icon to begin
  9. btw to all playtesters... how was the demo?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. King Ra

      King Ra

      i want to play the demo D;

    3. R.A.V.S.O


      there's a topic done in the off-topic section, there's a link there

    4. Zero


      lo voy a probar el demo sesi :P

  10. "Becoming a D-SOLDIER was only the first step, success at it's task is another thing." STORY: They say there is more than one universe.... a theory attempts to prove the existence of multiple if not infinite clusters of universes each separated by a fragile blanket of space continuum... until now. A former organization of scientists, mercenaries and engineers also known as the Dimensional Soldiers (D-SOLDIERS) has begun experimentation on a dimension travel facility capable of warping it's passengers into an alternate dimension, This facility has been dubbed as: "The Dimensional Arc" as promising as such technology appears, dimension travel itself is random and unpredictable, and under improper hands downright dangerous. Project Sesilou into the World commences just as the dimensional arc is facing completion and becomes fully operational, fellow D-SOLDIER trainee Sesilou readies himself to become a full fledged D-SOLDIER and plunge into the unknown.... what awaits for him in the dark corners of the fabric of reality? what are the D-SOLDIERS intentions? (A brief note for the user: storyline is still on beta, and thus can be openly discussed via PM's or another post, however this section will include default story-line until changed..) What YOU get in this demo: Ok so this demo has no story-line or that many maps.... it's rather a demo to test consistency, some features, get a feel for the battle system, and possibly (here's hoping) a good way to attract people into making a development team for this project, it's a rather moderate project, possible to do alone but will take time, then again feel free to always PM any constructive criticism you may have, there is ALWAYS room for that sort of things... anyways moving on. CHARACTERS: FEATURES: (Quick note here, some features are still WIP and yet to be included but are mostly planned but not yet added just because it's labeled as a WIP does not make it a hollow promise) -Front-view Active Time Battle System -Ring Menu, (similar to Secret of Mana) -[WIP] Item Metamorphosis, (several items change according to environments, ex: potions freeze in icy areas) -Fake First Person View -[WIP] Storyline in chapters -[WIP] Alternate Realities, (each place you visit has up to 3 possible alternate realities, each reality with it's own chapter, they include new maps and in some cases changes to the gameplay) -Bosses you will probably die at if you plain start spamming the C key for an easy win. -Interactive Environments, (this will develop a LOT more in the final product) -[WIP] Password System (inputting a password in a new game gives you a different plot-line) -[WIP] Custom animations (I've had some ready for the demo but lost them, I'll eventually add them accordingly) SCREENSHOTS: These screenshots are taken from the demo, I'll eventually update as I map along. ring menu Fake First person view The corridor to the core The Intrusion Defense System Front-view Battle System Boss encounters: DEMO DOWNLOAD: Weights approximately 70 Mb, link: http://www.mediafire...7ey4yt4qa86d98w CREDITS: The credits can be seen in-game by either talking to the credits NPC in the hub or clearing the demo the list is still on beta and can change accordingly as this project takes shape. enjoy the demo!
  11. Into the World!... once more

  12. My advice..... stay low, use hiragana and if someone says die non-JP users.... simply nod and run.
  13. Well that's what you get from the Land of the Rising Xenophobic Sun.... I just hope you guys haven't purchased any ark cash stuff.... those cost IRL T_T but yeah.... they just killed off about 40-50% of players online.... way to go SEGA.
  14. Some people are really bad at attempting to scam items of people.... they end up being scammed themselves XD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. R.A.V.S.O


      that's what makes the counter-scam more fun XD

    3. serverus


      well maybe u can solve that xD

    4. R.A.V.S.O


      I just did... it was hilarious XD

  15. Updated screenshot of Sesilou into the World! http://i47.tinypic.com/2ahv8kk.png the blades instantly kill.

  16. I've come from the net... Through systems, peoples and cities To this place: Ultima Server, My Format: Hunter, "To melee and hunt-down, to defend my allies and make dark falz tremble in fear" They say The User lives outside the Net And inputs TTF's/RT's for grinding. No one knows for sure, but I intend to find out! REBOOT!

  17. hmm unless you've been to scht we don't use anti-hack, because anti-hack itself runs processes that block suspicious programs from being used, the downside is,,, if Im using ms paint, and rename it's .exe into trainer-hacks.exe then most likely anti-hack WILL shoot it down personally any program that run unwanted processes in one's computer to me IMO is deemed a virus or possible malware and I'd rather delete it, too many collisions.
  18. was never a fan of tsundere.... I feel someone would slip poison in my drink
  19. As promised... a new Sesilou into The World Project demo is soon to be uploaded, (but right now Im tired as hell XD) so do expect a post soon with a download link ;)

    1. Elision


      indeed took you a while Rav, im still with a few ideas on mind so hey make a topic about sugestions for your game so i can post stuff there <: and also whoever got some nice ideas xD

    2. King Ra

      King Ra

      i want to play the game :D

    3. oran
  20. By the looks of the first comment... I can deduce this is a ragequit.
  21. ^ Inscription in nyan cat's tombstone.
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