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Everything posted by Yannv

  1. Well, I don't think it is needed to raise your bid since you still have the current highest bid, but, if you insist then I'll do it (maybe you want to be safe that you won't be outbid). Aigis have the CHB! (equivalent offer of 528 PDs). By the way, there's 4 hours and 20 minutes left for the auction to end! I'll be available at 10:30 PM to make the deal!
  2. A> SJS. 12 hours left!


  3. CHB! (equivalent offer of 440 PDs) By the way, there is 12 Hours left!
  4. Since Champione retreated his offer, this is the current CHB: Garland - 330 PDs
  5. Bump. CHB so far: Ametie - 320 PDs.
  6. CHB! 120 PDs -> 99 PDs you get 30% of attributes + 20 PDs for 5% of attributes = 35% atts. 15 DTS = 35% atts. (15/120)=(1/8). Plus not many people have DTs to spend so that ratio is fair imo. I don't understand what you mean. > @KILL. Thank you bro!
  7. Do you want an advice? I think you should forget that guide. I mean, what's the purpose of making a 11/186/3/0 mag? There's another mag guide for making a 3/182/15/0 mag which is also a mag that maxes HUcast. But you will need a PPP mag to achieve these stats. I'm sure 15 DEX is much more useful than 11 DEF, so give a try
  8. Sealed J-Sword Auction!


  9. ✰✰✰ Sealed J-Sword Auction ✰✰✰ I left it untekked so you can have the pleasure of tekking it by yourself Wants DT's or PD's only (ratio 1:8) Starting Bid: 40 DT's or 320 PD's Deadline: May 24, 2017 10:00 PM GMT-03:00 (Brasilia) Rules Please only offer PDs/DTs/stuff that you already have. Avoid retreating your offer. This is to avoid confusion for the people bidding. If you really have to retreat your offer, I'll be prohibiting you to start bidding again on this topic. Who is forbidden to bid on this topic: - Champione Good luck to all bidders!
  10. I see dead people on this screenshot :"L
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